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Thread: Insulin & GH first time user.

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Insulin & GH first time user.

    I am in my first week of gh at 2iu's/day and I am taking this first thing in the morning. I was told this is all that you need to take. 15 mins. after my gh shot, I take 4iu's of humalog insuling. I take this subcutaneous in my stomach fat, is this correct. You don't shoot this stuff intramuscular, do you? I was told not to. I then take a carb drink, 250ml gatorade w/100grams dextrose and 50grams whey protein. I then eat a solid protein carb meal 30mins later. I also take 4iu's of insulin immediately after my work out and 15 mins later have the same carb/protein drink as stated above followed by a solid protein carb meal 30mins later. Does this sound right? Please let me know if there is something that I should be doing differently. I have noticed that I am a lot hungrier now since I have started taking this. I will eat and 30 mins to 1 hr. later I am hungry again. I am eating 10-11 times per day including protein shakes.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    2iu of GH ED will only work for fat loss, first thing in the morning would be the best time to use it. I would use the slin before breakfast, then use your 2iu GH 1 hour later, then a proper BB meal low in fat about 2 hours after. This is just what I would do and I know there is many that say using slin before your GH can make you go Hypo, you just have to know your own body and the way it responds. Do not shoot your slin sc in the abs reigon as were you inject it tends to hold fat in that area. You can shoot your GH in between you abs and fat(sc), some say it will spot reduce fat when localized. You can use slin IM but I would go for SC. Use your slin post workout with your simple carbs and whey protein, the way I use it is slin then 5 minutes later 10g of dextrose/iu slin and 5g Whey protein/iu slin. So in your case that would be 40g carbs and 20g protein but since its your PWO shake I would use 100g dextrose and 50g whey. Then 1-2 hours later have a good clean BB meal low in fat. Watch you fat intake for the next 4-6 hours as slin is a storage hormone that will store the fat you ingest as well as your carbs and protein.

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