Hi All,
Did my show last saturday just gone. I had been taking lasix and aldactone 3 days out. On the morning of the show i felt like S**t and looked as flat as a pancake. I lost all my pump and vascurlarity. I have learned that i had a little excess fat not water and for a diuretic to work properly you really need to be at 4-6% bf. The guy that one my class was very dry and looked superb and he never even used a diuretic. MrMenion you are right Dyazide is the best but you still need to be 4% for it to work its magic. I have the bug now and will be doing a show in september. I will run a diary for 12 weeks letting you know how i am getting on. Please critique and let me know your thoughts on my cycle and diet. I will start my diary in 4 weeks!!!
Here is one of my pics from the show