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Thread: Update On Situation

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    Update On Situation

    Just throwing everyone who read or will read my post a few days earlier to my unfortunate EQ situation. I spoke to the kid and i explained the situation to him how i was planning on gettin TT EQ 200 and i ended up gettin Ganabol 50, and also how id have to shoot at least 8-10 ccs to euqal the TT, and he told me that his supplier sells to hardcore Bodybuilders and thats the shit they use to see the best results. he also said that any more than 2 shots a week of ganabol would be too much. But heres where i get confused. If the kid was tryin to screw me, he prob. wouldnt have told me to try the ganabol for a month and if i dont like it, hed buy the bottle back and use the money and get me the TT eq and whatever was left id get back. This sounded like a great deal seeing if things didnt work out with the ganabol id get the TT eq anyways. However, now that i look back and with the 6 posts i got from the earlier reply saying to get the tt eq, id actually be wasting the first month of my cycle, which by the way is 500mg brovel enth/week whatever eq i end up using, dbols 1-4 (20-30mg havent decided) and tren 7-12 75mg eod. Now heres where your opinions come in, and trust me, i value your opinions MUCH more than any joe schmoe supplier on the street. What would u do in my situation. i want to start monday, and i have the test already, knowing that the eq lasts 1 week longer in your system, it would be stupid to start the test a week before the eq, considering things dont get taken care of until next week. As u all know todays a holiday and i dont care how pissed i am, i am not that disrespectful to call him today. Should i take him up on the offer? or should i call him tom. morn. and tell him to switch it up asap. Any opinions would be very appreciated and a Safe and Happy 4th to everyone!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Dude get the stuff you was suposed to!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    flying overhead in my fina-jet...
    If you're that impatient, start your cycle as planned. One week less of EQ in the beginning is not going to be a big deal, and definitely not noticable if you're using d-bols for the first four weeks anyway. When you do get it, double up for the first week and you're all good.

    F**k 8-12 cc's per week though, I would much rather have 200mg/ml TT or QV.

    TT EQ is the bomb

  4. #4
    why are you buying sghit off a kid,excuse the soelling im druink

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001


    have some balls and just shoot the 8-12 cc's!!!!i did a maxigan and winny cycle back in the day and i was shooting mad cc's and sticking myself like a pin cushion.who it up and just do it. i do feel bad that this fuckface mislead you though.that does sucks.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Get the TT, get rid of that bullshit he told and sold you. Wait till you have everything before you start.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Why are you buying from a kid???

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    first bro the eq lasts 3 weeks in system not 1
    and second you can take a shot a day of eq if you want.2ccs per day for 4 days a week is 400mg. you can do more buy using more shots or 3ccs a shot x 3 days per week

    but if i was you and he said he'd buy back the 50mg stuff(which would work)then i would sell it back and get the 200mg stuff without opening bottle

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