I have to share this with you, especially for 30+ crowd. I've been doing a lot a research (on this board, other boards, medical jourals, etc.) on hormone levels in men as they age. Did you know that a 54 year old man has more estrogen in his system than a 59 year old woman??? IT'S TRUE! Why Liquidex/NYC? Soon, but first...
You see, my family (dad, uncles, etc.) have all had a terrible time losing weight and building muscle as they grew older. My dad is now 58 and has diabetes. My family also has a propensity for a 'endomorphic' body type, soft and stubborn fat deposits everywhere. I never had a problem losing weight until about 5 years ago. I tried everything (what a cliche)...fasting, exercising until my body was so run down I'd get sick, and couldn't lose fat...then I'd get depressed and eat. I've hovered around 280 lbs. since that time.
Then I started reading this board and others, about steroids, anti-estrogens, etc., and found out that EXCESS ESTROGEN IN A MAN'S SYSTEM IS A LEADING CAUSE OF OBESITY, HEART DISEASE, PROSTATE CANCER, DIABETES, AND MORE! Traditional medicine holds the belief that testosterone is what aggravates prostate cancer...really it's ESTROGEN! Think about it...what do woman found to have breast cancer take??? Arimidex (anastozole)!!!! It's because the estrogen is the culprit! Now, don't misunderstand, estrogen does play an important role in your health, even for a man, but the key is the correct amount and in the correct balance with your free testosterone levels.
Let me break this down as I've learned it, and then on to my cycle...
A man's body creates testosterone, some of it is naturally converted into estrogen (estradiol, actually) by the aromatase enzyme. Aromatase is synthesized in the body in FAT CELLS! More fat, more aromatase, more estrogen, which leads to MORE FAT! A vicious cycle, for sure.
With excess extrogen comes excess SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Gobulin), which binds to testosterone, making it unusable by the body. Only a small percentage of the testosterone you produce is "free", or usable by the body. Also, estrogen in your system will bind itself to androgen receptors in you body, so even the free test you have can't reach them!
This was all a revelation to me! This is why my recovery from lifting weights was horrible! The reason for the stubborn abdominal fat! Hell, I hadn't even had "morning wood" (pardon the expression) for years! All because of too much estrogen in my system.
If this has piqued your interest, then here's what to do next. Read the articles in the links I'll provide at the end of this post. Educate yourself. I've learned a lot and am still learning, and everyone's body is different. Think your estrogen levels may be too high? Get a Male Hormone Panel done, with Free and Total Testosterone, Estradiol, DHT (dihydrotestosterone), DHEA, PSA, LH (Luteinizing hormone, which is released by the pituitary as a signal for your gonads to produce more testosterone....), and SHBG. Then determine whether or not there is an imbalance. Detail on how to do this can be found here:
Did you know that your brain uses estrogen levels in your body as an indicator of whether or not you need more testosterone?? Another way excess estrogen can negatively affect your health.
Anyway, my test showed that LH was good, but estradiol was higher than it should be and free test levels were not good.
Credit for this cycle goes to HUCKLEBERRY FINAPLEX at Elite, and that got me started on my research into why Liquidex (Anastrozole) would help you lose bodyfat. Anastrozole in an aromatase inhibitor, helping to lower estogen levels in your body.
Here it is:
WEEKS 1-12: Liquidex (.25 mg ED)
WEEK 1,2: NYC (Norephidrine, Yohimbe, Caffiene) stack
WEEK 3,4: ECA stack
WEEK 9,10: NYC
WEEK 11,12: ECA
Also have been using Lipoderm-Y from Advant Labs (topical yohimbine, similar to Yohimburn) with GREAT success! My wife loves it also...she's always been petite (and hot...blonde, blue eyes, wow!), at about 4'10" and 105 lbs. Using Lipo-Y she can see here abs for the very first time!
Also supplementing with:
ALA (1800 mg/day)
MSM (3 g/day)
FLAX OIL (9 g/day)
NAC (2400 mg/day)
Milk Thistle
Saw Palmetto
L-glutamine (pre and post cardio)
Creatine (pre and post)
Vyo-Dim (Diindolylmethane) which helps with estrogen metabolism and also keeps SHBG from binding to your free test.
MEALS: 8 meals/day. 2 hours apart. Alternate 300/250 kcal.
CARDIO: 10 x/week cardio is target heart rate zone (for me is 150-162 BPM) for fat loss.
The results so far? 4 weeks in....lost 25 lbs. (no lean mass lost!), and 4 inches off my waistline! I feel like a million bucks all the time! I wake up with "morning wood" almost every morning! Recovery from exercise is noticably better...I feel invigorated!!!
Anyway, just wanted to share with all what I've learned. Here are some great links with info, and I'll keep you posted. My goal is July 8th, 225 lbs., 36 in. waist, 12-15% BF. I can tell you right now, my body feels like it's there already!
If anyone has more info pertaining to this thread, please post. I by no means know it all, I just want to learn more and get healthy. I have 2 young boys (2 and 5) and I want to be around for them and my wife a long, healthy time...