For my first cycle im thinking of stacking sus, deca, and dbol, is that a good beg. looking to put on a solid 15-20 pounds in a month or so....also what anti-estrogens should i take during/after.
For my first cycle im thinking of stacking sus, deca, and dbol, is that a good beg. looking to put on a solid 15-20 pounds in a month or so....also what anti-estrogens should i take during/after.
your asking us? I'm sure if you researched you saw a good cyle with those 100,000,000,000 times man! but yes they are good and keep nolvadex on hand in case gyno signs and take clomid/creatine post cycle for gains. sust 500mg/wk deca 00mg/wk or 300mg/wk and 25mg/ed dbol good luck,
flex hit it!! however do 400mg deca & d-bol 40mg/day! you will explode!!
I like it. 250-500mg sus/300mg deca/25-30mg dbol. Looking back, I wish I did that for my first cycle. Although, I prefer test cyp and would use it instead of the sus. Have some Nolvadex on hand.
How old are you and what are your stats?
screw the sustanon........
deca 400mg/weeks1-10
enanthate 500mg /weeks1-10
dbol 30-40mg ed weeks 1-4
dont forget clomid-3 weeks after your last shot and you will probably need nolva, or proviron for gyno symptoms. liquidex or arimidex is better if you can swing it.
peace bb79
WHy screw the sust? hehe
I like it. I am on the same cycle as is being questioned about. Just waiting to blow up.
sustanon is too iffy on when to start your clomid. i know you can probably make a pretty good guess, but if you guess wrong, the 1st 3-4 days of clomid is wasted. i also dont like the roller coaster effect of sustanon, long and short esters, its just to much of a pain in the ass to figure out whats kickin and whats fadin. i would rather go with something clean and know when to start my post cycle supps.........Originally posted by Gettin Stupid
WHy screw the sust? hehe
peace bb79
sust is too expensive. just use cyp or enanthate.
if your goals aren't to get super huge from this cycle, you don't need to use more than 1000mg/wk of total steroids. the combos look good. just adjust the mg accordingly.
i was thinking i may just take dbols and deca, then 50 mg winnie pills, then start on the clomid, does that sound right????
Winny and D-bol are both 17aa and hard on the liver. Not a good idea to take em both in same cycle.
i just finished the same cyc... it was pretty nice, but i dont like sustanon because you cant be too sure about the time-release effect as said above, which sucks for knowing when to start your clomid, and it also sucks because some times the injections were brutal as compared to what i prefer (enanthate) i still ahve a nasty lump on my shoulder from 2ccs sustanon, which swelled up my whole shoulder and upper arm for 4 days, almost went to the hospital because i though it was infected. if its your first, i know people will disagree but fuckin take it easy, and you better have a decent foundation to build off and not someone just looking for an easy escape, i see that shit all the time and its aggrivating. take 300mg deca and 200mg test. enanthate once a week for 10wks. dbols you dont really need but it couldnt hurt, and you should take 5 a day (25mg) (i like the thai pinkies) for the first 4 wks or so... you should have some fun, good luck.
I agree. If you can get cyp or enan do that.
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