Can anyone confirm if these are real primo.
Can anyone confirm if these are real primo.
IMO I think they're real...although DBB is the primo expert.
they look real to me, but with primo you never know unless it's coming from one certain reliable guy....
Thanks MBH and chris,
Anyone else got any comments ? Dutch - what do you think ?
they look real to me.
u got the real deal bro,i got the same stuff!!!!,feel luckyOriginally Posted by cozz
Very happy !! Thanks bro's
kubabo28 - have you used yours yet ?
not yet bro,it expires on 2008 ,so im not in a hurry ,gots all kind of other juice to play with for nowOriginally Posted by cozz
I've heard that real primo has a cherry-like taste. Don't know if it's true but would love to know since I have some just like cozz's!
The real come with the ampule more thik and dosnt have black mar under the number, for me is fake.
????????,sure buddyOriginally Posted by Decaduraman
What the ***k is going on ?? Are they still makin Primo in Spain or not?? In Turkey they still makin it.
Touche.Originally Posted by judge_dread
I didn't pay close enough attention...I thought they were Turkish.
I would stay away from all spanish primo. You can find the real thing in turkey though...
they are real bro i got the same ones from spain directly my friend bought them for me at the farmacy in barcelona and yes very xpensive 14 bucks per vial they are like 11 or 12 euros over there
BTW how much u pay?
11 euros???? what?? i have noticed a week ago that i saw a package of Spanish Primo and the price was about 3 euros!!! 11-12 euros per amp is too hi price bro...i bought mine from Turkey at 4,50 euros each
I.m.o they are real.![]()
it says the price over the package....2,87 euros!!!! only ...and u paid 14 bucks???
Originally Posted by judge_dread
they go for about 10euros in spain bro ,post pics for the ones u bought at turkey???
that's what i got from TurkeyOriginally Posted by kubano28
yes i did mines came out of a pharmacy at spain not a black market
Doesn't mean much. Alot of the black market primo sits on pharmacy shelves in Spain. Just like fake Viagra, etc.Originally Posted by ajfina
Are you sure about that toolman? I gotta tell my source that.
Absolutely. Black markets don't only sell to exporters. It is very easy for their products to get into the legitimate supply chain. The pharmacuetical retail industry is not as highly regulated as it is here in the US. Even here in the US some pharmacies still let black market goods in unkowingly by buying from secondary distributers.Originally Posted by Seajackal
here in Greece that's impossible bro...all drugs are real and legit!Originally Posted by toolman
It happens here in the US, why can't it happen in Greece?Originally Posted by judge_dread
But the Spanish pharmacy was the one I was asking you about, as I am notOriginally Posted by toolman
in the USA bu my source have some Spanish Primos in the shelf so I would
like to know about the legitimacy of the Spanish Pharmacies on their Primos,
thanks bro!
Regulations are looser in Spain than the US so absolutely they can have fake primos on the shelf.Originally Posted by Seajackal
Do you know how to differ a fake from a legit Spanish Primo Toolman?
Thanks for the inputs, bro!
XXX posted an outstanding article on primo but I think it was geared towards Turkish Primo. Spanish Primo has been out of production so long that the reputable dealers only deal in Turkish, and even those are faked all the time.Originally Posted by Seajackal
My advise is to rather than guess, have it lab tested. I have a bunch of turkish in hand that I am sending off to be tested myself due to xxx article. It is just too diffucult to tell now and I don't want to shoot **** into my body.
At the very least, your primo should have a cherrry or fruity smell to it. That is one siumple way to test.
OK this i just got have the same lot number but in a different print form the box is different also check this out
any of this 2 primo's is the fake one wich one not sure ?
mines are more expensive also 8 something
COZZ is the oil very thick?
Primobolan from Spanish pharmacy?!? I wouldn't think so!
And by the way, if they were original 11 EU isn't a high price at all. If you order them legally, Schering AG will not only ask you tons of paperwork, but also charge you much more than 11 EU (guess it's their polite wait to say "we don't want to sell").
ofcourse is coming out from a spanish pharmacy but u know not actually straight out it's a connection
the box say 8,50EU as u can see it
I got my turkish Primos and i'm sure they r ok...
Yours are good bro, I am glad we worked that out fast and clean.Originally Posted by judge_dread
Bulgarians make fake turkish primo, usually 3 amps come in box, schering does not package that way, 1 amp in 1 box. Anything bought in Turkish pharmacies are legit, and of the discussion.
Hey Toolman, thanks again for the tricky test bro I gotta get
JUST one box and see if my girl sells real deal or $#!+ from Spain.
I'll try to dig some more info about this subject from some bros,
thanks again Toolman, you're a good sport bro!
I wouldn t buy Schering primo anymore - the chances of getting a legit product are evry slim. stick to bd primo and u ll be fine.
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