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Thread: How's Customs Work

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  1. #1

    How's Customs Work

    Hi everyone this is my first post on this forum but I've been reading everyone's posts for a long time now. Everyone seems too be very knowledgable in all areas of bodybuilding and up until now I haven't had too ask a question, everything had already been answered Maybe my question has already been answered and I didn't do enough digging, but here it goes anyway, about a month ago I ordered some novalties from an International source(I have had success with in the past)both packages were seized by U.S. Customs and I got the typical letter. My source offered to resend at a third of the cost as long as I provide a different addy. I did that and I got the first package it's been two weeks now since the first one came and no sign of the second if the second package was seized I will have to order again but I don't have a third addy. Can I use the first or second addy again or will Customs be looking for those addys and if it gets seized again will I get in bigger trouble than the typical letter because Customs has me on file for two seizures? Also is there a larger chance of Customs performing a controlled delivery if I use a P.O. Box? I doubt anyone will be able to ansewer this question with 100% certanty unless having worked for Customs at one time, but any input on the subject will be greatly appreciated.

    Head Hunter X

    Sorry I just realized this is alot to read

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Let me get this straight. Are both addresses yours, or is one a friend's? You're probably red-flagged now and if both addresses are yours the feds could be tempted to crack down on you. Don't order anything else to either of those addresses, and make sure your house is clean of gear and paraphenilia.

  3. #3
    First address was mine and second was a friends. What about P.O. Boxes? Do you need an ID? It's a tiny order feds probably wouldn't waste thier time to set up a controlled delivery, but then you never know.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I think you need ID for a PO Box because of 9/11, but I could be wrong. Call and ask what you need to do to set up a box.

  5. #5
    Thanks for the info I'll see how the P.O. Box works.

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