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Thread: Brovel Norandren 200 (Deca)

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002

    Question Brovel Norandren 200 (Deca)

    I'm on my third week of a deca cycle, so far so good. I am just beginning to see good gains as of last friday. My gear is Brovel Norandren 200. I have experenced some diarya for the last few days, and on Saturday I felt like I had a fever for 20 minutes or so, nothing major. Any comments on purity, experience with Brovel, it is vet or human grade, Good product?? Thanks the AR has been an awsome resource. Tai

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    long island new york
    Brovel products are vet grade. There have been alot of people experiencing the same things from Brovel products that you have. IMO Brovel is shit,
    you may have to pay a little more for human grade stuff but, it's cleaner and that means less unwanted sides. This board is great for knowledge so use it to learn. You could've done some research before getting your gear to see what other members think about certain products. There are alot of members that are VERY KNOWLEDGABLE as far as A.S. goes.
    AR is here to educate you so use it to stay healthy and safe.

  3. #3
    I took the exact same stuff about a year ago. Gains were decent throughout but there was definitely some side effects that would be aoidable with better stuff. I too got short feverish symptoms in the first 2-3 weeks after injections and the spot sites usually got very sore, mor so than normal.

    I was reading a post on another board about baking the vet grade gear in the oven to help kill whatever bacteria may be present. Not sure exactly what to do though, or when it needs to be done.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    i used it with no problems and great gains but i think the newer stuff coming out is not as clean

  5. #5
    Love Brovel and all vet gear. You probably just ate too much protein bro thats all. I use "tornel" and "Brovel" gear so do all my buds never have any problems. The gear is ok bro keep using and enjoy the gains.

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