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Thread: Diet and workout questions for women

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Lees Summit, MO

    Diet and workout questions for women

    Hey guys. I just joined yesterday and I have some questions. I am trying to get started all over "the right way" with diet and working out. I have been working out for many years and also teach dance part time. Now, I have started working part time in a gym teaching classes, but I still think that I need to lift more and change my cardio some. My legs are my tough areas!!!!! Can anyone give me daily diet suggestions and maybe ideas for a weight lifting start up. BTW - I have never tried any type of steroids, just fat burners.

    I buy all of my supplements at

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    How do you lift now? What cardio do you do (outside of class)? What do you eat now?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Lees Summit, MO
    I lift two, maybe three times a week. I know that's not enough, but I need to find a type of lifting structure for myself. For cardio, I do step, kickboxing, run, and the eliptical. Gosh, what do I eat????? Well, since I am working temporarily for allsportsnutrition, I get daily doses of protein and meal replacements, and of course I eat A Lot of chicken, turkey, vegeatables. I eat low carbs, but my weaknesses are fruit and chocolate.
    I buy all of my supplements at

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Maybe try a muscular endurance/cicuit workout starting off. I tried it about 6 months ago and I stayed the same weight and lost 3% bf. Only did it for 7 weeks, then went back to hypertrophy training. I really liked it. I did legs one day, and arms the next. I used 50% of my max and did 3 sets of 25 on week one increasing to 3 sets of 35 by week 6. It was rough and burned worse than anything I've ever done, but it did the trick I maintained muscle and lost fat. You get almost no rest so your Heart rate stays up for the hour your lifting. Also lunges are excellent for the legs. Hits all those problem areas. Some of the leg problem may just be genetics and nothing can be done about that. I'll send you my workout if you want it. Diet is hard. Most girls ( i know I do) have a hard time letting the sugar go and eating more meat. eww!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Lees Summit, MO
    Thanks PVGirl!!!!! I appreciate the humor! I needed that laugh. Sure, if you wouldn't mind sending me what you have, that would be great. I would totally appreciate it!
    I buy all of my supplements at

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    I'll send it to you tomorrow morning. Have it saved on other computer. Like the dancing banana! And don't worry about trying to eat perfect. Let yourself have a cheat day of chocolate or whatever. I tried not eating it and i was a bitch and then would just splurge adn blow everything. Now if i'm good all week i get to have some one day of the week. It works out great that way. I keep my sanity and leaning up is still possible. boyfriend appreciates it too. hehe

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