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Thread: Anyone Who buys Roids on Internet ***Take a Look***

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Anyone Who buys Roids on Internet ***Take a Look***

    This is one of the top stories on CBS Sportsline.


    Report: Internet provides easy access to steroids
    Nov. 3, 2005
    CBS wire reports

    WASHINGTON -- Any teen with a computer and an e-mail address can obtain anabolic steroids and distributors face little chance of being caught, congressional investigators said in a report issued Thursday.

    The Government Accountability Office study found the Internet makes it easy for mainly overseas distributors to avoid detection. And for those who are caught, the penalties are much lighter than for many other illegal drugs.

    The report was released as the Zero Tolerance Roundtable, which brings together professional, college and high school athletic representatives, advocacy groups and parents of steroid victims, held its second meeting to address the growing problem of steroid use by young people.

    The roundtable was formed by the House Government Reform Committee, chaired by Rep. Tom Davis, R-Va. He and ranking Democrat Henry Waxman of California requested the GAO study.

    "Dangerous and illegal steroids are just a mouse click away," Waxman said. "Parents, teachers, and coaches are on the front lines in the fight against steroid abuse, and they need to know that young athletes and other youth have such easy access to these harmful substances."

    Steroids build muscle but also can lead to heart attacks, strokes, cancer, sterility and mood swings. The use of most steroids without a doctor's prescription has been illegal since 1991.

    Accusations of steroid use among major league baseball players spurred congressional interest this year. Davis, Waxman and other lawmakers say stringent testing is needed in pro sports leagues to ensure a level playing field and to show teens that performance-enhancing drugs aren't a way to a pro sports career.

    Sens. Jim Bunning, R-Ky., and John McCain, R-Ariz., are sponsoring legislation calling for a two-year suspension of an athlete who fails a steroids test for the first time and a lifetime ban for a second offense. Athletes would be tested at least five times a year.

    House bills with similar testing minimums and punishments have been proposed, including the Clean Sports Act of 2005 authored by Davis, whose panel held a March hearing with baseball stars Rafael Palmeiro and Mark McGwire and baseball officials including Commissioner Bud Selig.

    The GAO report found there are hundreds of Web sites offering anabolic steroids. The anonymity of the Internet makes dealers difficult to find.

    "Internet sites can be installed, moved, or removed easily and quickly, making it difficult for law enforcement agencies to identify, track, monitor, or shut them down," the report said.

    Investigators looking into steroid sales placed and paid for 22 online orders using fictitious personal information. They received 10 shipments of steroids, all from outside the United States.

    Law enforcement officials interviewed for the report said the foreign origin of the steroids makes them hard to track and noted that the Internet also makes it easy to market the drugs to young people.

    Federal sentencing guidelines provide lighter penalties for steroid dealers. For example, someone convicted of selling 40,000 pills of an anabolic steroid faces only up to six months in jail while someone selling 40,000 pills of certain other controlled substances could get up to 41 months.

    The Associated Press News Service

    Copyright 2004-2005, The Associated Press, All Rights Reserved

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    gates of hell
    Congress should abolish all sports. haha. I hate reading this crap.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Ahhh these fat lawmen can go F them selves, they should teach punks how to use them instead!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    nor cal
    doesn't sound like any new info, just a news reporters way of getting some publicity by jumping on the steroid bashing bandwagon.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Darkness
    Ahhh these fat lawmen can go F them selves, they should teach punks how to use them instead!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Fvkc big brother!!!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    northern cali
    damn, this sh_t really pisses me off. steroids are nowhere near as bad as the government wants everyone to think. its pretty funny that this article said that juice is not a way into professional sports. who the fu_k do they think they're fooling? anyway, gotta love the internet "steroids are just a mouse click away" for me thats true cause i got a very reliable and honest source. the only problem is saving up the 7-8 hundred dollars to pay for it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    gates of hell
    Quote Originally Posted by Darkness
    Ahhh these fat lawmen can go F them selves, they should teach punks how to use them instead!
    I second that.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    good thing most internet sites you can find via google are scams anyway. The stuff that they did receive was probably fake too!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    nor cal
    Quote Originally Posted by longhorn814
    good thing most internet sites you can find via google are scams anyway. The stuff that they did receive was probably fake too!
    i believe the sentence for selling fake steroids is just as bad as if they were real.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    the only sites that are reliable are not easily found

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    I like the 50% scammer rate 10 out of 20 orders arrived - classic.

  14. #14
    It makes absolutely no sense to me...

    They ban prohormones and steroids but yet chemicals such as nicotine, alcohol and caffeine flow through our society freely?

    If they could find a way where you could obtain a licence in order to prescribe steroids to lifters who feel they want a competitive edge, they would have a huge industry. The person giving out the steroids would be in charge of monitoring the test and estrogen levels while also making sure the person does their PCT correctly.

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by Impitious
    It makes absolutely no sense to me...

    They ban prohormones and steroids but yet chemicals such as nicotine, alcohol and caffeine flow through our society freely?

    If they could find a way where you could obtain a licence in order to prescribe steroids to lifters who feel they want a competitive edge, they would have a huge industry. The person giving out the steroids would be in charge of monitoring the test and estrogen levels while also making sure the person does their PCT correctly.
    Amen, to that bro!

  16. #16
    I take back what I said...

    If steroids were easy for people to get, than every moron walking around in the US would be ripped and huge.
    There would be no point to lifting anymore. Haha.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    nor cal
    Quote Originally Posted by Impitious
    I take back what I said...

    If steroids were easy for people to get, than every moron walking around in the US would be ripped and huge.
    There would be no point to lifting anymore. Haha.
    this makes no sense. just because someone takes steroids doesn't mean they are going to build new muscle. you actually have to put out the effort to get that muscle and there are probably not as many out there as you think that are willing to dedicate their time to lifting over other priorities in their lives.

  18. #18
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    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by punchrf
    this makes no sense. just because someone takes steroids doesn't mean they are going to build new muscle. you actually have to put out the effort to get that muscle and there are probably not as many out there as you think that are willing to dedicate their time to lifting over other priorities in their lives.
    My priorities are: my g/f, lifting, eating, work, etc... in that order! But yeah, not a whole lot of people have their fitness that high up in the priorities.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    nor cal
    Quote Originally Posted by Darkness
    My priorities are: my g/f, lifting, eating, work, etc... in that order! But yeah, not a whole lot of people have their fitness that high up in the priorities.
    mine are a little different. lifting, eating, work, gf.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    The point of no return.
    "Steroids build muscle but also can lead to heart attacks, strokes, cancer, sterility and mood swings."

    This line kills me. Mood swings maybe for some, but the rest is a gross generalization. Oh, and steroids do not "build muscle." Amazing to me how many people think just taking steroids will somehow magically build muscle.

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by eGGz
    "Steroids build muscle but also can lead to heart attacks, strokes, cancer, sterility and mood swings."

    This line kills me. Mood swings maybe for some, but the rest is a gross generalization. Oh, and steroids do not "build muscle." Amazing to me how many people think just taking steroids will somehow magically build muscle.
    A friend of mine who never lifted a day in his life bought enough Winny for 3 months and did a few curls a night.

    He complained everytime I saw him how he wasn't getting any bigger and did not know why.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Autobot City
    It's great to see this country going after the real monster those who use a little test, get some bacne and bench press a house rather than the ones who kill other for skimming a little coke off the top or the addicts who harm others just to get a fix

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by eGGz
    "Steroids build muscle but also can lead to heart attacks, strokes, cancer, sterility and mood swings."

    This line kills me. Mood swings maybe for some, but the rest is a gross generalization. Oh, and steroids do not "build muscle." Amazing to me how many people think just taking steroids will somehow magically build muscle.
    You didnt know? You dont have to touch a weight while taking just get bigger.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Autobot City
    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    You didnt know? You dont have to touch a weight while taking just get bigger.
    Thats what I thought

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Golds Gym
    no matter how much the media talk about the dangers or how steroids are bad for u, it all comes down to the person taking the gear.... if the user want to they will take gear no matter how much someone says that its bad for u...

    And u hear all this crap on the news of how steroids killed and how steroids coused this and that.... but If the media focused more attention on givin more info out on how to use steroids safely, right dosages, length of cycles, and precautions to take it would b of more use to every1...

    ne ways just my opinion...

    Happy Lifting

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    The point of no return.
    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    You didnt know? You dont have to touch a weight while taking just get bigger.
    Crap, I've been doing it wrong all this time.
    Last edited by eGGz; 11-04-2005 at 12:48 AM.

  27. #27
    Jesus Christ...


  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by Hawkman44
    This is one of the top stories on CBS Sportsline.

    Investigators looking into steroid sales placed and paid for 22 online orders using fictitious personal information. They received 10 shipments of steroids, all from outside the United States.

    Law enforcement officials interviewed for the report said the foreign origin of the steroids makes them hard to track and noted that the Internet also makes it easy to market the drugs to young people.
    "Investigators looking into steroid sales placed and paid for 22 online orders using fictitious personal information. They received 10 shipments of steroids, all from outside the United States."

    Ya know I read the whole article and this is the sentence that caught my eye. Even these morons got scammed. I think this line speaks volumes about buying your gear online. That's less than a coin toss...

    Not to mention that as we speak, some Thai scammer is buying asian tail with my taxpayer dollars...
    Last edited by ouchthathurts; 11-03-2005 at 08:12 PM.

  29. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by ouchthathurts
    "Investigators looking into steroid sales placed and paid for 22 online orders using fictitious personal information. They received 10 shipments of steroids, all from outside the United States."

    Ya know I read the whole article and this is the sentence that caught my eye. Even these morons got scammed. I think this line speaks volumes about buying your gear online. That's less than a coin toss...

    Not to mention that as we speak, some Thai scammer is buying asian tail with my taxpayer dollars...
    Oh and before I forget, three out of the five feds right now are saying to each other. Isn't this the best workout you ever had?!?

    The other two had to leave early and are now at home spooning each other...

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Back from the dead.....
    Quote Originally Posted by Hawkman44
    This is one of the top stories on CBS Sportsline.


    Steroids build muscle but also can lead to heart attacks, strokes, cancer, sterility and mood swings. The use of most steroids without a doctor's prescription has been illegal since 1991.
    steroids build muscle???? i only take them because i want a heart attack, stroke, cancer, sterility and mood swings....

    stupid assholes... alcohol can cause all of that without the benefit of building muscle but u don't see them shuting down the bars and liquor stores...

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Autobot City
    Quote Originally Posted by topvega
    steroids build muscle???? i only take them because i want a heart attack, stroke, cancer, sterility and mood swings....

    stupid assholes... alcohol can cause all of that without the benefit of building muscle but u don't see them shuting down the bars and liquor stores...
    The only reason why AAS are illegal and cigs and alcohol is not is b/c the gov. makes money off that shit. If AAS was legal more people would use them but not like somking and drinking, they know that cigs/alcohol kills tons of people each year but if they took it off the market they lose out on $$$

  32. #32
    Making it illegal only makes it much more dangerous. It increases the probability of fake drugs which give side effects and no results, and decreases steriliy and safety with stuff liek needles. If only they would educate instead of just ignorantly ban it, it would be a much safer and a potentially profitable commodity. However I don't think the word steroid will ever get rid of the negative stigma attatched to it.
    Go Nux

  33. #33
    at least if young punks are ordering on the good boards they will know to through some test in their cycles! hahaha

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    y don't the politicians focus on whats really killing people and harming society - tobacco, alcohol, and obesity. The death toll every yr from auto accidents is something like 50000 how many people did steroids kill last yr? I fvckin hate when shiit gets banned cause some fat@ss politician wants publicity

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Some of my favorites and my comments below them

    Quote Originally Posted by Hawkman44

    WASHINGTON -- Any teen with a computer and an e-mail address can obtain anabolic steroids.

    > Really? Damn kids find the best sites, I keep getting peanut oil instead of Deca!

    Distributors face little chance of being caught, congressional investigators said in a report issued Thursday.

    >> Go figure I thought maybe they would fly right over to "God only knows where they are" and arrest them. No reason to get Coke and Crack off the street, lets spend all out time and go after the guys that like working out.

    The Government Accountability Office study found the Internet makes it easy for mainly overseas distributors to avoid detection. And for those who are caught, the penalties are much lighter than for many other illegal drugs.

    >> Gosh did they say it twice in a row for a dramatic effect or what.. Steroid steroids steroids are bad bad bad bad (imagine a fading echo there)

    The report was released as the Zero Tolerance Roundtable

    >> the only thing ROUND at this table for the beer bellies of the lard asses making up the rules.

    Which brings together professional, college and high school athletic representatives, advocacy groups and parents of steroid victims,

    >> Parents of Steroid Victims.. All you people here better call your mom and dad and say you are sorry for what you are doing to yourselves.

    held its second meeting to address the growing problem of steroid use by young people.

    >> why don't they hold a meeting about the millions of people dying from being overweight and not exercising at all every year.. I would guess that more than 1000X the number of deaths from steroid "abuse" comes from being just plain fat and lazy.. no I do not have medical facts on this but it is my guess

    The roundtable was formed by the House Government Reform Committee, chaired by Rep. Tom Davis, R-Va. He and ranking Democrat Henry Waxman of California requested the GAO study.

    >> Maybe someone should point Waxman to AAR Store so he can grow some hair back damn juicer!

    "Dangerous and illegal steroids are just a mouse click away," Waxman said.

    >> That is going to make me stop taking them today.. I am not even going to do PCT I am so scared now.

    "Parents, teachers, and coaches are on the front lines in the fight against steroid abuse, and they need to know that young athletes and other youth have such easy access to these harmful substances."

    >> The problem is these guys can't fight because they have a beer in one hand and a donut in the other.

    Steroids build muscle

    >> Without working out?? Sweet!!

    but also can lead to heart attacks, strokes, cancer, sterility and mood swings.

    >> Oh see there they go again always bring up the negative

    The use of most steroids without a doctor's prescription has been illegal since 1991.

    >> Yeah for doctors

    Accusations of steroid use among major league baseball players spurred congressional interest this year. Davis, Waxman and other lawmakers say stringent testing is needed in pro sports leagues to ensure a level playing field and to show teens that performance-enhancing drugs aren't a way to a pro sports career.

    >> It might not be a way in but if you want to be any good .. J/K.. But just think of this.. how cool would it be to go to a football or baseball game where everyone was so juiced that they would be ripping each other apart on the field.. oh wait that already happens.

    Sens. Jim Bunning, R-Ky., and John McCain, R-Ariz., are sponsoring legislation calling for a two-year suspension of an athlete who fails a steroids test for the first time and a lifetime ban for a second offense. Athletes would be tested at least five times a year.

    >> All this will lead to is cheating on the drug tests and/or designer steroids.

    House bills with similar testing minimums and punishments have been proposed, including the Clean Sports Act of 2005 authored by Davis, whose panel held a March hearing with baseball stars Rafael Palmeiro and Mark McGwire and baseball officials including Commissioner Bud Selig.

    >> what?!?!?! McGuire does this crap?? I thought he said he only did creatine?

    The GAO report found there are hundreds of Web sites offering anabolic steroids. The anonymity of the Internet makes dealers difficult to find.

    >> Again with the repeating

    "Internet sites can be installed, moved, or removed easily and quickly, making it difficult for law enforcement agencies to identify, track, monitor, or shut them down," the report said.

    >> Yup and it takes two minutes to update DNS setting and get a site running again on a different server.. idiots

    Investigators looking into steroid sales placed and paid for 22 online orders using fictitious personal information. They received 10 shipments of steroids, all from outside the United States.

    >> I wonder if they came to AAR to do a source check? I bet if they did they would not have gotten ripped off so many times.

    Law enforcement officials interviewed for the report said the foreign origin of the steroids makes them hard to track and noted that the Internet also makes it easy to market the drugs to young people.

    >> Here we go again.. I guess if you say it enough times it makes it true

    Federal sentencing guidelines provide lighter penalties for steroid dealers. For example, someone convicted of selling 40,000 pills of an anabolic steroid faces only up to six months in jail while someone selling 40,000 pills of certain other controlled substances could get up to 41 months.

    >> that sounds like crap to me.. I have heard of guys getting tons more time for selling AAS than coke..

    Okay I have said my peace.. I am outta here

    Last edited by oldman; 11-03-2005 at 09:08 PM.

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Red Stick La.
    You know, at some point when you have heard all of the same regurgitated propoganda over and over and does cause you to stop and reconsider the steroids that you have been putting in your body and the effects they have had on you.

    Yes, It does make one think, what if ? what if for my next cycle I do a gram of test/week and 650mgs tren/week and throw in some anavar and winny toward the end of the 12 weeks .... ah to hell with the 12 weeks---did someone say lifer ?


  37. #37
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    blah blah and here is a link to squirells on crack,2933,172612,00.html

    U.K. Squirrels Are Nuts About Crack
    Tuesday, October 18, 2005

    It's every city dweller's worst fear: rodents on crack.

    Squirrels in Brixton, South London, have been observed behaving bizarrely — and authorities there believe it may be because they're hooked on crack cocaine hidden by addicts, according to the London Sun.

    A recent crackdown by cops on dealers and addicts is thought to have inspired users to start hiding their stashes in the ground — which the squirrels are digging up.

    "My neighbor said dealers had used my garden to hide crack," one Brixton resident told the Sun.

    "Just an hour earlier I'd seen a squirrel digging in the flower-beds," the resident told the paper. "It was ill-looking and its eyes looked bloodshot, but it kept on desperately digging. It seems a strange thing to say, but it seemed to know what it was looking for."

    So-called "crack squirrels" are already acknowledged as a problem in American cities such as Washington, D.C., and New York.

    — Thanks to Out There reader Matt H.

    (Story continues below)

    They put anything in the news.... thats the job to make something out of nothing

  38. #38
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by james21
    blah blah and here is a link to squirells on crack,2933,172612,00.html

    U.K. Squirrels Are Nuts About Crack
    Tuesday, October 18, 2005

    It's every city dweller's worst fear: rodents on crack.

    Squirrels in Brixton, South London, have been observed behaving bizarrely — and authorities there believe it may be because they're hooked on crack cocaine hidden by addicts, according to the London Sun.

    A recent crackdown by cops on dealers and addicts is thought to have inspired users to start hiding their stashes in the ground — which the squirrels are digging up.

    "My neighbor said dealers had used my garden to hide crack," one Brixton resident told the Sun.

    "Just an hour earlier I'd seen a squirrel digging in the flower-beds," the resident told the paper. "It was ill-looking and its eyes looked bloodshot, but it kept on desperately digging. It seems a strange thing to say, but it seemed to know what it was looking for."

    So-called "crack squirrels" are already acknowledged as a problem in American cities such as Washington, D.C., and New York.

    — Thanks to Out There reader Matt H.

    (Story continues below)

    They put anything in the news.... thats the job to make something out of nothing
    crackhead squirrels LMAO!

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Frozen north

    Angry WAAAAIIT a minute!!

    [dont be stupid.................................
    Last edited by Booz; 06-15-2006 at 05:35 AM.

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Back in da box!
    advocacy groups and parents of steroid victims
    WTF?????????? I didn't know steroids vicitmized people, what do they slip into your room at night and inject themselves into you bloodstream. Very scary shit, I'm gonna have to start sleeping with the bathroom door locked, wouldn't want those evil cocksuckers coming out and victimizing me.
    Last edited by shortie; 11-04-2005 at 09:13 AM.

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