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Thread: SERIOUS Oral LR3?"s

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002

    SERIOUS Oral LR3?"s

    Will be using IGF LR3 for the first time next week. I will be using ***'s oraltrophin1. Few questions before I start.
    1. Could someone give me a link to a planned diet while using LR3
    2. Would honey be ok to have if I feel hypo?
    3. I never drink.... But on day 15 of this Oraltrophin cycle my best friend is getting married, would 3-4 drinks be bad? This is a very very rare situation for me, I know it is not good, just don't want to be drinking Milk as I raise my glass. Thanx fellas.....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    bump, starting real soon need some info..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Philly - Better than you
    I wouldn't worry about one night of drinking on IGF.

    As far as diet, that is all goal dependant.

    Oratropin isn't like injectable where it enters and exits fairly rapidly. It is sustained 24-48 hours. So you are not going to get a "hypo rush" that honey could fix. The first 4 days on it I was feeling hypo all day. I exchanged some fats for carbs and it helped. Today is day 5 and the hypo isn't that bad at all.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Lozgod
    I wouldn't worry about one night of drinking on IGF.

    As far as diet, that is all goal dependant.

    Oratropin isn't like injectable where it enters and exits fairly rapidly. It is sustained 24-48 hours. So you are not going to get a "hypo rush" that honey could fix. The first 4 days on it I was feeling hypo all day. I exchanged some fats for carbs and it helped. Today is day 5 and the hypo isn't that bad at all.
    Thanx bro, what is your first meal like after you take your oral trophin?, and how long after do you have this meal.. Also I take some ephedrine before my workout, is this ok while using Oraltrophin?. Sorry for the newbie questions, just want to get it right. Hypo scares the hell out of me...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Philly - Better than you
    Quote Originally Posted by kman
    Thanx bro, what is your first meal like after you take your oral trophin?, and how long after do you have this meal.. Also I take some ephedrine before my workout, is this ok while using Oraltrophin?. Sorry for the newbie questions, just want to get it right. Hypo scares the hell out of me...
    As tired as it made me, ephedrine isn't a bad idea, except for me, I have high blood pressure. Hypo is the last of your worries. It isn't like slin hypo. You are just tired as hell.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Lozgod
    As tired as it made me, ephedrine isn't a bad idea, except for me, I have high blood pressure. Hypo is the last of your worries. It isn't like slin hypo. You are just tired as hell.
    Thanx bro, appreciate it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by kman
    Will be using IGF LR3 for the first time next week. I will be using ***'s oraltrophin1. Few questions before I start.
    1. Could someone give me a link to a planned diet while using LR3
    2. Would honey be ok to have if I feel hypo?
    3. I never drink.... But on day 15 of this Oraltrophin cycle my best friend is getting married, would 3-4 drinks be bad? This is a very very rare situation for me, I know it is not good, just don't want to be drinking Milk as I raise my glass. Thanx fellas.....
    so i guess this oral trophin is legit eh. i was wondering about it myself. keep us posted on your results, i would also like to hear neone elses experiences with oraltrophin

  8. #8

    stupid question??

    Quote Originally Posted by kman
    Will be using IGF LR3 for the first time next week. I will be using ***'s oraltrophin1. Few questions before I start.
    1. Could someone give me a link to a planned diet while using LR3
    2. Would honey be ok to have if I feel hypo?
    3. I never drink.... But on day 15 of this Oratropin cycle my best friend is getting married, would 3-4 drinks be bad? This is a very very rare situation for me, I know it is not good, just don't want to be drinking Milk as I raise my glass. Thanx fellas.....

    can anyone tell my what company manufacures Oratropin Ore is it a secret (ug- lab) i need to get some and it would help if i knew were?? or at least wich company so i can start the search.

    i read some where it should be lega( it cant be that good)

    thansk a bunch


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    golds gym, locker #123
    It is legal... But no source posting, I've seen people post the companies name b4 and it turn's into stars, aka these things ******

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