How do I prevent it? I have a slightly elevated blood pressure as it is (still in normal though).
I will be on DBOL/Sust/Deca and need to know what I can take to keep it low. Thanks
How do I prevent it? I have a slightly elevated blood pressure as it is (still in normal though).
I will be on DBOL/Sust/Deca and need to know what I can take to keep it low. Thanks
you might try some garlic tabs,they seem to work.
Firts of all Im not a doctor and this is just an opinion. Ive heard of people using cattapress to decrease blood pressure and comes with a plus of increasing Gh. Your cycle looks like you gonna have crazy water retention w/ dbol and deca which will increase your bp. I suggest using prop, fina, low dbol & Eq which should not change your blood pressure much. And go pop one aspirin a day to be safe.
whats this dude,
oops, left our arimidex... .25mg/day , should stop the bloat
im hoping for 20-25lbs of lean mass from this cycle .
I went with EQ and had no elevated BP issues. Its the water retention that'll raise it.
If thats the case then arimidex will effectively reduce elevated BP?
no salt no stress no tocabco no beer or drinnks and alot of water...
i LOVE salt , damn damn damn
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