Note: At the time this post was written, UPJOHN was the manufacturer of Depo-testosterone. PHARMACIA, a division of PFIZER is now the manufacturer of Depo-testosterone.
This is true and good information for anyone who has taken painful shots in the glutes:
I had my doctor's assistant show me exactly where to inject my test AND I called Upjohn's help line and spoke to one of their help line nurses. (UPJOHN is the manufacturer of Depo-testosterone aka Cyp). Here's what both have told and shown me, and it works:
Note: At the time this post was written (year 2002), UPJOHN was the manufacturer of Depo-testosterone. PHARMACIA, a division of PFIZER, is now the manufacturer of Depo-testosterone.
Before I tell you this, let me tell you that the pics on for glutes are lower on the butt than they need to be and may have you hit a vein and/or a nerve (there's a huge nerve line running through your butt--you DON'T want to hit this).
The butt's devided: Gluteus Medius and Gluteus Maximus. For intramuscular medications (such as test and other AS), a shot in the Gluteus Medius is JUST AS EFFECTIVE as in the Gluteus Maximus (my doctor's office and the Upjohn nurse both verified this).
The pic on is in the Glueteus Maximus (and this area hurts like a bitch anywhere from a few hours to a day after the shot). On the other hand, a shot in the Gluteus Medius is practically painless going in and has no after-shock of pain. NOTE: Injections into the Gluteus Medius are also known as Ventrogluteal intramuscular injections.
Here's how you locate the spot where to shoot:
Put your hand on your waist. The spot to inject is located approximately an inch below the area where your thumb and forfinger makes a V. It's in that area just above the big dimple when you tense up your glutes.
It works like a charm. If you need to know: I'm using 3ml 22 gage needles that are 1.5 inches long. The needle label is written like this:
3ml 22G 1 1/2 (0.7mm x 40mm).
Stick the needle in at a 45 degree angle or straight in. (I prefer a slight angle).
I hope this helps you.
Disclaimer: I'm not a health professional, I'm just telling you information that seems to have helped me. Please verifiy this info for yourself and use caution, knowing that (again) I am not a health professional.
Edited to add second picture:
People still seem to be a bit confused about the spot so I've added a picture of a naked butt with a red square around the injection area. Yes, it's a naked butt, but it clearly shows the gluteus medius injection area.
The red and purple portions in the picture below comprise the gluteus medius:
(Click on thumbnail pictures for larger image)