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Thread: questions about pct

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tden0923 questions about pct 06-30-2005, 03:14 PM
smokethedays ur cycle needs alot more... 06-30-2005, 03:15 PM
Dave321 Don't do this cycle and don't... 06-30-2005, 03:17 PM
tden0923 alright, what about the other... 06-30-2005, 03:23 PM
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  1. #1

    questions about pct

    Here is my cycle. Note: 1st one ever. I have already taken 3 injections:
    Each injection-200 deca/250 sus
    week 1- inject on days 1 and 6 - 400mg deca/500 sus
    week 2- on day 6- 200 deca/250 sus
    week 3- day 5- 200 deca/250 sus
    week 4- day 3- 200 deca/250 sus
    week 5- day 1 and day 6- 200 deca/250 sus
    week 6- day 2 and 4- 400 deca/500 sus
    week 7- day 1 and 5- 400 deca/500 sus
    week 8- day 1 and 4 400 deca/500 sus
    I have not done anything in the form of a pct.( i know stupid, but i am trying to fix it) I have had a small amount of gyno for the past 5 years. Although after workouts and when it's cold the nipples are hard and unoticeable. What the hell is this? would something like nolvedex keep them hard all the time? Can someone suggest a pct. Also, if I get surgery and have the gland removed is gyno gone forever no matter what I take? If someone could sugest a pct to fix this I would really appreciate it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    In The Kitchen :)
    ur cycle needs alot more work, do some research

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by tden0923
    Here is my cycle. Note: 1st one ever. I have already taken 3 injections:
    Each injection-200 deca/250 sus
    week 1- inject on days 1 and 6 - 400mg deca/500 sus
    week 2- on day 6- 200 deca/250 sus
    week 3- day 5- 200 deca/250 sus
    week 4- day 3- 200 deca/250 sus
    week 5- day 1 and day 6- 200 deca/250 sus
    week 6- day 2 and 4- 400 deca/500 sus
    week 7- day 1 and 5- 400 deca/500 sus
    week 8- day 1 and 4 400 deca/500 sus
    I have not done anything in the form of a pct.( i know stupid, but i am trying to fix it) I have had a small amount of gyno for the past 5 years. Although after workouts and when it's cold the nipples are hard and unoticeable. What the hell is this? would something like nolvedex keep them hard all the time? Can someone suggest a pct. Also, if I get surgery and have the gland removed is gyno gone forever no matter what I take? If someone could sugest a pct to fix this I would really appreciate it.
    Don't do this cycle and don't pyramid doses. You should maintain consistent levels with your gear. Spend some time around the boards and don't waste your time with this cycle...

  4. #4
    alright, what about the other questions, do you know?

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