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  1. #1
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    would you be able to fill me in a bit more about insulin, (for an sprinter not bodybuilder)
    ive read all the threads on it.
    but is it just for recovery?
    can it be cycled by itslef with good results?
    has anyone had any sides from it?
    can it potentially cause problems later on in life?


  2. #2
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    Apr 2006
    can you give some guidelines/advice for fast acting insulin, would i just take PWO. also i can get long lasting, but dont see the point!!

    can insulin be effective by itslef with good diet and supps.

    for eg
    insulin PWO with amino's.


  3. #3
    Gear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by squash
    can you give some guidelines/advice for fast acting insulin, would i just take PWO. also i can get long lasting, but dont see the point!!

    can insulin be effective by itslef with good diet and supps.

    for eg
    insulin PWO with amino's.

    For now, stick with PWO only. Once you are experienced you can look into using insulin at other times of the day. But note that slin is mostly beneficial PWO.

    Don't worry about long acting insulin, stick with fast acting ones.

    You can use it by it self, and yes it can be benficial when combined with other supplments. Many use creatine and glutamine with slin PWO, I find that to be very beneficial.


  4. #4
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    Apr 2006
    hey is slin just a particular brand?
    i was thinking just starting with somethin like this:

    week 1- 1unit PWO
    week2 -2 units
    week 3 -3units
    week 4 -3 units

    then 4 weeks off.

    then next cycle just 3 units PWO

    i was thinking just taking after high intensity session, so i would be taking 2-3 times per week.

    does this sound ok?

  5. #5
    Gear's Avatar
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    Yes you can use it on its own, and its really good for recovery. The side effects from insulin can be pretty serious. Hypoglycemia symptoms such as sweating, shaking, blurry eye vision, and tiredness are one of the common ones. If your BG drops too low you can fall into a diabetic coma. This is as bad as it gets. But if you know how to use it properly you shouldn't experience anything more than a bit of sweating or the common sides I mentioned. The good thing about insulin is that if you feel your BG is dropping then it can be fixed almost instantly. A consumption of simple carbohydrates (pref dextrose) should make you feel normal within seconds. It is quite common to experience these sides as a beginner because its very hard to know how much dextrose your body needs, and how much insulin your body can tolorate. It will take quite a few cycles to get to know to what extremes you can go to.

    I suggest you read up about insulin and make sure you know what you are doing before use. There are plenty of threads here regarding slin, so you have all the info you need there.

    As for permenant sides, some say you can become diabatic some say you can't. I don't want to get into that as this thread wil go on forever.

    All the best mate.


  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gear
    If your BG drops too low you can fall into a diabetic coma. This is as bad as it gets.
    Actually Gear your close but Diabetic coma or DKA diabetic ketoacidosus is a result of hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia doesnt give you that chance. a person can lose conciousness and at that point the liver tries to rush any excess sugar it has stored in itself into the body to keep it alive. the downside is that if the sugars dont get into your system fast enough or if the storage is depleted then your BG can drop to 0 and then it is night night you dont ever wake up. even if the body could be saved the person would be brain dead as it can go without oxygen for a few minutes but it cannot go without some glucose in the system.
    I personally have dropped down to a 14 BG before and had to take a shot in the leg of gelled glucose. and let me tell you, you feel like you had every person in the nation beating the sh_t outta you for about a week since you have deprived your muscles of the glucose they need to function.

    short story long. if you are gonna use insulin start with small amounts and go buy a glucose meter and save yourself the serious downs.

  7. #7
    Gear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tbizone
    Actually Gear your close but Diabetic coma or DKA diabetic ketoacidosus is a result of hyperglycemia
    No actually I was spot on. I just wasn't specific enough. I didn't state the process before falling into coma. But I'll be more specific now. If your BG drops too low you will experience hypoglycemia symptoms, and if BG keeps on dropping then you may very well fall into diabatic coma. That's the same thing as my first comment just a bit more specific. Sometimes I don't bother fully explaining because the topic is discussed quiet often, so I gather people will know what I am talking about.

    Thank you for the input anyway.

    Last edited by Gear; 04-27-2006 at 03:43 PM.

  8. #8
    Gear's Avatar
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    Ok I was hoping that you would get the hint and do a bit of researching by using the "search" tab in the top right hand corner, but obviously that didn't work lol.

    Ok, now let me modify that for you a little.

    First of, the term "slin" is meant for "insulin". I really shouldn't be using those terms as its hard for the newbies to understand sometimes, but it just becomes a habbit and you don't even relise you're doing it. But from now on, I'll try and use the proper words.

    Use insulin PWO only for 4 weeks. Once the 4 weeks is up, have at least another 4 weeks break. The more of a break you have, the better it is for you. Start of on 4IU, and increase the dose by 1IU every workout untill you get to 10IU. Once on 10IU stay on that dose until the end of cycle. (Please remember that your body may not be able to to tolerate 10IU, so if you feel like you are taking too much then take less. So just go by how your body reacts. But genereally speaking, most people are fine with 10IU PWO, and even if you feel like you can take more than that, don't increase the dose, it's not necessary. Only increase the dose when you are experieced with slin, and when you know what you are doing.)

    You have contacted me via PM, and I am not sure if I mentioned this, but incase I didn't, just for your information, you are best of using Humalog insulin. It is a fast acting insulin that is active for around 4hrs. During those 4hrs, try and minimize your fat consumption, only eat carbohydrates and proteins. Once the 4hr period is over, you may eat as you usally do. Also, during this 4hr period, don't fall asleep either. Insulin can have an effect on you while you are sleeping and send you into a deep hypogycemia (diabetic coma). If this happens while you are asleep no one would know as it would look like you are only sleeping. So, note that insulin can make you feel a bit drousy/sleepy, so try and stay awake.

    Now, you will need to take dextrose as well. Take 10g of dextrose for every 1IU of insulin. So if you are taking 4IU, then take 40g of dextrose. If you are taking 6IU, then take 60g of dextrose. Note that you take the dextrose immidietly after injection. Also, note that your body may need more than 10g per 1IU, so if that's the case take more, but most people are happy with taking 10g per 1IU of insulin.

    This is what your meals should look like while insulin is active. Remember, insulin (Humalog) is in your body for about 4hrs.

    * Injection
    * Immidietly after injection have your dextrose (10g of dex for every 1IU of insulin). Some people also take creatine and glutamine for additional benefits. You can too if you like, 5 - 10g for each one of those is enough.
    * 15 minutes later have your protein shake. You are best of having WPI (whey protein isolate). This is a fast acting protein, and considering your body is starving for fuel at this time, it would be a good idea to consume a WPI shake. So have about 75g of that.
    * 1.25 hours later have your first proper meal. I have grilled chicken, tuna or egg white as my protein source. About 50g is enough for this serve. Also have about 50g of carbohydrates, I usually have rice boiled in water.
    * 2.00hrs later have another solid meal, same as the meal above.
    By the time you have your next meal, insulin will no longer be active therefore you now should be able to eat as you usually do, and you should also be able to go to sleep without worrying as well.

    You see how all the food I consume while insulin is active are low in fats? That is because you don't want to consume fats for that 4hr period, only carbohydrates and proteins.

    Anyway, I think I have written just about enough, but do let me know if you need any further assistance.

    All the best, and be very carefull with insulin, it's not something you just take. You really need to know what it is and how it works before use.

    Last edited by Gear; 04-26-2006 at 02:32 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    thanks very much gear, much appriciated.
    my usual post work out supps are:
    creatine, l-carnitine,tyrosine,chromium.

    sould those be fine?
    would i take them straight after slin or wait 10min.
    is dextrose best taken in a carbo drink?

  10. #10
    Gear's Avatar
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    Those are fine in fact. Take them immidietly after injection along with your dextrose.

    Dextrose is pure glucose. It tastes like sugar, in fact it is a type of sugar. I mix my dex in water with glutamine and creatine. You can do the same but add your other BCAAs you usually take as well.

    Good luck mate.


  11. #11
    Join Date
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    thanks for all your help

  12. #12
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Not a problem, all the best.


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