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Thread: Getting a belly?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Getting a belly?

    Hey guys, I started a 300mg/wk Deca and 400mg/wk Test cycle. I am eating as much as possible (since I am trying to gain all the weight I can). I am 6'3'' 170 pounds, drinking 2 shakes a day about 450 calories each + 500 calories of milk, peanut butter, and flaxseed oil. (I use CytoGainer for one and N-Large for the other). Without those shakes I find it hard to get in enough calories (target is 3,500-4,000/day).

    I am starting to get a gut, and was wondering any way to try and MINIMIZE that effect. Obviously my goal is to gain weight, but if possible, I was wondering any tips on ways to try and keep it to a minimum in my stomach area.

    Any suggestions would help (i.e. food, sit-ups, workout..)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    uk/ south east
    sit-ups to get rid of your belly errr! no bro,, post your workout and goals in the workout forum...

    i take it that your bulking an the moment, time to eat every thing in site, burgers, hotdogs, crisps, cakes, don’t be bothered by what you eat your bulking right, it doesn’t mater what you eat WRONG!. What you are trying to do while bulking is to gain muscle, Not gain fat. To do this, some people eat above and beyond their maintenance calorie requirement this is the amount of calories they need throughout the day. Sometimes all these "extra calories" do is cause you to gain fat, not muscle. This is the complete opposite of what you are trying to do, I hope. Also it’s good to remind your self that muscle gain doesn’t come to rapidly so after a few weeks of bulking when you get on the scales and they tell you that you’ve gained a stone, much of this very well may be body fat. As we all Know to well, fat is as easy to gain as it is to consume.

    and Have you read the stickys! thats a must..
    Last edited by S.P.G; 07-28-2005 at 05:46 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    My guess is you shouldn't be on any test, etc whatsoever after hearing you speak about your diet and results thus far.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    New Jersey
    I would suggest a dietary approach that doesn't involve trying to eat as much as possible. Read the stickies, and find out how many calories of what you need and when. Good luck

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    UK, Lancashire
    Post your diet bro. Then we will advise as appropriate.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    i need 3,350 calories to maintain bodyweight.. my diet is right in line with all the stickys.. i.e eggs, oatmeal, all wheat products, chicken chicken chicken, and pre- and post-workout shake. turkey on wheat sandwiches and so on.

    No need to go into detail I don't think since daily intake is about 3,800 calories. I try and follow the same diets as in the stickies, with little variation. this might give you guys a little more info on me. My original question was just how to keep the fat down during my bulking period. Of course I will gain fat along with muscle, but just looking to see if there are any ways to minimize in the stomach area.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by amature225

    No need to go into detail.

    My original question was just how to keep the fat down during my bulking period.
    The irony there is chilling.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    UK, Lancashire
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    The irony there is chilling.

    There really is no need.......

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Zagreb, Croatia

  10. #10
    are you doin proper Carb/Protein Protein/Fat meals? what about cardio? ...I'm wondering if your weight gainer shakes have a lot of sugar in them? I'm also wondering if you have a "Belly" because youre full as fvck? any of these ring true?

    if you eat clean "empty" calories you shouldnt get a gut..
    back me up on this one guys...cause i'm not positive but thats what i would think

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