so far this is what i learned on fina
-increase in strength in a short period of time
-no estrogenic conversion
-hardness and vascularity
-moderate gains if taken alone
-fina is fast acting
-progesterone gyno
-mood swings
-slow recovery post cycle
-the prolactic and progesterone release will supprese natural
test levels very quickly from fina, (FINA DICK????)
Other notes i took,
-Clomid Theraphy 3days after fina injection
-Winny,deca,fina,eq all compete for the same receptors
-Some threads i searched recommend vitex to help with prolactin to lower it so progesterone gyno wont be cause possibly,is this true?
-Fina should be taken ED or EOD? to get the effects of the
fat burning components it has,since it has a short half life so i read?