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Thread: How Much Dextrose Do You Take Post-workout?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Ontario - GTA

    How Much Dextrose Do You Take Post-workout?

    Guys, how much dextrose do you take post workout?

    I bought some dextrose in bulk, a 22 lb bag... but it doesn't say how much is what. Does it go by weight then?

    Example some scoups of whey have 20-30g of protein per scoup (and the scoups are far from 30g weight wise?)

    Anyhow i mean i started to try to take 200g of dextrose post-workout and by weight its a FUKING LOT! i tried to down it and i ended up puking it all up.

    So what do you guys do, how do you know how much dextrose you are getting? Does it go by weight? How much do you take?

    Thanks fellas


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    i always got good results with a mix of peanut butter bananas and a buttload of protein along with fast carbs for recovery

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Ontario - GTA
    Quote Originally Posted by violator1
    i always got good results with a mix of peanut butter bananas and a buttload of protein along with fast carbs for recovery
    Cute, to bad that didn't answer anything from my post :P

    But thanks anyhow.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    just tryin 2 help. normally u should get between 10 and 15 grams per tablespoon. call the manufacturer and find out how many grams per cup as they all vary. peace

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Ontario - GTA
    Quote Originally Posted by violator1
    just tryin 2 help. normally u should get between 10 and 15 grams per tablespoon. call the manufacturer and find out how many grams per cup as they all vary. peace
    Yeah cuz i tried to drink 200g worth of WEIGHT... and as you can imange... YEAH THATS A LOT OF DEXTROSE

    hence the

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    makes my stomach spin just thinking about it lol

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    2 rules as far as I know : 1) as a bodybuilder , you should consume 2 grams of protein per pound of your own bodyweight ; 2) double of that of dex per pound of how much you weigh (1 to 2 ratio)...on top of that , I would buy a kitchen scale to be sure how much dex or protein I want to consume and that is going to be a big help to you overall as a lifter ..

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Ontario - GTA
    Quote Originally Posted by BIGNFIT
    2 rules as far as I know : 1) as a bodybuilder , you should consume 2 grams of protein per pound of your own bodyweight ; 2) double of that of dex per pound of how much you weigh (1 to 2 ratio)...on top of that , I would buy a kitchen scale to be sure how much dex or protein I want to consume and that is going to be a big help to you overall as a lifter ..
    What is this? Bodybuilding 101?

    I have no idea why you are going on about this... I simply wanted to know if there is a way to know how much dex would be in a tbsp, or if 200g of dex in WEIGHT was actually 200g of dex because my bag of dex doesn't come with serving sizes or any info on it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by BIGNFIT
    2 rules as far as I know : 1) as a bodybuilder , you should consume 2 grams of protein per pound of your own bodyweight ; 2) double of that of dex per pound of how much you weigh (1 to 2 ratio)...on top of that , I would buy a kitchen scale to be sure how much dex or protein I want to consume and that is going to be a big help to you overall as a lifter ..
    so if I weigh 240 u say I should eat 960grams of dextrose a day??? that's insane

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    I think the answer is more than related to your question , just tried to help you..

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I take 0grams of dextrose post workout and I intend on keeping it that, it's useless and unhealthy.

    Most of the dex is 97-99% dex so 10grams would be almost 10grams of dex, a $15 food scale will tell you how much you're getting.

    A TBS would be approx 15grams.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by IronFreakX
    I take 0grams of dextrose post workout and I intend on keeping it that, it's useless and unhealthy.

    Most of the dex is 97-99% dex so 10grams would be almost 10grams of dex, a $15 food scale will tell you how much you're getting.

    A TBS would be approx 15grams.

    clarify on the useless and unhealthy por favor. interested...thx

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by cherokee6
    clarify on the useless and unhealthy por favor. interested...thx
    Useless: To me, and probably for you too, Ingesting Dex PWO does nothing for protein synthesis...There is no proof it does.

    Unhealthy: Due to very high insulin spike which leaves me with headaches, tired and it doesnt do anything for Ive used oats/honey and bananas in a bowl with whey in it and got the same results without the crash after.

    Theyre empty calories, sugar....thats it, I see no point in using it.

    The only time Id use dex again if I started using SLIN again.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by IronFreakX
    Useless: To me, and probably for you too, Ingesting Dex PWO does nothing for protein synthesis...There is no proof it does.

    Unhealthy: Due to very high insulin spike which leaves me with headaches, tired and it doesnt do anything for Ive used oats/honey and bananas in a bowl with whey in it and got the same results without the crash after.

    Theyre empty calories, sugar....thats it, I see no point in using it.

    The only time Id use dex again if I started using SLIN again.

    All very understandable, and I do agree with you in regards to different people because not everyone is the same. I have lived on the stuff for 9 months and I live by it.

    As far as dex's contributions to protein synthesis, that I know nothing of. However, having the dex is an immediate energy source going into my depleted body, rapidly digesting along with the whey. This then flows into the high insulin spike. For me, if anything it brings up my levels and regulates it. That is me though.

    With that in mind>>> Roid Rage if you keep pukin up your dex...maybe you're an oats kinda guy

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