Age: 21
Height: 6'0"
Bodyfat: Below 10%
Before Weight: 174lbs
Bench Max: 310lbs
Squat Max: 405lbs x 4 reps
After: Weight: 198lbs
Bench Max: 360lbs
Squat Max: 500lbs x 5 reps
Week 1: Dianabol 25mg/day
1cc Omnadren250
Week 2: Dianabol 25mg/day
1cc Omnadren250
Week 3: Dianabol 25mg/day
1cc Omnadren250
Week 4: 1cc Sustanon250
Week 5: 1cc Omnadren250
Week 6: 1cc Sustanon250
Week 7: 1cc Sustanon250
Week 8: 1cc Sustanon250
I only had enough cash for 3 weeks of Dianabol and I gained most of my weight during these three weeks. After that I gained mainly in strength.
I was off everything for 4 weeks and kept 14lbs on my body weight and only lost 10 lbs on my bench. I just started my second cycle and have gained 11lbs in my first week (mostly water obviously but good non the less). I'm taking 20mg Dianabol / day and 1cc omnadren / week.
Let me know what you think!!!! I'll hopefully have some before and after pics soon!!