This might be a dumb question but lets say you have two 200mg/10 ml vials and both are deca but one is made by brovell and other is made by Ttokkyo, can you take both together as a 8 week cycle? Oh yea that is a 400 mg a week
This might be a dumb question but lets say you have two 200mg/10 ml vials and both are deca but one is made by brovell and other is made by Ttokkyo, can you take both together as a 8 week cycle? Oh yea that is a 400 mg a week
He's right, Deca will be deca as long as it's the real deal. You sure you don't want to stack anything with it? If not make sure you have some Viagra on hand "just in case"!Originally posted by sk*
The brand will make little or no difference, but deca only is not a good cycle.
Before you start this cycle, ask Mr. Johnson if he's okay with being out of commission for a while. Get some test or winny.
You shouldn't have a problem but get something else to stack with it by itself you will see little gains and as Excess said, "Mr Johnson" won't be very happy...
As the guys have said no difference deca is deca but re-think your cycle it is not a very good one
Originally posted by rangerdudeleads
This might be a dumb question but lets say you have two 200mg/10 ml vials and both are deca but one is made by brovell and other is made by Ttokkyo, can you take both together as a 8 week cycle? Oh yea that is a 400 mg a week
I though ttokkyo's deca was 300mg/ml, watch for that, and make sure your getting the right dosages.
you can switch brands, but keep in mind the dosing isn't exactly the same between 2 brands, but that usually won't matter too much.
deca only is a poor choice.
im gonna take t-200 too
deca and t200 together should be a farely decent cycle. i would suggest some dbol in there around 30 mgs a week for weeks 1-4 to kind of kickstart your cycle until the test gets going
Big J
Here is an idea... say you're doing 400 mg a week deca and 400 mg t200. Now you would break that up into 2 shots a week, one on sun and wed, 200 mg deca + 200 mg test. Why not alternate brands of deca on the different days.
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