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Thread: Deca/Test E Sex Drive

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    The Gym

    Deca/Test E Sex Drive

    I am on week 4 of deca/test e cycle, 250mg each, every 3 days, and my sex drive is through the roof more so than the last test e only cycle that I did at 500mg a week. I was hoping that if I ran the deca the same amount as the test that my sex drive would stay somewhat normal.

    I keep getting up in the middle of the night multiple times cause of this. Too much energy. I do go right back to sleep though, but I don't like my sleep getting interupted. I take a melatonin before bedtime to help me sleep, but I still get up all times of the night.

    If I am correct, deca and test e kick in about the same time or maybe the deca never kicked in yet and the test did?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by lzicc
    I am on week 4 of deca/test e cycle, 250mg each, every 3 days, and my sex drive is through the roof more so than the last test e only cycle that I did at 500mg a week. I was hoping that if I ran the deca the same amount as the test that my sex drive would stay somewhat normal.

    I keep getting up in the middle of the night multiple times cause of this. Too much energy. I do go right back to sleep though, but I don't like my sleep getting interupted. I take a melatonin before bedtime to help me sleep, but I still get up all times of the night.

    If I am correct, deca and test e kick in about the same time or maybe the deca never kicked in yet and the test did?
    I get a much bigger sex drive on deca and test then on test alone... in fact I have been running a test only cycle and just now started a deca/test stack with in it. I am only 1 week into the deca and already seeing sex drive improvements where on test only it was dismally bad, would get soft in middle of a blow job or other sex... nothing wrong, just there definately IS a much better sex drive on a deca/test combo then EITHER of these steroids alone.

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