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Thread: My First shot - UPDATE

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  1. #1
    G-S Guest

    My First shot - UPDATE

    Well, it's been about 14 hours since my first shot of Sus/Deca. I posted a thread last night about how smooth it went, and how I was a little sore, but not nearly as sore as I thought I may be.


    I work nights. Slowly through the night, my ass got more and more sore. To the point of not being able to sit down on my left cheek, at all. Walking is proving VERY difficult as well. I had a VERY hard time just getting in and out of my truck when coming home this morning.

    I hope this shit doesn't last. If this is what I have to look forward to for the next 8+ weeks, maybe I need to rethink...

    Damn I'm sore.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    If you are mixing the sus and deca you should not feel so much pain.As sus alone is more painfull.JMO.

  3. #3
    G-S Guest
    I mixed the 2, yes, and the pain is STILL there.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    Bro, shit happens. You are inserting a harpoon-like needle into a place that has never experienced synthetic hormones ever before. I'd be scared if it WASN'T sore. It takes a couple weeks before your shots will become 'pain-free'. Don't worry bro, anyone who has shot sust has been in your shoes...don't give up over having a sore ass.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the vast wasteland
    papa is right g.s. you will get used to it brother, be patient and dont give it up yet, ok?

    peace bb79

  6. #6
    G-S Guest
    Well, I'm actually looking forward to my thursday shot, so I can even some pain out in the other asscheeck.

    But damn, yesterday I thought everything was smooth as silk, and today I can't even walk, sit, stand..etc..


    And, btw, what makes the shots pain free in a coupla weeks? Are you saying my body will adjust to having it shot in there, or that I will just get used to the pain?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the vast wasteland
    if you are shooting yourself, your technique will get better the more you do this, and also, the glutes arent used to the juice being in there as of now. youre just starting out, and will take a while before your muscles get used to having that foreign material in there. im sure other bros will also have other reasons for your soreness, but these are the 1st 2 that come to mind for me. make sure youre very sterile in your approach, and you will be fine.

    peace bb79

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    ontario, Canada
    dont freak out's your first's somethin' different to your body...and you most likely shook a little when you were it will hurt for a good 4 days..walk around get some blood flowing in tha cheeks!!!!

  9. #9
    G-S Guest
    Thanks for the input guys. I appreciate it.

  10. #10
    Ive been posting on other boards to find out about this too..... sat. morning 1ml sus. shot, screwed It all up, went in crooked as hell, injected way too fast, I think, It Is sore to the point where I can't workout, blew off my mon. and tues. workouts...... It doesn't even seem like it will go away....

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Hang in there bro. Things will get better. The price of poping the cherry is a bitch huh?.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    Glutes are good, but to mix it up alittle, try inject in your thigh. It usually is more painful, but for me, I enjoy thigh injects better than glutes, cause I am actually I can see what the hell I am doing, instead of having to twist around and jab a needle in my arse.
    Try taking a shower that looses the muscles, I usually soak in a hot bath and that seems to help. Also, massage the area before and after your infect. Loosen the muscle up to receieve the gear you are fixin to inject into it. massaging after you inject will help. I actually have tried to take a hot towel and place on that injection spot after the inject, and that seemed to sooth the muscle and make it less sore. Hope this helps. It will get better. I am waiting on my sus to get here, so I can get my pain on.. heee heee
    Last edited by Sicilian30; 03-05-2002 at 07:55 PM.

  13. #13
    G-S Guest
    Well, its been 3 days now, and my ass is feeling better. Not pain free yet, and it wont be, since I get poked again tomorrow.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2002

    What gauge pin did you use? I prefer the delts, they tend to get more movement than the glutes. Try to message the injection location for a few minutes, that will out tremendously. BTW you will get used to it! later bro!

  15. #15
    G-S Guest
    23g, 1 1/2 inch.

  16. #16

    Just kidding. They seem to hurt less if you lubricate the needle by pusing a little juice out and if your hand is steady. Go straight in, inject very slowly, and go straight out. Welcome to the club.

    p.s. Rotate the glutes.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    i feel that it helps that pain if, once you get the full 1 1/2" needle churn it like your churning butter...make the whole lil bit bigger, but a lil alcohol helps that out!!!---- just kiddin--glad to see the pain is slowly leavin!!

  18. #18
    G-S Guest
    Well, the countdown is on. About 24 hours for my next shot. I'm actually lookin forward to the pain the the right it kinda outweighs the pain I still have in the left one.

    I found that some motrin eases the pain a bit.

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