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Thread: Know Your Rights! Don't Ever Talk To The Cops!

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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Secret Volcano Lair

    Know Your Rights! Don't Ever Talk To The Cops!

    needless to say, we live in one of the best countries in the world because we citizens are given so many basic rights for our own protection. unfortunately many don't have full knowledge of these rights or don't understand the importance of upholding these rights.

    by being in this lifestyle you're putting yourself at risk for getting a visit by law enforcement. the risk may be very small depending on how careful you are and what risks you take, but it's still there, so it is very important that you understand what your rights are if you do get a visit and be prepared for what you should do.

    when being questioned by law enforcement, never say anything! never sign anything to waive your right to remain silent. this is a very important right, so don't deny yourself of it! the feds will threaten you saying that the judge will frown on you for not cooperating with the investigation, but that all bullshit. remember, the reason they would get frustrated is because they're looking for as much evidence as they can to convict you in the court of law and they're hoping that much of this evidence will come from your mouth. if you don't talk then they can't use that against you in the court of law, so they get pissed. uphold your constitutional right to not talk to law enforcement, even if they just want to ask you questions about someone else. a statistic given to me by a lawyer says that 90% of people arrested for the first time waive their right to remain silent and ends up talking either out of fear, ignorance, or the belief that they can convince law enforcement of their innocence. this statistic goes way down for 2nd and 3rd time offenders when they learn that talking can only hurt them. even if you're completely innocent, the cops can twist your words around and make you look guilty in court. i've seen it happen before. if your explanations of innocence really makes sense do you think the feds are going to provide that as evidence in court to help you out? hell no! they leave out anything you say that may help you and keep anything that makes you look incriminating. bottom line: NEVER TALK TO THE FEDS NO MATTER HOW MUCH THEY THREATEN YOU

    a good place to store your valubles away from feds attention is a friend's home. if he's not willing to take on the responsibility then put it in a gym locker or storage facility. search warrants almost never encompass these places.

    never consent to a search of your house. it doesn't matter if they show you a search warrant or not. they'll search anyway if they have a warrant, but just let it be on record that you did not give permission to search because the warrant usually has restrictions as to how much the feds can search and what they can take, but if you give consent to search then that will superscede any limitations of the search warrant.

    never consent to a search of your vehicle if you have anything to hide. the only way they can legally search your vehicle and use the evidence they find against you in court is if they have a search warrant or your permission. you will not be arrested if you uphold your right to not let them search you car.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Miami, Fla
    From one post whore to another, that's good advice Dr. Evil.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Or move to canada, we can have personal amounts no problem just as long as they can't prove you brought or are selling them. Go figure that law out....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Its a schedule 4 in canada and a schedule 3 in the states the difference is that in the states they throw you in jail I think (unfortunately) and here in canada they probably dont do much probably just throw out your juice unless there is something else to aggravate. I dont think your allowed to posess it though.. not sure

    Quote Originally Posted by silverfox
    Or move to canada, we can have personal amounts no problem just as long as they can't prove you brought or are selling them. Go figure that law out....

  5. #5
    If you can have personal amounts then how much considered a personel amount?

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Steroids are bad ummkay?
    I never let them search my car, regardless of what I do or dont have in it. i think its kind of fucked up that a cop thinks he can just look through my shit because I'm driving late at night or whatever. When i'm with my friends they always consent to search because they're scared. Of course if you say no they ask what you're hiding and I just say i'm protecting my privacy. One cop went on and on with me and kept bugging me about it for five minutes straight so I told him that I would follow him to his house, go through his personal car and house, then he can search mine. He let me go.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    That is good advise Dr. Remember when you talk now they know what they know and what you know. Keep your mouth shut and get a lawyer if you can not afford one then one will be appointed to you. Maranda (if i spelled that right) 101 rights.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    NW of DFW TX
    I have many friends that have "given" in to cops before because the cops were telling them they are "friends", or will they will work with you if you work with them!!!! That's BS.

    A cop that pulls you over or comes to your house is not your friend!!!! No matter what they say or how they say it! It is their job to get evidence against you. If they don't get evidence, they are not doing their job effectively. So, in other words, if you don't cave in to their demands, their job is not being done not effectively and they will have to go someplace else.

    Many times they word their question for consent in very ambiquos (sp?) manner. "Please get out of the car" Is that asking you if you will get out of your car or demanding you to get out of your car? "We are going to search your car now, ok" Theoretically, you do not have to do anything unless you have been arrested, i.e. in your autiomobile. You can ask the officer if you are under arrest, and if he says no, say "Sir, I would rather stay in my car right now" or "Sir, I do not want you to search whatever". Many times, just being polite and saying "no" will cut them off. Many people don't realize you can do certain things, they just assume that if a cop says something then it has to be done. Very good post Dr E.


  9. #9
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    Steroids are bad ummkay?
    You are right about most of that, but if a cop asks you to step out, you have to do so. they may be trying to ascertain (ooh good word!) your sobriety. You dont necessarily have to be under arrest. You can actually be arrested for failure to obey an order from a public officer. Example: A friend of mine parked illegally in front of my apts. A parking enforcement officer pulled up and called a tow truck. Before the truck got there he went out to move the car, even though the lady told him he wasn't allowed to. After he did anyway, the real cops showed up and took his ass to jail for failure to obey her. The judge convicted him and he got 15 hours c.s. We were both a little surprised about that. So basicly if a cop orders you to do something, do it. Its probably ok if you ask, "are you ordering me to do this?" if you really want to. Also, cops can briefly look inside your car without any warrants or permission, they get away with this by saying they're checking for weapons that you could decide to use on them, so they look on and even under the front two seats.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Land of milk and honey.
    Just an additional comment. Many think that the police have to tell you the truth. One of their biggest tactics in setting you up and getting you to talk and hurt your case is that they will lie to you in order to get under your skin and have you say something that will get you in more trouble. When the police are speaking to you they can lie, lie, and lie some more in an attempt to get you upset enought to say something. For example they like to seperate people when questioning tehm, partly to keep you from hearing the others person's story (in case they don't match) but also so they can lie and say the other person said something to implicate you. This is in hopes that you will either turn on the other person or slip up and implicate yourself. Good post, best to keep your mouth shut, talk to a lawyer only, deal with it in court.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by sp9 View Post
    Many think that the police have to tell you the truth. One of their biggest tactics in setting you up and getting you to talk and hurt your case is that they will lie to you in order to get under your skin and have you say something ...
    Definitely true. If cops can make another check on their "case-solved" list and "crime-stopped" list faster, or if they just don`t particularly like you, they may lie to you just like that and set you up without two blinks.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by sp9 View Post
    just an additional comment. Many think that the police have to tell you the truth. One of their biggest tactics in setting you up and getting you to talk and hurt your case is that they will lie to you in order to get under your skin and have you say something that will get you in more trouble. When the police are speaking to you they can lie, lie, and lie some more in an attempt to get you upset enought to say something. For example they like to seperate people when questioning tehm, partly to keep you from hearing the others person's story (in case they don't match) but also so they can lie and say the other person said something to implicate you. This is in hopes that you will either turn on the other person or slip up and implicate yourself. Good post, best to keep your mouth shut, talk to a lawyer only, deal with it in court.
    you could't be more right don't talk great post !

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    NW of DFW TX
    Anytime a cop "demands" you to do something, do it or risk getting your ass beat or shot.

    Sometimes their "demand" is not truly a demand though. Many people do not realize this. The other thing I mentioned was "be polite" and to say "yes sir, no sir".

    In the case with the car, the law had already been broken (car parked illegaly) and your buddy was interfering with an officer.

    If a cop "asks" you to step out, you can answer "sir, no thanks". If a cop "tells" you to step out, get the hell out of your car!!!!!

    But that's what I was saying, many times the cops are not clear on how they say things. Then when it comes to court and your attorney is trying to claim illegal search and seizure, the DA says not true because you voluntarily got out of your car and you let them search it!!!


    Last edited by tryingtogetbig; 03-18-2002 at 01:25 PM.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    As a newbie....this is a great post. Thanx Dr. Evil for lookin' out for all of us. Thanx for the knowlegeable post.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Glad I live in the UK sometimes when it comes to AAS

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    your stock is rising, Dr. Evil

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Miami, Fla
    Originally posted by Billy Boy
    Glad I live in the UK sometimes when it comes to AAS
    Like the new avatar Billy Boy !

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Rhelm of Disarray
    Quote Originally Posted by Canes4Ever
    Like the new avatar Billy Boy !
    His is Cool, Yours Sucks - Go Seminoles!! Chop Chop!
    LOL, J/K Bro!

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Steroids are bad ummkay?
    I see what you're saying now ttgb, I read your post too fast the first time. You're right on. And scott, about them lying, you couldn't be more right about that. I have seen so many people fall into that trap! I have had a cop threaten to take me to jail because I wouldn't tell him who two people racing motorcycles down my street were. I kept telling him i didn't know them and take me to jail if he wants. Needless to say, he didn't!

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    .99 cent store
    Another great post by Dr. Evil. Good looking out bro.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Where there's more than corn
    Dr.Evil, again you amaze me. you have some of the best posts on here. thanks for the GREAT info. i know you have been a big help not only to the new guys, but even to the vets. i think your status should be changed to "Wiseman" lol

    Big J

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    Secret Volcano Lair
    i'm happy i can help.

  23. #23
    Join Date
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  24. #24
    Join Date
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    Bump again.

    I've consented to searches by the police of my car because I knew they could find nothing and I wanted to go on my way. That may have been a mistake. Being in a hurry and wanting to cooporate with the cops to satisfy them so you can get on with life may be another flaw of common interaction with law enforcement. The "I just want to look under your seat" request is tantamount to saying "You may search my car" from a legal perpective. Be careful to what you consent and remember in the court of law it's your word against the police officer - if you really think they're going to be honest i've got some land in south Florida i'd like to sell you.

  25. #25
    hey, this information is awesome. i guess there is a lot i dont know about the law, and if any of you have any good internet links or books that explain this kind of shit, i would definetly appreciate some info on that, thanks a lot.

  26. #26
    the main reason, and its a little off topic...i got a speeding ticket, and i wasnt going even 10mph close to the speed he gave me, have no idea as to what i can do to save my ass. there must be some stuff and im constantly looking, i will lose my liscence for a whole year if convicted for this.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by popeyethasailah View Post
    the main reason, and its a little off topic...i got a speeding ticket, and i wasnt going even 10mph close to the speed he gave me, have no idea as to what i can do to save my ass. there must be some stuff and im constantly looking, i will lose my liscence for a whole year if convicted for this.
    popeye, deny you were speeding and request discovery on the last calibration testing on the mechaninsm used to record your speed then attack the validity of the devise. If they "clocked" you using a radar gun they should have a record of a recent calibration on the machine as required or you may be able to have it thrown out as an unreliable source. If the cop pulled behind you and paced you with his car, request the video from his dash cam showing his sustaned speed and duration as well as his vehicle last and current speed omoter test record. Also what size tires and the inflation, as well as the temperature outside, becasue after all if he was 10 miles an hour off you honor, somehting was absolutley wrong. It is your right to discovery of any relevant facts and they wil usually dismiss as not worht the time, ot you can find an error. Good luck bro!

  28. #28
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    between the flaps
    Quote Originally Posted by higherdesire View Post
    popeye, deny you were speeding and request discovery on the last calibration testing on the mechaninsm used to record your speed then attack the validity of the devise. If they "clocked" you using a radar gun they should have a record of a recent calibration on the machine as required or you may be able to have it thrown out as an unreliable source. If the cop pulled behind you and paced you with his car, request the video from his dash cam showing his sustaned speed and duration as well as his vehicle last and current speed omoter test record. Also what size tires and the inflation, as well as the temperature outside, becasue after all if he was 10 miles an hour off you honor, somehting was absolutley wrong. It is your right to discovery of any relevant facts and they wil usually dismiss as not worht the time, ot you can find an error. Good luck bro!
    be very careful with speeding defenses. If it's serious enough that you may lose your license, get a lawyer, no follow the advice regarding things like "how to get out of speeding tickets" like calling for the calibration record, etc

    many years ago i had to appear in a big city court on a very minor traffic violation. i was waiting in line watching all the guys in front of me go before the judge and explain their cases. this one guy comes with a folder containing papers and he just began to go into this "defense"; it was obvious that he had prepared this whole shpiel to get out of his speeding ticket.
    afternoon in a big city with a long line of defendents before him, that judge had no patience for "petty" justice. he cut the poor guy off immediately and gave him a guilty verdict and a fine. all of his prep was a waste.

    the thread is old, but a lot of people find it relevant. maybe it should be closed and stickified.

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Nice post. I'm happy that I live in Belgium

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Just one point to add. I don't know about all fifty, but in New Jersey in order for a poice officer to even ask you to conduct a consensual search of your vehical they will first need reasonable suspition. If you gave him no reasonale suspition ask him what he has on you. Some cops make things up after a finding has been made. Throw them off by asking them questions. If you come across like you have knowledge of laws it could change the way they will deal with you. They will be less likely to break any of your constitutional rights. Police get away with breaking rights every day because not enough people know them.........

  31. #31
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    Originally posted by popeyethasailah
    the main reason, and its a little off topic...i got a speeding ticket, and i wasnt going even 10mph close to the speed he gave me, have no idea as to what i can do to save my ass. there must be some stuff and im constantly looking, i will lose my liscence for a whole year if convicted for this.
    unfortunately you will have to pay for a lawyer if you want to fight this. it's hard for cops to prove in a court of law that you were speeding.

  32. #32
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    Originally posted by popeyethasailah
    the main reason, and its a little off topic...i got a speeding ticket, and i wasnt going even 10mph close to the speed he gave me, have no idea as to what i can do to save my ass. there must be some stuff and im constantly looking, i will lose my liscence for a whole year if convicted for this.
    Hey man there are a lot of things you can do for this. the first and easies thing is (plead not guilty) then talk to the prosecuter, explain what happened and how you feel you were not even close to the speed to were ticketed for. then be willing to pay a fine but ask for the points to be dropped.

    All they want is the money. They will most likely change the charge to a general unsafe operation ticket.

    If they will not do that then continue with your not guilty plea and state your case in front of the judge.

    this all goes out the window if you were traveling at an extremely high rate of speed.

    Safe driving

  33. #33
    Join Date
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    u never fail us..another great post

  34. #34
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  35. #35
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    how about a bump for dr. evil !

  36. #36
    Join Date
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    I don't know about you guys but I am really starting to like this Dr. Evil guy he is far from evil! Everytime he post it is nothing but goodness! Change your name to Mr. Nice Guy, or something Bump!

  37. #37
    Join Date
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    Originally posted by Kasushi sakuraba
    I don't know about you guys but I am really starting to like this Dr. Evil guy he is far from evil! Everytime he post it is nothing but goodness! Change your name to Mr. Nice Guy, or something Bump!
    I have liked him for a long time!!

    Evil or not, he's the man!




  38. #38
    Join Date
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    bump again and I vote for STICKY status !

  39. #39
    Join Date
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    hey thats all well and good fellas here some more tips if you get caught speeding with radar ask for the calibration ticket each gun has to be calibrated everyday, and if you have to get a lawyer for anything remember what ever you say to him is what he has to use in court they arent allowed to lie in a court of law peace fellas

  40. #40
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    Talking Makes them mad as Hell

    I did that once and he called ma an asshole and got in my face, I just Laught at him. The he got really red and left. what a dick

    Quote Originally Posted by dieseldez View Post
    hey thats all well and good fellas here some more tips if you get caught speeding with radar ask for the calibration ticket each gun has to be calibrated everyday, and if you have to get a lawyer for anything remember what ever you say to him is what he has to use in court they arent allowed to lie in a court of law peace fellas

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