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Thread: HGH Which brand

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Question HGH Which brand

    I've been reading posts that boast one GH brand over another. If the magic 191 number is the same and the dosage is the same then what can account for some members posting that they are getting better results when switching from one brand to another?

    Just wondering

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    American made is best, but get what you can


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    I started with Norditropin, went to Somatropin and I've read many posts about Jino and am considering switching and now the wave seems to be with Huma.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    humatrope and nutropen are the best hgh brands,1.5iu of humatrope = 3to 4 iu of they kick in quicker.
    Last edited by KEITH187; 05-04-2005 at 09:01 AM.

  5. #5
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    Central Florida
    Quote Originally Posted by KEITH187
    humatrope and nutropen are the best hgh brands,1.5iu of humatrope=5iu of they kick in quicker.

    where do you get this info?

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    houston, tx
    Quote Originally Posted by KEITH187
    humatrope and nutropen are the best hgh brands,1.5iu of humatrope=5iu of they kick in quicker.

    Considering I just bought a boat load of Jin, I would like to know where you got this info too. I hope Jin doesn't suck.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by KEITH187
    humatrope and nutropen are the best hgh brands,1.5iu of humatrope = 3to 4 iu of they kick in quicker.
    This is a false statement. All rHGH is standardized for equal international units. The difference is if one has been easily degraded due to shock/mishandling ect..and ISO 9002 standard manufacturing processes.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by lawrence069
    I've been reading posts that boast one GH brand over another. If the magic 191 number is the same and the dosage is the same then what can account for some members posting that they are getting better results when switching from one brand to another?

    Just wondering
    Lawrence I have often thought about this but I understand that the different brands are either more or less pure. Something similar to the differences between media and receptor grade Lr3igf-1. I'd love to know for sure though. No reason comes to mind why two companies with good pharmacies couldn't make equally as good gh. Someone with more knowledge in the area may be able to help out with this question though. cheers.


  9. #9
    I have no experience with this personally, but from what I have read on Jin these last few months it seems to work very well when compared to other brands folks have used. Many people seem to think Jin is "stronger" than other brands. But I am only repeating what I have read on many sites the last few months. I have also read that the American brands are the best quality available. I guess the only way to truly ever tell would be to try a kit of each kind and compare. I know I don't have the $ to do that though!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    En El Ciudad
    Gencsi Jino

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    i've heard that jin is some of the strongest sh*t out there. just what i've heard though.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by dale
    i've heard that jin is some of the strongest sh*t out there. just what i've heard though.
    were do you get your info? 1iu of nutropin or humatrope is equivilent to 3iu's of jino. ofcourse theres no written proof but anyone who has done both will definatly say the same. it takes over a month to feel jino working but you can feel humatrope and nutropin from the first or second day.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by pietro75
    were do you get your info? 1iu of nutropin or humatrope is equivilent to 3iu's of jino. ofcourse theres no written proof but anyone who has done both will definatly say the same. it takes over a month to feel jino working but you can feel humatrope and nutropin from the first or second day.
    1 iu of any growth hormone would do nothing for anyone under 30 in fact it may block your natural gh from being released and for the ppl 18-25 you would then be at a net loss. I find it hard to believe that the potency between jin and humatrope are so different. Placebo maybe.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by pietro75
    were do you get your info? 1iu of nutropin or humatrope is equivilent to 3iu's of jino. ofcourse theres no written proof but anyone who has done both will definatly say the same. it takes over a month to feel jino working but you can feel humatrope and nutropin from the first or second day.
    when this debate was going on not to long ago i e-mailed Gensci and asked them about the potency of their GH, not that everyone should believe what they here but they did give me a fairly detailed explaination. everyone has different reactions to GH so to say that "you can feel humatrope and nutropin from the first or second day" would be false.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    if you havr ever done jino and huma or nutro you would know what we are talking about.I am not sayin jino is junk just that huma is much better.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by KEITH187
    if you havr ever done jino and huma or nutro you would know what we are talking about.I am not sayin jino is junk just that huma is much better.

    1iu to 3iu makes it seem like junk.

    So buying 100iu of Huma = 300iu of Jino

    Are there Jino users that have switched to Jino from another GH that have had the same or more positive results?

    Also in the first post it was 1iu to 5iu so maybe before long it will be 1 to 1
    Last edited by lawrence069; 05-04-2005 at 08:42 AM.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Georgia and Texas
    Quote Originally Posted by pietro75
    were do you get your info? 1iu of nutropin or humatrope is equivilent to 3iu's of jino. ofcourse theres no written proof but anyone who has done both will definatly say the same. it takes over a month to feel jino working but you can feel humatrope and nutropin from the first or second day.
    What kind of dosages do YOU take with the huma? I am interested as I am under 30 as weel and thinking about trying out huma at 1.5 iu's/day....I have also heard this a lot about 1iu of huma=3-4 iu of Jino, but I have obviously never tried either.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    my bad before I meant to say 1iu of huma =3iu of jin I didnt proof read my post sorry!

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    spound you can do 1.5 iu of huma and get good results,I did iit that way for 6 months and loved the results.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by pietro75
    were do you get your info? 1iu of nutropin or humatrope is equivilent to 3iu's of jino. ofcourse theres no written proof but anyone who has done both will definatly say the same. it takes over a month to feel jino working but you can feel humatrope and nutropin from the first or second day.
    Obviously you haven't tried Jino. I noticed tiredness, tingling in my hands, a little water retention after one week on Jino.
    The end of week 2, I was definitely feeling it, and in the middle of week three now I can tell you for sure, it doesn't take over 1 month to get results from Jinotropin.


  21. #21
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    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by Mighty
    Obviously you haven't tried Jino. I noticed tiredness, tingling in my hands, a little water retention after one week on Jino.
    The end of week 2, I was definitely feeling it, and in the middle of week three now I can tell you for sure, it doesn't take over 1 month to get results from Jinotropin.

    ive been on jino for the last 2 months at 6iu's a day. usually id go higher but im also taking igf. you must be retarded or uneducated to think jino is as strong as nutropin or humatrope. anyone on this board who used them both would back me in a second. also i do feel nutropin from the second day and if you could afford it then you would know

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by Mighty
    Obviously you haven't tried Jino. I noticed tiredness, tingling in my hands, a little water retention after one week on Jino.
    The end of week 2, I was definitely feeling it, and in the middle of week three now I can tell you for sure, it doesn't take over 1 month to get results from Jinotropin.

    your right it takes 2 months to start seeing results

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    I am with you pietro75 huma is my favorite!!those who say different have never used huma or nutropen because if they did they would know they are wrong.huma is much stronger than jino!!

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by pietro75
    your right it takes 2 months to start seeing results
    2 Months ......really
    Sorry to hear it took "you" over 240 iu's of Jino to notice any results. Sounds like you needed quite a bit of work.
    Lets not get into who can afford what. I have 10 kits in my fridge.
    Show me some proof documented that 1 iu Huma = 3 iu Jino, and maybe I'll believe you.
    Why you come off calling me retarded, and uneducated, I don't know. But I don't really care.

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    United States
    if you ever tried the both of them then you would know. id bet my life that any member on here that had both types will say american made gh is stronger and hits you way faster. also im under 30 and have been using gh for a while and have had remarkable results. i bet half the people on this board that use gh is under 30

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    Central Florida
    431 we can stop the pissing contest, thank you bluethunder

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    I have used Serostim and I am now using Jintropin. If I had to use only one of them, I'd go with Serostim. But, I am liking he results of Jintropin.

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    En El Ciudad
    i beg to differ on the timelines-potency vs concentration should be kept in mind. I have only run jin (gensci) i noticed and felt it in the first week. It all depends on the person. So before all generalizations are made, keep that in mind.

    And if anyone wants to sponsor me to try and other gh brands....let me know...cuz im broke

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    keith187 and pietro75,

    what are your opinions on serostim? (compared to all the other hgh's you guys' tried)

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    I have only done huma, nutropen and jino sorry bro cant tell about serotism,but I hear it is pretty good.

  31. #31
    Join Date
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    the gym
    I've yet to run any GH, but I hear that jino is commonly counterfieted and it's very difficult to distinguish between the real and fakes. How do you tell? I mean, isnt alot of GH holograms in the bottle or part of the bottle? Clue me in please

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    now you can go to gensci website they have a link to tell the difference between real and fakes with the serial numbers I think.

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    yea I was just at there site and you punch in the batch number and they will tell you if it is real.

  34. #34
    Lets be smart about this. Read up some info on journals. These guys are scientists and not bodybuilders. They have access to the best quality gear out and certainly by no means have there been tremendous transformations for non gh deficient individuals in under 2months. I agree with blue thunder. If you have major differences its because of the handling, etc. Or the Jin your buying is counterfeit.

  35. #35
    Join Date
    May 2005
    On the subject of Jintropin. What kind of results could one expect in taking 50 UI's a week for 10 weeks plus insulin plus steroids? Anyone have experience like that?

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by itsjinx
    On the subject of Jintropin. What kind of results could one expect in taking 50 UI's a week for 10 weeks plus insulin plus steroids? Anyone have experience like that?

  37. #37
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Klossus
    LOL. surely the huge body builders and wrestlers on TV are on TWICE that amount and still living!>!?!?

  38. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by itsjinx
    LOL. surely the huge body builders and wrestlers on TV are on TWICE that amount and still living!>!?!?
    Maybe or maybe they're genetically gifted enough to take a normal dose and be massive. no one knows. Furthermore I'm sure you will find that they will die early as a consequence if they are doing what you say. There are links to individuals who release lower amounts of endogenous gh and longer life. Hence the body naturally lessens growth hormone release from 18 years old and on. Even for yourself. a 23 year old. Naturally your body would release 3iu at its peak at 18 then your going upto 10iu at a time that you would be releasing close to 1iu a day. Plus aas plus insulin, bro your in for a shock. Be realistic....

    Some oros are doing huge doses but these guys live this stuff Slin, hgh, igf-1 aas etc. They aren't a newbie in the hgh game asking questions like this...They know their shit and work closely with drs and so on. Mess around with slin and you will die...not next week, not next month but tomorrow or today. Its serious shit.

  39. #39
    Look I doubt you will die but hgh won't do much at all over a 10 week cycle do a lower dose for 9 months...You will be thankful for this. Read up at The best results don't come from the big and short term doses they come from longer term cycles. Taking 50iu a week is asking for big sides. I doubt anyone would disagree.


  40. #40
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    South Carolina
    I am using Jinos 3 iu's 5/2. I started feeling it around the 4th day. I am at the 7 wk mark and love the results. I think some of the other brands bad mouth jino's because they can';t compete on price.

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