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Thread: To to lose fat fast. Throw me your best ways.

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    Post To to lose fat fast. Throw me your best ways.

    First off what is a good thing to take.. eca stack? iam new to dietry supplements and want to buy some. Please suggest me one.

    2 questions is how many days of the week should i do cardio and how long for.. after weight workout or befor.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    If you can, do workouts seperate from cardio. ie: Cardio in the morning, weight lifting mid-afternoon.

    If that's not possible, do cardio after training. If you go this route, have a 20-30g whey shake right before you start cardio so you can feed your muscles before you begin your cardio session. Then go home and hit up some more whey, with minimal to moderate simple carbs.

    What is your diet like now?

    Any eca stack will do, they are basically all the same.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Right now i dont really have a diet. Been on and off.

    Starting tommorow iam gonna do it stright for the next 6 months. i eat 5eggs whites and cerial befor school, iam aiming to eat just chicken and tuna, my canteens always sells chicken subs and chicken lettice rolls. i buy usally 1 of them for recess and 1 for lunch.

    so thats 3 meals. after school, i usally go home and eat pasta with miece meat and tuna added to it.

    then when my mum gets home. i eat what she cooks, usally fish or beef. i just take the beef and fish only.

    befor i sleep i usally eat a chicken sandwich or just close my eyes and shove tuna down my thoart or thinkly spread peanut butter.

    thats 6 meals. 12bannaers spread out even during the day. and 3-2liters jugs a day.

    Last few monhs i usually just eat fatty foods. but now iam getting layer of flab. iam gonna make a change.

    My training is 5 days a week. now gotta find time to fit this cardio in after workouts.

    Rioght now i am trying to aim at putting on muscle mass bluking but doing cardio also every day to try and keep lean.

    Just hope i can.
    Last edited by vinh; 05-13-2002 at 04:17 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    new york
    A good ECA stack is ECA stack by nutrasport. I been using it for awhile now and I like it. And as for cardio do it in the morning on empty stomach. Whatever machine your using put it on a high intensty.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    new york

    Re: To to lose fat fast. Throw me your best ways.

    Originally posted by vinh
    First off what is a good thing to take.. eca stack? iam new to dietry supplements and want to buy some. Please suggest me one.

    2 questions is how many days of the week should i do cardio and how long for.. after weight workout or befor.
    Papapump is on the money with morning cardio prior to eating. As far as your (anaerobic) workouts, aim for weight loads around 8-12RM in which empirical evidence portrays decreased glycogen with increased fat loss.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    new york
    Sorry! papapump AND dern are on the money as far as morning cardio. I overlooked that, just wanted to emphasize that I value both of your opinions.

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