Well, went to the doc today for my blood test results, and well, I'm dying.
Just kidding but it still isn't good news. My liver enzymes are still high after 3-4 months since I took winny. My AST is at about 42 (norm is <37), which isn't that bad but my ALT is at 87 (norm is <55 I think) which has me a bit concerned. They actually went up a little bit from my last visit a few weeks ago but are down from in March As to my natural test, my free test is 11.8 (norm is 8-3? I think) which is okay but my total (I think it was total) is 25.7 (norrm is 40-80). So, test is a bit low which is to be expected. I am almost 7 weeks out from a 14 week cycle and I only took 4 weeks (not even) off before that. All in all, I suppose my test is doing well considering but liver enzymes are a concern. I am seeing a specialist tomorrow which probably isn't necessary but what the hell, and will get an ultrasound then as well to check liver. I am getting blood taken again in two weeks to check if things are getting better. I would like people's input here if I could have it, especially those with a medical background but every opinion welcome.
My plan is to take clomid for the next week or so (oh yeah, my LH was 11 and norm is 1-10 I think). I will also be getting some ALA tonight and will take that at 300mg ED or more - I can only get 50 or 100mg caps. I wanted to start my cycle in another 9 days or so but will wait until after the blood test are back (an extra week) and if shit is closer to normal then, fuck it, I'll go back on but stay off 17aa for a while longer - at least. Let this be alesson to all of you, you may feel fine, and your nuts may have dropped back down but that doesn't mean you are necessarily good to go for your nest cycle.
Oh yeah, I should also mention that I used for 7 weeks, then came off for about 3.5 weeks, then used winny again for another 4 weeks or so and that's what is causing the liver problems I'm sure. That was a few months ago though.