What's up ya'll? Remember those fill in the blank mad libs they had when we were kids. You were supposed to fill in the blanks with nouns, verbs, adj, and stuff. Well I was thinking of this fun game we could play> Creating a story using members names on the board.
I will start it. Members names should be printed in all CAPS so we know that we just used a member's name. This will also get us more familiar with are many iron bruthas we have amongst us.
One day I was sitting on my ass when I suddenly felt an imense pressure making it's way down my disposal "PIPES 78" miles an hour. I felt a "BULGE" pushing it's way through my lower intestine. It felt very heavy, like ummm "DUMBELLS 101" pounds, yeah just like 101 pounds. Fuck it hurt so bad, I got up a ran my ass as fast as I could to the bathroom. I sat down on that porclin god like a fucking "SUPER SQUATTER!" I pushed and pushed so hard. I felt the blood rush to my head. I thought I was going to bust a "NERVE!" I felt like the "HULK" I was pushing so damn hard! Finally I felt a little budge. Let's just say the "DIRTY SOUTH" was getting all wet and "JUICY". I felt a total "EXCESS" of pure waste and then..."PAPAPUMP" out my ass it came flying! I hurt like hell, and out of "PURE ANGER" I screamed, "FUCKN69YA"! But afterwards total releif man - oh yah! I was so fucking happy I began to dance like the "KING OF POP". That was when I remembered I forgot to wipe and shit went flying everywhere! But you know the funny thing...the shit that flew and hit the wall...collectively, I mean strategically formed itself into the emblem of "SUPER MAN". Wierd huh?
>Keep it going guys I used 14 members names.