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Thread: customs detainment letter

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    Smile customs detainment letter

    i had ordered some gear a while a go, and today i recieved a customs letter in the mail saying that they have detained my order. i was wondering what i should do?? nay advice would be helpful.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    nothing, sit tight and don't make a peep... seriously, this is it, if you try to claim it, they will make a controlled delivery and you gonna get arrested

  3. #3
    EMAIL it to your man and see if he will do something about it

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    new york
    dont respond to the letter, depending on who your source is they should remail the order to a different address for a cheaper price

  5. #5
    or if your source is cool hell resend for freeeeee

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the vast wasteland
    Originally posted by cnyce89
    or if your source is cool hell resend for freeeeee

    as posted above sit tight and dont do a thing, except to contact your source and give him the info required to resend your order. and like cynce said, if hes a good one he will resend for nada. you should get another letter in about 30 days, saying they are going to destroy your gear because you did not claim it. let that one hit the garbage can too, bro. chalk it up as a loss on this go round.
    need to give your source a different addy too.

    peace bb79

  7. #7
    chalk it up as a loss and if you your order gets resent do not use the same address, they are sometimes flagged. anyway goodluck and if anyone comes knocking you dont know what the fuck they are talking about............

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Yup it's a loss, I've had 6 letters before. More good advice is to not use that address anymore for shipments, some say that they have a database of siezures, no ones come after me, yet. I use a different address now.

    If ANYONE calls or asks about it, you know NOTHING. You were wondering what that letter was about, bla, bla. No MATTER WHAT do not even hint you know what the fuck they are talking about except that you did recieve some wierd letter that you tossed. I've gotten two calls, one from a Postal Inspector and one from a Customs Agent. The Postal guy was cool, the Customs fag was really annoying, I ended up having to make him feel like a dimwit on the phone as he was trying to seriously suggest I was ordering illegal substances through the mail. I made it pretty fucking clear when I explained what slander was and that he could go stick his attitude up his ass, reminded him he was being recorded, that I had his name, and his telephone number.

    All six of my fucking siezures came through Dulles, those fuckers must have nothing better to do. I am less perturbed now due to the Anthrax issue, but it still sucks.

    If your source is cool, fax or email him a scanned copy of it. The good ones will work it out with you.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    how long does it usually take to get the letter from customs? (from the time of seizure)

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Sometimes a month or two, yeah it fucking SUCKS.


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