First off i sorry i such a newb and know nothing at all....
Well i have been searching on here for about an hour.But i dont know much about steroids.
Anyways here is my situation.I looking to get ripped by summer.Never worked out a day in my life beside basketball practice.Last week i started watching what i eat for once i dropped 10 lbs in 5 days only thing i taking is hydroxycut.I have been eating very healthy protein bar for breakfast,salad for lunch,Then steamed veggies and grilled chicken for dinner.I drink at least 100 oz of water per day. Tomorrow i start my first day at the gym.I weigh 184 im 5"10 and 24 years old.I have alot of extra fat around my stomach and "Love Handles" thats the only spots i have a alot of fat.
I dont wanna get huge but i wanna be cut and ripped.I need to get rid of the stomach my main focus is on abs.
Can anyone give me some info i know i just gave a very broad describtion,but like i said i knew to this.