OK I've just dumped my 56k connection for the joys of broadband so I wanna start viewing juicy MMA fights online, where do I get the best one's?.
OK I've just dumped my 56k connection for the joys of broadband so I wanna start viewing juicy MMA fights online, where do I get the best one's?.
Bouncer, have you ever used bit torrent? If you have I will forward to you later when I get home from work a site that is loaded with fights! All the UFC, KOTC, PRIDE's etc! Tons of fights!
If you want clips of fights or highlight reals go to sherdog, he's got tons...
Thanks, had a look in Sherdog just before posting, but my 90mg of ephedrine and a strong coffee are starting to kick ass and I'm not thinking straight, lol.. Seriously speeding here now![]()
You need to hookup Kazaa. And remind me to send you a couple when I see you on MSN, I have a few good ones on my hard drive.
I have kazaa, and talk to you ltr. I'm on the door in 2 hours but we'll chat ltr.
I get tons from kazaa.
Sherdog has really nice highlight videos.
you can gety short clips from kazaa, for longer clips peope usually cut you off and it takes weeks-months to get the entire thing downloaded. Go to sherdog and enter the forums section, then go to pictures and multimedia and they have clips and highlights but not complete fights.
www.mma-fighter.com has good highlights and clips, just sign up its free!!
Sherdog is great. I take the highlights and use a piece of software to convert the mpegs to DVD burnable files. Then make a DVD with a highlight film as a chapter. It gets me all worked up before watching the next Pay Per View. I know you said you have trouble getting the pay per views. If you look on Ebay there are people who record the ppv to their computers hard drive, then burn to DVD and sell them for $8-10.
I actually took advantage of that a few times, for 12bucks i bought a pride dvd that had the latest pride 10days after it was on PPV!! and the quality was great! this guy nto only put it on DVD but he even set up the chapters so that u can navigate the dvd liek the original prode dvd's!!
i don't have 8-12 bucks...wish i did... but i'll download some off kazaa
is there another site other then www.mma-fighter.com that has lots of clips that anyone knows about cause at mma-fighter.com they all put the clips on yousendit.com but the clips can't be veiwed there anymore cause anything over 10mb has been suspended to do and over load of data or something....thx
i got tons of stuff to send you,
my msn is [email protected]
free MMA Videos ???wooo sign me up
thx GQ-Bouncer and H-Bol not full videos just clips
who/what is sherdog?
i don't know but up at the top of this thread people were talking about it.... i think its a website but i don't know for sure
i got to get a good site to watch clips at work
do a search for dc++ on google and go to there homepage and download it. Its by far the best file sharing program I have ever used. You can probably find most pride and ufc fights there.
www.sherdog.com for those who haven't been there. Sorry no one mentioned it b4, I just assume everyone knows of Sherdog.
Anyone seen a clip yet online of Quinton Jackson's last fight. I would like to have that!
i visited www.sherdog.com last night... i downloaded about 10-12 clips of fights, its really a great site but i never knew of it until someone mentioned it last night.
im going to check it out now and put my two cents in later
mma-fighter.com has some great stuff. You just have to register. Check out this list:
Ken Shamrock Highlight By FryeGuy 5:07-49MB
Matt Hughes Highlight By FryeGuy 4:52-38.8MB
Cro Cop Highlight by VitorBelly 3:46-36.0MB
Schilt Highlight by FryeGuy 2:48-22.1MB
Herring Highlight by FryeGuy 4:07-33.0MB
Sudo Highlight by VitorBelly 3:43-35.3MB
Pride 26 Highlight by VitorBelly 6:59-67.7MB
Fedor Highlight by Vitorbelly 4:02-37.9MB
pride GP Highlight by FryeGuy 8:23-67.3MB
Boxing Ko's by VitorBelly 4:08-39.1MB
Randleman Highlight by Vitorbelly 4:15-40.0MB
K-1 Hitz Part 2 by VitorBelly 3:35-34.7MB
Sefo Highlight by VitorBelly 4:40-44.5MB
Pulver Highlight by FryeGuy 4:19-34.9MB
Funaki Highlight by FryeGuy 2:51-22.9MB
Pride 17 Highlight by pSyKOaLby 12:59-70.8MB
Mir Highlight by FryeGuy 3:45-34.7MB
Lindland Highlight by Fryeguy 4:02-38.8MB
Tom Erikson Highlight by VitorBelly
UFC 47 Highlight by VitorBelly 8:25-70.9MB
Bushido 3 HL by VitorBelly 13:27-75.3MB
Fedor Fights:
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