I am in the process of tweeking my first cycle of 400 mg TEST ENTH and 400 mg EQ shot 2 x pr wk for 10 wks.
What are your thoughts on front loading to kick start the cycle, and how would you configure it?
Thanks for the help.
Shoot high,
I am in the process of tweeking my first cycle of 400 mg TEST ENTH and 400 mg EQ shot 2 x pr wk for 10 wks.
What are your thoughts on front loading to kick start the cycle, and how would you configure it?
Thanks for the help.
Shoot high,
IMO its a waste, having done both I would say kickstart with D-Bol or Prop. Frontloading has much merritt on paper but lacks results in practice.
Thanks, if that is the case would you then add Dbol to the cycle, or are you saying based on my choice of Test Enth/EQ it is not necessary to front load. Hope this doesn't sound lame, I just want to get it right.
Shoot high,
start the cycle with D-bol I would opt for that over frontloading with Ethante etc.
i'm also interested in frontloading since i just started my 3rd cycle but by your answer will be
just waste of gear right? better to do normal
doses right? and i'm using D-bol to kick star
I am going by my own experience, I researched frontloading, the idea of getting the blood plasma levels high as quickly as possible appealed, but in practice I felt no different in the first four weeks, it appears a long acting esters are just that and increasing initial doses does not kick start a cycle. Prop or D-Bol are my prefer kick starts, 4-5 weeks of D-Bol or 3-4 weeks of prop.
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