The package is real but the ampouls?
Look at the two pics, the ampoule to the left is smaller than the others. Why?
The package is real but the ampouls?
Look at the two pics, the ampoule to the left is smaller than the others. Why?
Last edited by Pac; 10-09-2005 at 03:35 PM.
One more picture of the top.
I have bad feeling, that something is wrong with your deca. Can you post one more closer picture of it. I mark the place I'm interesting on the picture. It's aluminium top-cover, but I need picture from bottom and little more closer. This is the place you can better find out if it's real or not.
Please tell me that these are real!
Last edited by Pac; 10-09-2005 at 04:51 PM.
Thanx for pictures bro - now I'm sure they are OK. Enjoy it![]()
After reading your first post i was nervous as hellOriginally Posted by MichaelCC
But now i'm relaxed. Thank you so much.
Last edited by Pac; 10-09-2005 at 05:27 PM.
Pac, just for curiosity, could you post a pic of the price sticker, please? BTW
can you twist the aluminium crimps with easy? I'm in a little doubt with the 1st
pic you posted the vial in the middle looks a little weird cuz the 2ml goes really
up in the label, just compare to the other 2 vials and you'll see. Maybe it's just
my imagination...
No sea, I noticed it too, I want a closer look as well.Originally Posted by Seajackal
Where is big P? His critique is needed here too...
The price sticker, this one?Originally Posted by Seajackal
Sorry, i don't know what the aluminium crimps is. But the silver coloured aluminum at the top of each ampoule is really solid.
No, it's not just your imagination, but it is only one amp which the 2ml goes really up in the label. Zoom in on the third picture and you'll see.
Last edited by Pac; 10-10-2005 at 12:04 PM.
Not sure if its my eyes but the printing looks a bit strange. The pictures in the trays, some have lighter and darker printings. I dont have my PC right now so maybe its the color on my monitor. Also the oil looks a bit too clear. If these are fakes they are one fuc*king good ones.
That's becouse of the light in the room where i took the pictures.Originally Posted by powerbodybuilder
I'm pretty sure they are real.
I never said they are fake, I am leaning more towards they are 100% good.
Sorry pac but I lean towards them being fakes. While the septum is the correct color grey, it is missing the deviated bottom or split finish you see on real decas. Also, those aluminum crimps are not rolled smooth and are uneven on the bottom like they were done by hand. I havent even looked closely at the label but the septum and crimps are definately off.
Yes, you're right. Every single one of them. So i have to throw them in the garbage now right?Originally Posted by toolman
Maybe we have the privilege of meeting the BEST fake Deca-Durabolin on the market. If it's true, it was not waste of time ..Originally Posted by Pac
micheal I take my hat off to you, these arnt fakes and yes if they where then they would be the best fkin fakes ive seen I wish they where because they wouldnt cost me as much!! seems like your the only one who knows what there on about, steds4Originally Posted by MichaelCC
Well I certainly wouldn't use them. Check with Dutch BB as he is the absolute expert on these. He may know of some update, etc. where the septum is different. If he doesn't come on here to view you can check with him on his site as well.Originally Posted by Pac
I'm leaning toward fake for 1 the crimps are a dead give away 2 the lables are off but some of them do look legit besides the ****ed up crimp job, on first take It looks like someone used the real deca and filled them back up with a half ass crimp job it's either that or some one got ripped off them selfs and tried to pass off the good fakes with a few legit ones mixed in to throw everyone off. Check with dutch body builder for a second opion and send one of the vials in question to SRCS for testng to be 100% sure pm me the sources name in question
Man, its really close, from my research they look basically real besides some of the crimp jobs, i'd have to agree with central
It looks like someone used the real deca and filled them back up with a half ass crimp job it's either that or some one got ripped off them selfs and tried to pass off the good fakes with a few legit ones mixed in to throw everyone off.
how does i get in touch with him?Originally Posted by toolman
No, you can send them to me...hehe I would love to have the best fakedOriginally Posted by Pac
decas in my hands if they really are fakes. My biggest concerns are
aluminium crimps are not uniform as Toolman stated above plus that badly
placed label printings in the vial I talked about in my post above...I would
love to see if the price sticker shows any water mark under the black light.
Just try to look for any water mark if you can have access to a tanning
salon, just take that sticker under the light of the tanning bed and see if it
shows something designed underneath the visible printings.
I'll ask him to take a look in this thread...
Thanks.Originally Posted by Seajackal
Don't ask questions about your own gear in this thread please, becouse i need a final answer about my Deca first.
I'm sorry I thought you had your answer. I will email a mod and ask them to move. I did it because I thought if yours were faked mine might be too since they look almost the same.Originally Posted by Pac
Sorry bro.
No problem.
I saw it on the first glimp.. fake. First of all they didn't use the right data. Thats the most stupid thing to do if you want to counterfeit an item you should use existing data. Then there is the bad crimping. Most members pointed that out allready. But Organon uses a very special font for the "D" in Deca and Durabolin, most counterfeits mis this and for us it's a certain indication. If you put the pharmacystickers under a false money detector or a tanningbed a watermark should light up.
In the next issue of Body of Science I write an article about these Organon yellowtops and I would like to include this very well counterfeited yellowtop.
I really would like to have one for comparisonpictures.
Last edited by Seajackal; 11-17-2005 at 06:20 AM.
I think, this is end of story. Sorry bro for your loss...
I'm glad, that I have possibility to learn something new - thanx DutchBB for your infos.
As I wrote before - this is the BEST Deca-Durabolin fake I've ever seen.
Originally Posted by dutchbodybuilder
Thanks a lot. I'm glad i didn't inject this fake Deca into my body.
Last edited by Pac; 10-12-2005 at 04:57 PM.
So if you put the pharmacysticker under a tanningbed the watermark should light up if the package is real? But the ampoules inside the package could still be fake?
Last edited by Pac; 10-12-2005 at 05:04 PM.
Thanks for attending my call Dutch, and thanks for the infos you posted Big Brother!
Pac, just take the most evident sign of fake in your deca vials...bad crimps the real
Organons are machine crimped and they are very uniform so that was the strongest
evidence of fake in your decas as first pointed by MichaelCC, don't shoot them in
ANY circumstances, bro! If you want to make a good act, send them to Dutch he can
do some extra works on them by colecting differences with the real ones. BTW may
I have one sample bro?![]()
some of you guys talk out of your ass!
mate i'd listen to micheal cc he obviously knows what hes talking about
what a joke who thinks deca has a cloudy composition?
I think you guys need to invest in the anabolics 2005 book by william Llewellyn!!
these deca arnt fake and as for the label have you guys ever seen a real deca label before doesnt look that way to me! the print is funny o my god!
try pulling the label off your find the underside sticks to the box and has a copy of the print on the top of it these cant be reproduced and that shows its real.
these are real I dont know if this is a USA site and its hard to get real deca over their but were in the UK and we get it quite easliy!
thanks guys!!
O and if you want to see a few fakes I'll post the picture out of the anabolics 2005 book for you!
Dutch BB is one of the contributer to the book you are talking about.Originally Posted by steds4
Eat your words wisely...
Steads4 Just take a look on what DutchBodybulder say if he says it's fake, then it is
bro he's the guy who helps Anabolics 2005 author on making his researchs for the
book and other articles, so shut the fvck up and prepaire to be banned, kiss your ass
good by from here!
Who could say these boards can be this interesting...
Guys I can help here ...I will post this evening some pics of REAL DEAL Deca that I purchased yesterday from my local pharmacy here in Athens.You will compare...
That's cool. Maybe you could purchase some Nandrolone Decanoate from Norma too, and post pictures of them in the thread "Nandrolone Decanoate - Norma".Originally Posted by judge_dread
If those are fake (i dont know) someone did a good job. Usually fakes dont have a nice box like that.
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