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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    4 shakes per day

    If I'm eating correctly I don't see anyway around having 4 shakes per day. Some people say to try to keep it at 2, I find this impossible.

    1. a whey shake when you get up, w/ oatmeal - quickest way to get protien into your sysytem

    2. pre-workout - whey with oats

    3. post work-out - whey and rice (not mixed)

    4. cassien before bed. w/ flax

    Which ones are people leaving out?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    how about egg whites in the morning? and what are your goals? you can get the cassein from cottage cheese..... that gets rid of 2.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by biglouie250
    how about egg whites in the morning? and what are your goals? you can get the cassein from cottage cheese..... that gets rid of 2.


  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by biglouie250
    how about egg whites in the morning? and what are your goals? you can get the cassein from cottage cheese..... that gets rid of 2.
    Eggs are my second meal. Besides isn't egg the same as cassien which is a really slow digesting protien? I always thought since your body is catabolic, the quicker you get protien the better.

    I can see your point on the last meal though, if I can just stomach cottage cheese. I had some last week and it wasn't as bad as I remembered, but it is still pretty gross.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by biglouie250
    how about egg whites in the morning? and what are your goals? you can get the cassein from cottage cheese..... that gets rid of 2.
    The average large egg white has 3.5 grams of protein (depending on where you look for this info). If he wants to get a decent amount of protein in that meal, he would need about 13 egg whites.

    I still do about 6 egg whites with a whey protein shake (25g) every morning. Trying to discard yolks from 13 eggs would set my tone for the day in a very wrong direction lol

  6. #6
    You have very expensive shit.
    Seriously bro...have you actually taken four shakes in a 12-16 hour period before?...And if was your stomach...I could only imagine...

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by str8clownin
    Seriously bro...have you actually taken four shakes in a 12-16 hour period before?...And if was your stomach...I could only imagine...
    actually I don't think he ment me when he made the "expensive shit" comment. A whey shake is definitely cheaper than a steak, chicken breast, even a can of tuna.

    Stomach was fine, some gainers send me running to the shitter, but not whey.

    Just figured it out, each whey shake cost me about .65 cents. Glad I know that now

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by str8clownin
    Seriously bro...have you actually taken four shakes in a 12-16 hour period before?...And if was your stomach...I could only imagine...
    i have... no problems

    You get what you pay for.

    Buy shit.. you get shit.

  9. #9
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    The only shake I have is whey for PWO, or if there is absolutely no food around when it comes time for a meal. Fact is, except for PWO, whole food will always come to better benefit than shakes.


  10. #10
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    Jan 2004
    what are your goals? cutting/bulking? i go with egg whites in the AM with a tbsp of extra virgin olive oil because im cutting......after cardio the last thing i want is carbs, need the fat burning to continue for as long as possible.

    try friendship wholemilk california style cottage cheese. it only has 2g of carbs per serving and has fat and protein which is something i like before bed. it also tastes real good IMO.......

    maybe lay out the entire diet so it can be edited properly.....dont forget to include your stats and your goals....

  11. #11
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    I'm lean bulking, I almost follow the bulking sticky to a t, a couple of tweaks here and there though(mainly the shakes). I'll post the differences in a few, I'm 5'10" 197

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by speak
    If I'm eating correctly I don't see anyway around having 4 shakes per day. Some people say to try to keep it at 2, I find this impossible.

    1. a whey shake when you get up, w/ oatmeal - quickest way to get protien into your sysytem

    2. pre-workout - whey with oats

    3. post work-out - whey and rice (not mixed)

    4. cassien before bed. w/ flax

    Which ones are people leaving out?

    Is this your entire diet ?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by MarkyMark
    Is this your entire diet ?
    haha, no, i was just talking about the shakes i drink during the day. I made this thread just to talk about shakes, but it looks like I'm gonna eventually be thrown up on the stand to defend my whole diet. (just thought he was cool)

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    how can you find it impossible not to have 4 shakes a day its called a cooler man get one and prepare meal in it, de de dee

  15. #15
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    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by steve0
    how can you find it impossible not to have 4 shakes a day its called a cooler man get one and prepare meal in it, de de dee
    i have plenty of food with me, all the time, thats not my point.

    ok, I'm pretty sure I got the idea for my oats w/ whay shake from SC, i'm 99% sure he drinks that PRE-WORKOUT(he might have changed)

    don't know the percentage but I know a lot of people drink a shake POST-WORKOUT whey/dex. I choose to do whey and a bowl of rice, I am just experimenting with it, I seem to think I gained too much fat from the dex.

    When I wake up and fly out the door, it is easier for me to drink a shake and make a bowl of oatmeal, and cook when i get to work.

    the last shake I admitted I could prolly substitute for cottage cheese.

    The main point of this thread was to see if I was alone in drinking 4 shakes per day, now that I know I am, it served it's purpous.

    And I eat 4-5 meals of real food besides the shakes. My diet will be a seperate thread, just wanted to discuss shakes in this one. Thanks everyone for the feedback

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by speak
    The main point of this thread was to see if I was alone in drinking 4 shakes per day, now that I know I am, it served it's purpous.

    And I eat 4-5 meals of real food besides the shakes. My diet will be a seperate thread, just wanted to discuss shakes in this one. Thanks everyone for the feedback
    You're eating approximately 8-9 meals.. 1/2 of which are shakes.

    I don't see the problem.. you're bulking and you're pushing the protein envelope... with high quality protein to boot.

    I personally don't like the whey choice tho... If you could afford it, drop the whey 'cept pwo. For the other 3 shakes have casein/caseinate.. or a milk protein isolate/egg protein combo (milk and egg protein).. I find that works pretty well imo...

    I'm deiting somewhat so my ratio of shakes to meals has changed.. I'm consuming more solid protein meals than shakes... as i'm no longer pushing the protein envelope so to speak... my kcals being closer to maintenance now.

  17. #17
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    Durring a bulking diet, I'll add a whey shake everyonce in a while, but it will never take place of a real meal. Whole meals are just too important.


  18. #18
    You have very expensive shit.
    -B D

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    “Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.”

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    AR VET

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Also, in the "bulking sticky" 3 shakes per day is listed.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    i know whole foods are better than shakes but does it matter if you just add the whey with your real foods for extra protein?

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by lc1987
    i know whole foods are better than shakes but does it matter if you just add the whey with your real foods for extra protein?
    No it doesn't matter... again, with reference to the aforementioned process of 'pushing the protein envelope':

    Consuming whey with your solid protein meals improves the amino acid profile of the meal.

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    in a dilapidated apt.
    finals week and i have been so distraught that yesterday i literally took orange dreamsicle protein, gallon of water, one crystal light cup thingy and mixed it up and made it into 1300 calories and drank from it every hour and a half ro so. not teh best, but its way better than skipping meals IMO. but on any diet wether it be bulking or cutting whole food will serve you much better. 1bufsob hit it right on the head.
    *edit* oh and i added 3 cups of oats...

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp
    finals week and i have been so distraught that yesterday i literally took orange dreamsicle protein, gallon of water, one crystal light cup thingy and mixed it up and made it into 1300 calories and drank from it every hour and a half ro so. not teh best, but its way better than skipping meals IMO. but on any diet wether it be bulking or cutting whole food will serve you much better. 1bufsob hit it right on the head.
    *edit* oh and i added 3 cups of oats...
    haha. I've done the whey/gallon of water/oats before too durring a hiking/camping trip. Like you said, it's at least better than skipping meals.


  24. #24
    i take 4
    pre workout
    casein before bed

  25. #25
    trying to get 300g+ of protein isnt easy without shakes

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by hauss man
    trying to get 300g+ of protein isnt easy without shakes
    Are you kidding me?!?!? 300g is so easy to achieve without shakes. Tuna/chicken/steak/cottage cheese/etc. It only gets hard if you try to go over 450g protein a day (BTW, I believe anything over 400g a day is a waste of protein unless you're the next Cutler running 1 gallon of aas/hgh/igf/slin a day )


  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1buffsob
    Are you kidding me?!?!? 300g is so easy to achieve without shakes. Tuna/chicken/steak/cottage cheese/etc. It only gets hard if you try to go over 450g protein a day (BTW, I believe anything over 400g a day is a waste of protein unless you're the next Cutler running 1 gallon of aas/hgh/igf/slin a day )

    wouldn't that be so much more expensive though?

  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by 1buffsob
    Are you kidding me?!?!? 300g is so easy to achieve without shakes. Tuna/chicken/steak/cottage cheese/etc. It only gets hard if you try to go over 450g protein a day (BTW, I believe anything over 400g a day is a waste of protein unless you're the next Cutler running 1 gallon of aas/hgh/igf/slin a day )

    yeah where are you buying your steak and chicken

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by hauss man
    yeah where are you buying your steak and chicken
    I buy my chicken and steak in bulk when it goes on sale. $1.49-$1.79 a lb for chicken breast (local albertsons), and $1.79 for London Broil (Safeway and sometimes King Soopers). But if you can't afford tuna at 50 cents a can and cottage cheese (10 tubs for $10), then I doubt you could afford whey. It's not difficult to get all your protein in from whole food.


  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by hauss man
    trying to get 300g+ of protein isnt easy without shakes
    Quote Originally Posted by 1buffsob
    Are you kidding me?!?!? 300g is so easy to achieve without shakes. Tuna/chicken/steak/cottage cheese/etc. It only gets hard if you try to go over 450g protein a day (BTW, I believe anything over 400g a day is a waste of protein unless you're the next Cutler running 1 gallon of aas/hgh/igf/slin a day )

    Quote Originally Posted by hauss man
    yeah where are you buying your steak and chicken
    Hauss man hit it on the head

    There's no Costco nor Sam's here in Barbados.

    Meat costs an arm and a leg... Whey isn't cheap here either.. but it's substantially cheaper.

    Most members on the site are college-aged kids anyway... so keep things in perspective.

    getting 1/3-1/2 of your daily protein intake from shakes is not going to curtail your progress.


  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    Hauss man hit it on the head

    There's no Costco nor Sam's here in Barbados.

    Meat costs an arm and a leg... Whey isn't cheap here either.. but it's substantially cheaper.

    Most members on the site are college-aged kids anyway... so keep things in perspective.

    getting 1/3-1/2 of your daily protein intake from shakes is not going to curtail your progress.

    Hey, I never said it was the cheaper route by any means. I said it's easy to consume 300g+ protein utilizing just whole meals

    And Nark, I'm going to send you a cow this time, enjoy


  32. #32
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by 1buffsob
    And Nark, I'm going to send you a cow this time, enjoy

    lmao... i'd prefer a cow actually

    Work out the shipping cost and holla a me


  33. #33
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    Hauss man hit it on the head

    There's no Costco nor Sam's here in Barbados.

    Meat costs an arm and a leg... Whey isn't cheap here either.. but it's substantially cheaper.

    Most members on the site are college-aged kids anyway... so keep things in perspective.

    getting 1/3-1/2 of your daily protein intake from shakes is not going to curtail your progress.


    Well i agree with you perfectly. I'm 24 and have a good job but life is very expensive here in Malta compared to our pay. Whey is by far the cheapest here. Look here. Below is the cost to get 50grams of quality protein in your body:

    Whey (100% optimum) - 0.63USD
    Chicken Breast - 1.42USD
    Tuna - 2.13USD
    Cottage Cheese - 5.20USD

    So that is why i take 4 shakes a day and 3 whole meals.

  34. #34
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    May 2005
    I think the biggest issue you will run into is hunger.

    If you can deal with that, as long as everything else is in check.... prolly won't make much difference.

    I am hungry as hell like 30 minutes after a shake so... good luck bro haha.

  35. #35
    the reason i use 4 shakes is
    in the morning i always believed whey was the fastest
    pre workout i take this along with carbs about 15 min before i lift(couldnt eat asteak then)
    pwo same as in the morining
    before bed casein its slow digesting

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by hauss man
    the reason i use 4 shakes is
    in the morning i always believed whey was the fastest (If your pre-bed meal was efficient, this is not needed)
    pre workout i take this along with carbs about 15 min before i lift(couldnt eat asteak then) (any protein source would work here)
    pwo same as in the morining (Best place for whey)
    before bed casein its slow digesting (Cottage cheese among others would provide more efficient protein throughout the night.)


  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by hauss man
    the reason i use 4 shakes is
    in the morning i always believed whey was the fastest (If your pre-bed meal was efficient, this is not needed)
    pre workout i take this along with carbs about 15 min before i lift(couldnt eat asteak then) (any protein source would work here)
    pwo same as in the morining (Best place for whey)
    before bed casein its slow digesting (Cottage cheese among others would provide more efficient protein throughout the night.)

    Quote Originally Posted by 1buffsob

    I disagree...

    1. "If your pre-bed meal was efficient, this is not needed".. if this were true why would we wake hungry every morning? Protein is not the only factor in curtailing catabolism. I'll readress later...

    2. "any protein source would work here"... This close to training? True if he could space his meals differently then he could change the protein source. Still a shot of whey pre-training is a good idea as it provides both glucogenic amino acids.. + BCAAs.

    3. "Best place for whey"... ditto

    4. "Cottage cheese among others would provide more efficient protein throughout the night".. nop: debateable at least. What is the main protein component of cottage cheese? I'll give you a second to check.. *waits* Milk protein; caseinate; depending on the texture there may be small quantities of whey in it. What's the bottomline? Cottage cheese = Casein + fats and a small amount of sugar. I don't think one is 'better' or more effective as they have a common factor. Taste; cost; preference are the determining factors here.


  38. #38
    money really isnt the problem i posted why i take 4 shakes
    and with protein from dairy isnt only 60% effective

  39. #39
    Join Date
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    in a dilapidated apt.
    i again like the discussion being brought out here. and i think time has a great deal to do with it. if moeny is tight you can definately find whole food sources. but if money is seriously that much of a problem space your whole foods and whey choices out by combining them. a scoop of whey and water with 1 chicken breast and a cup of oats is pretty darn cheap. again that depends on where you live, but ive had to substitute whey in addition to many of meals to help with hitting a protein mark or an amino acid balance.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp
    i again like the discussion being brought out here. and i think time has a great deal to do with it. if moeny is tight you can definately find whole food sources. but if money is seriously that much of a problem space your whole foods and whey choices out by combining them. a scoop of whey and water with 1 chicken breast and a cup of oats is pretty darn cheap. again that depends on where you live, but ive had to substitute whey in addition to many of meals to help with hitting a protein mark or an amino acid balance.
    true. bodybuilding is an expensive sport. and also for me, i am still in high school and i only have a low paying job so what i do is just ask my parents for a sh*t load of chicken breast and i buy my own protein. i always combine whey with my whole meal for extra protein.

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