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Thread: Should i do EQ now or no.....?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    New Jersey

    Question Should i do EQ now or no.....?

    Ok im currently on 500mg of Sust and 200mg of deca(week 8). My question is i want to jump on EQ right after this cycle, then in july i will be doing test and winnie cycle. Is this ok? Is there anything that i should worry about or stuff like that? Is there anything else i will need to go with is? This is how my cycle is currently going.

    Week 1-5 500mg of sust
    Week 6-10 500mg of sust, and 200mg of deca

    Right after this i plan on going on EQ, any suggestions? Or comments

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Some kind of padded room...wearing some kinda white jacket...can't!
    By adding EQ you will just be extending your cycle out, then you're just going to jump back on another cycle in july with Test and Winny? JMO but you need to take a break from it, and why wasn't Deca ran from the start?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Why only 200mg of Deca for 5 weeks...that's a total waste....dude if i were you, i would wait at least 10 weeks after the end of your first cycle before starting another...your in week 8 of your cycle right now???? If this is true, then you've basically completed it...why are you asking this now??

    Here's what you should've done in my opinion:

    1-10 Sust 500mg
    1-10 Deca 400mg
    13-15 Clomid (do a search on dosage)
    Anti-e's on hand

    Now that would've been a bad ass cycle bro.
    Very similar to the cycle I'm on now.

    Last edited by Big Rush; 04-17-2002 at 05:07 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the vast wasteland
    hey bro,
    sust dosage looks good, but, as posted above the deca dosage is whacked. just as its kickin in you're comin off. is that why you want to run the eq? imho, this is a bad idea all around. do as gchild and big rush suggested and come off. do a little more flame intended bro, just some advice . start again in july with more knowledge and a better gameplan.

    peace bb79

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Fort Lauderdale Florida
    clomid 3 weeks after last shot, 300mg first day, 100 next 1o days, 50mg next 10 days, any questions shoot me a pm. a buddy of mine did a deca sust cycle

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Southside Jamaican Queens
    If you were not in week 8 i would say your best get would be stop and reseach hard bro...but since ur in week 8..finish out the sust and deca(too low) for a 10 week cycle..3 weeks after ur last sust shot start clomid 300mg/day 1 100mg/10 days 50mg/10 days..then forget about ur July cycle. Learn a little more

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    New Jersey

    About my dosages

    I know i started deca late, but i was nervous cause it was my first time doing this so i didn't want to do to much at first. Then mid way through i was like I WANT MORE! So i asked around some people said "It would kinda be a waste cause it will kick i when you stop it" And some people said yeah it would be good. So i went ahead and did it. Now for the dosage my guy said to chill out its my first cycle and to do 200mg cause i will also be doing 500mg of sust and my receptors will only allow so much and the rest will be wasted. So i listened which is a good thing cause i started to get some gyno action. In my opinion better to be safe then sorry. I might sound like some lil homo but its my health so i play safe.

    I trust my guy with his plans cause he competes and looks insane, plus he knows a whole lot about this I only ask to get second opinions. Not to be an ass but if the pro's go all year round how come this would be a bad move for me? My guy said it would be bad to go straight from this cycle to another strong one, but not bad if you go on something weak as EQ.

    No flame taken, i put this up to get your opinion it only helps me out. I'm not asking about this cycle, im asking about jumping on EQ after this?


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    new york

    Re: About my dosages

    Originally posted by Shrad6
    I know i started deca late, but i was nervous cause it was my first time doing this so i didn't want to do to much at first. Then mid way through i was like I WANT MORE! So i asked around some people said "It would kinda be a waste cause it will kick i when you stop it" And some people said yeah it would be good. So i went ahead and did it. Now for the dosage my guy said to chill out its my first cycle and to do 200mg cause i will also be doing 500mg of sust and my receptors will only allow so much and the rest will be wasted. So i listened which is a good thing cause i started to get some gyno action. In my opinion better to be safe then sorry. I might sound like some lil homo but its my health so i play safe.

    I trust my guy with his plans cause he competes and looks insane, plus he knows a whole lot about this I only ask to get second opinions. Not to be an ass but if the pro's go all year round how come this would be a bad move for me? My guy said it would be bad to go straight from this cycle to another strong one, but not bad if you go on something weak as EQ.

    No flame taken, i put this up to get your opinion it only helps me out. I'm not asking about this cycle, im asking about jumping on EQ after this?

    if your guy was truly looking out for you he would have advised you to use some nolva or arimidex during your cycle to fight gyno. if i were you i would finish up this cycle and run your clomid as BAMF suggested. if you are going to do another cycle in july you should take time off after this cycle. you can bridge with something like anavar (or dbol as suggested by juice junkie i think) but this is for more experienced users IMO. no flames intended here but stick around and do some more research that way when you start your next cycle you will get everything right the first time through.

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