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Thread: Low test score? not my IQ

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2002

    Low test score? not my IQ

    Just got back from the Doctor, I got my test results back and my test is at 72 (I think my 11yr old son has higher test then that ). The Doctor refered my to a spiecalist for HRT, he perscibe some gel for the time being, but my insurance doesn't cover it, that's a good thing right?

    So I'm alittle depressed at first, that I realize that I've put on about 10lbs of lbm in the last year, with the low test, now I'm not depressed, because if I put lbm on, with low test what will happen when I get my test up to normal range or higher with alittle aas help. I need some help here.

    He did tell me that the high b/f is from low test and high estrogen, that is why I'm having a hard time getting it off. I did talk to him about some Femara to combat the estrogen and raise plasma test, but he said I should take it up with the specialist, but he did want to read the study on Femara raising plasma test in men, so he could be more informed on it.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Mid-Atlantic U.S.

    Re: Low test score? not my IQ

    Originally posted by JohnnyB
    Just got back from the Doctor, I got my test results back and my test is at 72 (I think my 11yr old son has higher test then that ). The Doctor refered my to a spiecalist for HRT, he perscibe some gel for the time being, but my insurance doesn't cover it, that's a good thing right?
    Right, although very expensive (assuming he put you on Androgel, which goes for about $175 per 30-day supply for one 5 mg. packet daily, which will not make much difference).

    At a total test level of 72 (the normal range is 241-827), my guess is that you will benefit most from the ol' tried-and-true, injectible testosterone (enanthate or cypionate). The gel is very weak (not to mention expensive) for a level that low and, unless you want to shave your balls and blow dry patches on them (seriously), the trans-scrotal patches will not be an attractive option. The transdermal patches have a high level of skin irritation, so ditto.

    My suggestion: Before you see the specialist (who, hopefully, is an endocrinologist rather than a urologist - endo's are trained to see the big picture better than urologists, especially if the pituitary gland is involved), read the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists guideliens on Hypogonadism. The AACE guidelines are the standard for issues surrounding testosterone replacement, and you can find them in a PDF (Adobe Acrobat) file at this link. (By the way, these are the same guidelines that endocrinologists read. Take a copy with you to your appointment so the doctor will see that you have read them - it will impress him or her, and more of the decision making will be left to you based on your obvious knowledge at that point.)

    Also request that your endo get an IGF-1 and estradiol test done with your labwork. (He or she should also order additional lab work to determine the cause, if anything specific, of your low TT level. You may also have to get an MRI to rule out any pituitary gland dysfunction.)

    In the meantime, don't let this thing get you depressed. Low test levels are very common in adult males. (You didn't mention your age, but I'll assume you're over 30 since you posted in this forum.) Using the Search option at the top of this screen, do a search on the term hypogonadism (the usual diagnosis for low TT levels), and you'll find several threads dealing with the issues of HRT and low test levels.

    And, if it's any consolation, most guys who do AS would love to have the opportunity that you have - to use testosterone legally, and to have a way of getting good ol' U-S-of-A grade-a prime test made by a real pharmaceutical company for real human beings. Make the most of it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Fort Worth
    In the meantime, don't let this thing get you depressed. Low test levels are very common in adult males. (You didn't mention your age, but I'll assume you're over 30 since you posted in this forum.) Using the Search option at the top of this screen, do a search on the term hypogonadism (the usual diagnosis for low TT levels), and you'll find several threads dealing with the issues of HRT and low test levels.

    Depressed? Ha . . . one of the most remarkable effects of having been put on 200 mg/wk of test cyp after 4 weeks (I'm 47) is the constant shadow of depression that used to be there isn't there any more. It's been kind of like knowing your basement had an inch of water in it--not enough to really cause big problems, but a hassle nonetheless. This testosterone fixed that problem up in a hurry . . . first time in forty-something years I can remember this . . . amazing . . . works for me . . .

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    TNT, I'm 46

    The Doctor that was recommended to me is a urologist, I'm going to see him because of my one nut that is a raisen, from a uti I had years back. I will be going to an endocrinologist also for the HRT part of my treatment.

    Thanks Bro,

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Hey Tock,
    how long did it take before your Dr. put you on 200mg of test a week?


  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Fort Worth
    Not long . . . had the blood test results a month or so ago, the week after I started. In the back of my mind I always figured my testosterone levels were low, the test just confirmed it. I'm 47 now, and I dunno but I may be on my way to finally having normal hormone levels for the first time ever.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    JohhnyB: don't be afraid to tell your doctor that you have done research on the topic and that you want injectables. If you come across that you did do your homework he should respect your wishes--as long as it's a reasonable option. If he is not reasonable--see a new doctor!

    Good luck!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    I have three appointments with different Doctor's to see which give me the best option.

    Thanks Ajax,

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    PA USA
    You may want to check in the meantime if androderm is covered by your plan. Mine would not cover the gel but would the patch!


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Thanks Bro's,

    Here's somthing else my estradiol is at 229


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    My 2 cents...

    1) Estradiol at 229? That is off the charts! Do you know what your LH and SHBG levels are? With Test that low and Estrogen that high, I'll bet your SHBG is elevated, too.

    2) Endocrinologists usually will want to get you back to NORMAL (300-800 ng/dL Total Test). What they don't tell you is that is NORMAL for an aging man! If you go to an Anti-Aging or HRT specialist, they will work to get your levels back to when you were younger (21-29 yrs) at 800-1100, or whatever level works best for you (my HRT doctor says for some guys its around 1400!

    3) Go with injections. If you have kids around, especially. Kids accidently getting TestoCreme on them is NOT good.


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    No I don't.


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Isn't there other options besides going straight to test injections? I know this sounds funny from someone who just injected test 5 minutes ago, but are you really fixing the problem or just masking it? I would think there are many ways they might be able to raise your natural test back up. Hell, you guys know the way to do this as you do it to some extent after every cycle (or you should). I think doing test shots for the rest of your life in order to keep your levels up is a last option. Basically, you are waiving the white flag and are completely deciding that you do not want your body to produce test naturally. Also, how long will 200mgs a week be good for? Will your body build a tolerance at some point?

    Just some food for thought.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2002

    Thanks Bro

    Thanks Bro,
    I got a call from my Doctor's office today, asking my to come in on monday, to get a shot of test , while I'm waiting for my other Doctor appoinment. I'll keep you'll posted.


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