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Thread: Okay, so here's a logical question about GH and Juice

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  1. #1

    Okay, so here's a logical question about GH and Juice

    First my stats.
    25 roughly 200lbs and 5'11 "I know I'm a bit young for it, but I ran across a bargain".

    I have not been on anything in a LOOONG time, therefore I have not been keeping up with my reading. I am one to thoroughly look into things before trying them.
    Here is my situation.
    I want to get to 205-210 lean "lean being the key word".
    I currently have about 300ius of HGH, enough Fina for a long time "probably just going to run 6 weeks", and some tests. I would preffer prop, but only have one 10ml bottle of it so will most likely enanthate since I have it in stock..
    Should I run the growth for a month or so before starting the cycle? I was thinking or doing cardio for a month while taking 2iu's GH 5/2 split, then jump on once im a month into it since bulking and cutting require two totally different diets/cardio/ect.

    I'd like some advise from the pros!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    I would throw the GH in at the end or after the completion. Secondly, if you are a decently lean guy and just want to gain 10 lbs with lean as your goal, you can do that with prop and winnny or better yet prop and EQ. But if your young and lean your GH is already high enough, throwing 2iu won't do jack-**** for you. Maybe if you run your GH at a higher dose for at least 5-6 months, but otherwise forget about the GH. Sell it and use the money to get some juice. PM me, I will buy the GH from you for 0.01/IU...and thats a deal!

  3. #3
    Thanks for the feedback.

    First off. I feel that I am not as lean as I should be. For my build. I should be at around 180.. Like I said, I have been a solid 205 in the past.
    I am wanting to keep these gains and I understand you keep more gains with GH. I dont have enough to go 6 months unfortunately and a penny per iu is too low.. haha, my buddies are dieing for it.

    I basically want to diet to about 185-190 before I really start gaining.
    So now im looking at 20-25 solid lbs im looking to gain.
    My body usually responds really well to aas, so we'll see. I just want all the advise that I can get first just to assure that im going in the right direction.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Personnaly unless you are not going to be on GH for 6 months atleast or cannot afford atleast 6 months, then you would be better off not doing it at all. And use the funds for other things

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    RIP Brother...
    Quote Originally Posted by IFIWAS
    Personnaly unless you are not going to be on GH for 6 months atleast or cannot afford atleast 6 months, then you would be better off not doing it at all. And use the funds for other things
    Why 6 months?

  6. #6
    well, at 2iu at 5/2. That should run me pretty close to my 6 month mark.. Is that not worth it?

  7. #7
    Anyone familliar enough with GH to elaborate on my idea?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    I'm actually pretty interested in how this works out for you. I'm only a year or 2 older than you and this sounds pretty much like what I was planning on doing. I was going to start out at 2 iu 5/2 then after 3 weeks bump it up to 3 or 3.33 iu

    From what I've read if you only take 2-3 iu a day it'll work best for weight loss. and that you need to take 4-5 iu a day to add muscle.

    But you said you wanted to diet down then try to add the muscle. As long as you've been working out I would go ahead and add GH in your cuting phase then when your ready to make your gains you'll already have a base of GH becauseit normally takes awhile to see results thus the 6 months everyone talks about. Although personally I don't think you nessarly need to run it that long but it's proby a good idea.

    This is just my ass backward opinion so take it with a grain of salt because I haven't started my hgh program yet so I can only base it off of what I've read

  9. #9
    Thanks bro..
    Yes, i am trying to cut for about a month or so before I jump on the "protein".
    I am taking GH and clen now 5/2 at 2iu's.. I really dont have the quantity to bump myself to 4iu's for 6 months so fat reduction would be good, although, on the other hand, once I start my cycle, I may up the Gh to 3-4iu's and just finish it like that.
    If it's a waste of time then so be it, but what im looking for on this forum is the best way to use what i have available.
    I figure it may also help with acne as well as i am somewhat prone to acne as a side.
    We'll see.

  10. #10
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    Last edited by Auto54; 02-12-2009 at 11:36 AM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    I would tend to agree with Equiguns: 2ius @ ur age won't do jack; sell & trade up for roids. You don't have enuf HGH to last long enough to make a dif, but your idea of starting it early (& continuing after the Clomid cycle finishes) WOULD be on targhet if you were 10 yrs older~You can do without for only 10 good pounds on a simple intermediate roid stack.

  12. #12
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Jul 2003
    I don't know if this has been mentioned as I have not had time to read other replys but I would not bother if you only have 300IU. If you do happen to get more IU then run your GH for about 8 - 12 weeks then start your AAS. IMO, you should run GH for at least 4 -5 months, pref 6. HGH really takes a while to work so you want to use it for an extended period of time. Even at a low dose 300IU won't be enough because you are still young. I just don't know what you should expect at 2IU p/day at your age, but you can give it a ago and see what happens.

    Everybody wants to grow lean. That's the key isn't it? This however is very tricky because when you put on weight you gain fat as well as muscle. It all depends on your diet, genetics etc, but you are more than lilkely to gain fat too if you are doing a bulker.

    If you want to try and grow lean I wouldn't bother with enanthate. It will blow you up making you look the opposite of what you want to look like. As you said, use prop. If you haven't got enough, get some more, prop is cheap.

    I think you can meet your goal just with AAS, HGH isn't necessary.


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