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Thread: Winny

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    New York


    How do i take winny ?
    how much do i take a week and how many times.
    I never took steroids before and i don't know how to
    properly do a cycle. I know that i have to take clomid post cycle but how long after im done with winny?

  2. #2
    don't be scared to use the search feature.

    you need more research too.

    winny - taken every day - 50 mg's; inject it or drink it. clomid 3 / 4 days after last shot.

  3. #3
    how old are you ? what are your stats (height, weight, lifting experience, etc...)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    what are your stats, bro. age, height, weight....goals? what else are you doing with the winny? there is more to it than, "how do i take it." that answer is simple.... but you must take other precautions while doing gear... especially a 17aa like winny. but to answer your question in short, most bros take 50mg/ed or eod. the half-life is about 12 hours or so, so you beging clomid therapy the same day as your last shot.. approx 12 hours afterward. but read for awhile and do some research before doing it, bro... for your own good

    peace and good luck,

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    New York
    5'10 165 21 years old
    working out for about 20 months
    I know i need more resource. I am asking a lot of questions on here and looking up infomation on steroids.
    I want to cut up but i do want to add a little bit of muslce aslo.
    So im not sure if i should just do winny or something else with it or maybe just get some supplement from a gnc.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Secret Volcano Lair
    to get you started, winny is one of the best stacking steroids. don't waste it by using it alone. you could use a few more years of training too.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    btw, what kind of winny?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    New York
    What else should i take with winny ?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    you've definetly not reached your plateau yet. you're young and full of natural testosterone. take advantage of it.... work your ass off for another year... two, really. then consider using gear. just my opinion, but if you ask others it would be a common one. i know what it's like to be young and ready to start and have someone tell you its not time.. it kind of sux. but your body will react to gear better now and in the future if you reach a plateau natually first.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    New York
    I know its good advice. Im not looking to over do i just want something that will make me tighter and i think winny will help me out. I weight 165 i lost 30 pounds but i still have a soft belly i mean how much more weight do i have to lsoe to get rid of it ?
    I really dont want to lsoe any more weight and i know i can do abs and stomach excises but its going to be tuff and im sick of having this soft belly i lost 30 pounds i cant lose anymore.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Dirty South
    do the needle,needles are your freinds !!!!!!!!!!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    New York
    Im doing the injection
    can anyone tell me how to cycle it.
    How much a day for how long ?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Just drink it. 50mgs e/d for 6 weeks.
    STack it w/ Eq and you'll be a much happier camper...


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    New York
    LoL thats funny you said to drink it casue i jsut went to a thread where it was talking about drinking winny. I nevre knew you could drink winny. I was thinking about deca but i heard on this board eq is better but it is expensive. Do you know about how much it costs? Say i jsut do winny and no eq do i take the winny for more then 6 weeks?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    bro you need to do a lot of research before you go any further.Im not a expert at gear but I do consider myself a novice that do know the answers to such questions as yours but I learned most of it by using the search.But to your answer like someone said here youll be wasting it doing it by itself and if you do stack it i would stack it with deca and t-200 in fact thats the cycle i will be starting myself and oh yea ill do 50mg eod on winny week 4-8 and 400mg of deca and 500mg of t-200 for eight weeks and of course have your clomids for end of cycle to jumpstart your natural test and also have nolv's on hand in case you develop gyno(bitch tits) and as soon as your nipples are sore and puffy take 200mg of nolovedex at eod but this is just what i learned from research myself .If im wrong please correct me vets and mods cause im learning myself too.

  16. #16
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    New York
    Winny cant be a waste if i do it alone. I really don't want to do too much stuff casue this is my first time juicing. I heard eq is better then deca. I know about clomid and nolovedex. Its starting to get frustraing cause i dont know what to do now. I want to do steroids but i want to do it right and be as safe about it as i can. I also want to take the best stuff for me so i dont know what to do.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    I think you need to stick around for awhile and read some before you go jabbing yourself w/ chemicals you know nothing about.
    Start by reading the different profiles on the main page. Then use the search button and read some post's....Then read the educational threads......Then ask questions. In that order.
    Good Luck


  18. #18

    If your 5'10 , 165 and still soft in the belly after 20 months training, you need more training first. You should be in single digit BF% at that weight. listen to these guys. Wait and get the most out of your first cycle.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    New York
    To get into single digits im going to take winny.
    Thats why im doing it to harden up my stomach.
    Who knows how long it will take if i dont do winstrol.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    xplicit, first off, congrats on losing those 30 pounds. It is wonderful that you are doing research and wanting to know how to juice safely and properly. Now, I know its been said above, but I will once more suggest that you continue trying to meet your goals naturally.

    There are many things you can do to reach your goals without winny. How much training experience do you have? I would begin with really learning as much as you can about training and dieting.. this will help both with your current situation and the long term (that is if you aren't very knowledgable already which you very well may be.. im just suggesting bro ).

    Now, when it comes to hardening your stomach. First off, when you lose alot of fat, sometimes it takes a little while for your skin retension to catch up.. how long ago did you lose those 30 pounds? If it is still excess fat, you can try an ECA or maybe even Clen (since it is supposedly very good for burning fat while maintaining and even causing a growth in strength/mass). What is your cardio program right now? Also, men tend to have a flabby stomach even with overall low body fat due to estrogen related fat storage.. for this you could use yohimburn (there is a big thread on yohimburn here which you can search for, or goto and read everything there..)

    Now, onto winny... if you have already tried some of the above or are dead set on using steriods to help reach your goals, then I don't think there is anything wrong with using winny alone, listen to the replies... the common consensus everywhere is that winny should be taken (injected or drank) at 50mg ED or EOD (everyday or everyother day in case u aren't familiar with the terms ED and EOD).. clomid post cycle is a must, and since im paranoid about side effects I would also have nolvadex on hand just in case... Winny is however liver toxic (17aa) so most ppl will tell you to keep its use at no longer than six weeks... Stay away from alcohol during this time, also ALA (alpha lipoic acid) can be taken to help protect your liver (however im not expert on this and there is loads of threads about this subject...) Also.. have you considered anavar instead of winny? (anavar is safer according to most literature)

    I hope this helps bro

    PS> im starting to feel like TNT typing so much LOL (not that i could ever reach his level )
    Last edited by NightOp; 03-24-2002 at 12:28 AM.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    New York
    lol I seen a few tnt posts on here before he does wrte a lot but seems very knowledgable. I appreicate the long and informative post, you do make a lot of sense. I lost the 30 pounds gradually
    over a years time i lost 30 pounds and recently i just dropped to 165 i guess casue i kept and continue a good diet that helped me lose the weigh in the first place. I use to do cardio 4 days a week counting playing basketball 2 times a week. I don't do anycardio except when i have a chance to play ball i usually do abs cause im want to harden my stomach. I also asnt sure how long you take winny ithought 2 months and i been lookin around the boards and i see 6 weeks my question is after 6 weeks and i do the clomid how much of the gains will i lose? I dont want to lose all of it in the mddle of the summer. Im trying t plan taking it so i can make it last for the summer. I know if i put more time into the gym and i do have a good routine and i go with a good friend of mine who pushes me to do better i can make the natural gains i just have my mind set on doing winstrol i feel i had a late start on working out and i was fat in the beginning so by takin winny maybe i can balance it out. I wanted to take some mass gaining steroid to but i dont wat to spend too much money and this is my first time doing steroids so i dont want to over do it. I appreiciae the advice and i will look into some alternative ways to harden up my stomach but chances are im going to do the winstrol. Thanks again

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    Well bud, I think the search button needs to become your friend, but I will try to answer your ? based on what you are asking.
    Okay winny is recommened 50mg a day. I have seen guys get decent gains on winny alone, however it is not designed that way. It is designed to stack with other less non 17AA steriods. If you don't know what 17AA steriods are, then you need to do some research before you even start taking any gear bud.
    I would think that if you are asking a question like this, you need to do more research no flame bud, just that you will end up hurting yourself and your body if you don't know what and how to take a drug.
    Did you know Winny dries your joints out? I have seen guys pull and tear muscles on winny, because they are not getting enough water or lube to their joints.
    Do some research brutha, we are here to help, we are only looking after you and don't want you to hurt yourself, if you need some help, ask a question, we won't flame you, just give you good advice. However, search button is a good tool.

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    New York
    Thanks a lot, I understand i am kinda lazy and like for people to answer my question but i have and will continue to search for my answers and gather info. I didnt 'know winny dries out the joints i drink a lot of water so hopefully i wont have that problem. I will also have to check out 17aa steroids casue i have no idea what they are. Thanks for the advice and help

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