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Thread: this was recomended to me. thoughts?

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  1. #1

    this was recomended to me. thoughts?

    AMP (ADENOSINE MONOPHOSPHATE) 200 mg - this active form of phosphorous stimulates energy transformation, provides an immediate source of cellular energy, and helps cardio-vascular regulation.

    HEPTAMINOL 500 mg - a psychostimulant and cardio-respiratory stimulant. Helps dilates coronary blood vessels.

    SODIUM SELENITE 50 mg (23 mg elemental selenium) - selenium is a catalyst for energy and fat metabolism, an anti-oxidant and regulator of metabolic oxidative processes, and an essential trace element.

    POTASSIUM ASPARTATE (1000 mg) - the aspartate salts stimulate the Krebs and urea cycles, assist glucose/glycogen metabolism, help protect the heart when oxygen deficiency occurs during strenuous exercise, and help increase the amplitude of its contractions.


    CYANOCOBALAMIN (VITAMIN B12) 25 mg - stimulates general metabolism and supplements when Vitamin B12 levels may be low.

    its injectable, 1cc has all that in it
    do you guys think it would be worth it to add to my cycle

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hotel California
    Sounds like that nut job from Cenegenics. I think he got in trouble for selling his clients vitamin's for about $1300. per month. What a guy. Say it on 20/20

  3. #3
    no this would be around a dollar a month

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hotel California
    Quote Originally Posted by one8nine
    no this would be around a dollar a month

  5. #5
    are you saying these vitamins are as good as they say
    im just saying i dont wanna inject this shit for no reason

  6. #6
    this mix is called kynoselen. originally developed for racehorses, has been used by other athletes. not so much a BB drug, but it might be good for a wrestler like you. hooker has a profile on it.

  7. #7
    thanks bro

  8. #8
    kynoselen is junk, it appears every once in a while driven by huge amounts of hype and then dissappears again when people start posting their results with it.

  9. #9
    i agree that it's junk...for bodybuilders. thats not what it was designed for, so i'm not surprised people aren't gaining "pounds of muscle" off it.

    in an endurance sport like wrestling, the heptaminol alone could make a big difference.

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