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Thread: 3 week update and another taraxatone question

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    somewhere in reality

    3 week update and another taraxatone question

    ok, after researching on here and other places, i think that i am going to try using taraxatone as my diuretic. here is the deal. i am 3 weeks out, still think that i am on the right track, and trying to stay full. i am holding in my lower back and ham/glute tie in, but i usually do although this time, its better. my final week plan for water is as follows....

    saturday thru tuesday, three gallons
    wed two gallons
    thursday, one gallon
    friday, 1/2 gallon and none after 6pm. only sipping after i eat.

    i have been salting everything. and here is why, i am thinking that i will trick my body into thinking that it is used to all the sodium, then when i cut it out wed, it will think that it needs it so it will pull it from the skin. that is the plan with the salt. now here is my question.........

    when should i start the taraxatone. the serving size is 6 capsules so there is 10 servings in the whole thing. my thinking was to take 6 twice wed, three times on thursday, three times on friday and the rest (12) saturday morning. also, what about potassium??

    what do you all think. i am also gonna do the prep h thing, on my abs and lower back wrapping it with saran wrap and on my ham/glute tie in but no wrap over night on wed and thurs since thursday will be my last shower as i will pro tan on friday morning and friday night and poss sat morning.

    i probably will say it about a thousand times, but thanks to all that have helped and supported a natural bb.

    btw, i am gonna use rage against the machine's killing in the name of for my music. its the 2nd track on the first album if anyone has it.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    First of all slowely reducing your water is a NO-NO, i would never recomend that to anyone, you body will detect water consumption lowering and start holding water and not want to release it. I WOULD NOT DO THAT, Drink all you can and cut it out at about 18 hours from the prejudging.

    I also would not fuck with sodium, just eat your food as it is and i would not cut the sodium out at any point, for my last show i ate frozen chicken (after cooking it of course) and it had added salt, if you look at my after the show pictures you will see that i am dry as hell, and the sodium i was eating did not make negative differance. Your body likes to stay in BALANCE, by reducing your sodium you are throwing your body out of electrolyte balance, it will release Aldosterone (hormone responsible for your body to hold to water) and you are F***ed. You also need sodium to properly Carb up, your body needs sodium in the lower intestine to absorb carbohydratres efficiantly, it can be done without sodium in there but it takes a lot longer.

    As for Taraxatone i would only use it as recomended twice a day 2 times on wednesday, 2 times on thursday and 2 times on Friday and 1 time on Saturday morning, only if you feel you still need it (i have a feeling you will think you do). Remeber somethings in life do not work on the philosophy of MORE IS BETTER...remember all Diuretics draw water not only from under the skin and between the muscle fibers, which is the water you want to get rid off, but also from your muscle bellies, organs etc. and you deffinitely want to keep your water in your muscle bellies, that gives you the full, hard, defined look.

    I know in the end you will do whatever you dicide but that's my 2 cents.

    How many shows have you done before...???

    Just wondering because i f**ed up my first 3 shows and all of them in the last wek of prep...i looked good the week before and always ended up screwing around and messing things up.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    somewhere in reality
    this is my 6th show, and i have messed up almost all of them the last week. what you said makes sense. and i think that i will do some more research on it, because that was the way i was doing it every time, and seems like it does not work so well. I am a little apprehensive about trying anything this time because i feel that i am looking the best that i have ever looked, still full, striations in tris and chest, so i dont want to lose that. however, this is the first of what i hope to be three shows this year so maybe i can figure it out by number 3. one question mike, or anyone for that matter, since i was planning on drinking three gallons up unil wed, would you think that 1 1/2 or 2 would be better.

    man this sucks, but thanks so much for your help mike that was worth a lot more than 2 pennies.....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    Before my last show i drank about 2 gallons of water Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs and then 1 gallon friday untill 1:00 pm. I besicly drank as much water as i could, i don't think i could have drank any more if i tried, so i guess if you can put down 3 gallons for those 4 days, go ahead.

    You said you have done 6 shows and it never worked out in the last week, yet you keep doing the same thing, in my three shows i did 3 different last week prep programs and none worked really well, but if it doesn't work you have to change it. So this might be a good time for you to try something new.

    Here is a few words of wisdom:


    There is so many people at the gym that do the same routine for years, eat the same, workout the same, use the same weights etc. and always look the same year after year.
    They are the same people that always come up to you and say man i just can't get any bigger, so you spend 30min talking to them trying to help them out and then they come to the gym and do the same old shit routines that have gotten them absolutely no where.
    Moral of the story change is good, so don't be affraid to try something different especially if you don't feel you are getting the optimal results that you are looking for.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    somewhere in reality
    you are full of knowledge, and i thank you and i will most def try something new. i'll keep you posted. thanks double x ele

  6. #6
    Remember NM that you have to find what works for YOU, mike is a genius when it comes to diuretics, so listen to what he has to say. I'm kinda with him about the water although, during this last show I pretty much drank right up until I stepped on stage. I did not come in as dry, but I was as full as I had ever been, so theres a fine line. In the past I had usually slightly reduce my water two days out(when I start to load),everyday a little less, goes against mikes theory, but not if you use a aldo blocker, I was dry by show time but I was also stringy. I suggest you take some serious notes during these three shows, including exact times of everything you do, documentation is the key and then you can go back and find out just where you may have fucked up, if you do at all. Plus you can pass those notes on to us, I would be more than willing to hash them over

    Anyway good luck
    Last edited by Dr. Derek; 05-26-2002 at 09:37 PM.

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