First my stats.
25 roughly 200lbs and 5'11 "I know I'm a bit young for it, but I ran across a bargain".
I have not been on anything in a LOOONG time, therefore I have not been keeping up with my reading. I am one to thoroughly look into things before trying them.
Here is my situation.
I want to get to 205-210 lean "lean being the key word".
I currently have about 300ius of HGH, enough Fina for a long time "probably just going to run 6 weeks", and some tests. I would preffer prop, but only have one 10ml bottle of it so will most likely enanthate since I have it in stock..
Should I run the growth for a month or so before starting the cycle? I was thinking or doing cardio for a month while taking 2iu's GH 5/2 split, then jump on once im a month into it since bulking and cutting require two totally different diets/cardio/ect.
I'd like some advise from the pros!