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Thread: are all test made equally??

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    a building

    are all test made equally??

    is there a test that is better then the others?? im plannin on a EQ/test cycle and wondering what is the best est for the job?? im tryin to gain weight being that im skinny. i also want the test with least amount of sides...if there is one. and this is my first cycle and ill be runnin the test at only 200mg a week. which would be the best choice??
    Last edited by Khull_Khuum; 05-25-2002 at 12:31 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    a building
    can i get some responses here?? bump

  3. #3
    all test basically does the same thing....they raise your normal level of testosterone in your body....that simple
    the difference comes from the length of the esters involved....

    prop for example has a short ester, so it hits fast and ends quickly. thats why you have to do everyday injections to keep your testosterone levels way above normal and at a stable place......

    cypionate has a longer ester and stays active in the body for a longer time. some say you can do once a week injects with it, but i do better with 2x per week.....

    ive always wondered about sustanon..(mixture of short and long esters)...if you only shoot it once a week, the short esters are being short changed....after all, the one ingredient is i feel sustanon needs to be injected alot more frequently to take advantage of all the esters....

    so...short esters like prop are good because they dont stay active long and have less aromatizing activity, so you get less sides like bloating(still get some just not as much)....but you have to do alot of injects...

    longer esters like cypionate stay active longer, so they is more aromatizing activity that causes more sides like bloating(arimidex can help with this part), but you have alot less injects...

    acne is still going to be a problem with them both if you get it...

    for a first cycle i would run a cypionate type test for 2 reasons...
    1- less injections for a newbie...
    2- you will hold more water with the cypionate and you may need the joint support, due to the fact you will be pushing harder with heavier weights.....

  4. #4
    wow...i typed way to much.....someone is rubbing off on me...LOL

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Good info Viper thanks for laying it all out like that, that clears up a few questions i had too.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    a building
    thanks viper very good post....what about enanthate???

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Enanthate is a llittle bit shorter acting than cypionate and yields less water retention.

  8. #8
    All the big guys i hang with around here all stress that enanthate is the best all around and especially for size gain. And they rrrrrrrrrrr big!!!! So you do the math.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Originally posted by TRIPLE HHH
    All the big guys i hang with around here all stress that enanthate is the best all around and especially for size gain. And they rrrrrrrrrrr big!!!! So you do the math.
    That means shit!

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