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Thread: WTF!! My dick don't work!!

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    WTF!! My dick don't work!!

    I have read about "Deca Dick" and shit, but this is out of hand. I have never had any probs with this before but the last 2 times I have tried to have sex I haven't been able to get goin!! This is really pissin me off and it is extremely embarrassing! Especially cause this is a girl I just started seeing.

    The part that worries me is that I can whack off all I want, and I do want. But when I'm with a girl I can't do shit! (recently)
    Also- I am taking
    Test @ 400mg per/week
    EQ @ 400 mg per week
    Oxandrin @ 25 mg per day

    I really don't fucking understand. I am about to breakdown here- I am only fucking 20 and this shit is happening!

    Help me please, I am gonna talk to my doc about it tommorrow. Maybe Viagra is in order. And I think I should change my screen name. Nut

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    take your dick back to wal-mart and get our money back.. better make sure you have your reciept or they will just make you exchange it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Ok SORRY

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    you could try proviron

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    a good cover is that you have a lot of stuff on your mind. the only thing is that once you get it up it wont go back down, so it works both ways.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    up your test to 600 mg a Week...
    Me at 700mg wk right now...Wants to bomp 24/7!

  7. #7
    no, don't up your test......just let me "stand" in, since i can get it up.....

    quit whackin off - that might help since Mr. Pinkie ain't used to gettin any playtime with you, he'll go get it from her ??

  8. #8
    i had the problem i counldnt perform good
    i tried alot stuff (horny goat, extreme testostenone, some oiment, oils) the stuff works
    for mins. to an hour, dont hesitate bro just see
    your doc asking him for some viagra the stuff
    works, i took some for some time
    now i'm all natural...

  9. #9
    No need for viagra bro, i had the same problem about three months ago. It actually happened with two girls back to back it was not fun at all my friend. In my case it was the EQ that shut me down. I started taking a bit more test propinate and also took "Saw Plametto", "Trubulus" "Zinc". It helped some but i still had problems at times because the thought of not getting hard was still in my head. Once i got off and hit HCG i was back to normal. Ive been there and know how it is bro, not fun at all. Especially now that you got it in your head thats all youll be thinking about during sex "kinda sucks". Once you are off youll be back to normail.
    Try the stuff i listed above it does help bro. I should not say this but some "G" will do the trick.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    why are you taking eq and deca?

  11. #11
    everyone has a different body system which will
    react different to roids, in my case my 2nd cycle
    i did test ONLY for 14wks i had problems so i
    had to used some viagra, now my 3rd cycle i did
    test500mg and Eq400mg for 5wks still problems so
    i decided without me knowing what will happen i
    up eq dose to 600mg week 6th after that i been
    so horny and i perform better, i'm not saying that
    this is the solution to his or anybody else problems this way worked for me again i didnt
    know i just up my dose to see gaining weight
    results and bingo got my dingo working better..

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    REM: You had problems getting it up while on a Test only cycle? That's very strange. I would have to say it is a first for me to hear this. I am glad to hear you figured it out though. While I am on test, like most others, It's the opposite problem.... all wood, all day....!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    north of the South, east
    This sounds like a mental issue to me. If you can get it up to whack off, but can't to put it to a girl, I wouldn't blame the steroids. Maybe you just like your hand better?

  14. #14
    superbeast and nolimits thanks for your concern
    comments i got it all cover not to a full peak
    but i got my way figure it out to getaway with
    some sex... right now KINGNUT is the priority he needs help...i told you 1 thing you can do is call bro whaever you decide to do good luck man..

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    South Florida
    Funny nobody commented about him being only 20? Bro, u should always wait till ur over 21 to do AS. At ur age ur producing enough natural Test. Just work out like a madkid.. and eat, eat ,eat!! Buuut since u already started....STOP wacking off first of all. If ur that horney wait till u get with ur chick. Second, more so then women, sex is more mental for guys. If ur thinking to much or worrying about performing or getting it up u will have trouble. Just relax, chill out and let it happen naturally!! At ur age u DONT need viagra!! Maaan at 20,,,,shit i could beat my girlfriend 5 - 6 times a day.. Good'ol days...hehehe


    ohh maybe try more 4play before u do the actual deed...that might get u goin..

    Hope this helpsya bro!!

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    atl ga.
    sneak in bathroom and give er a couple extra strokes then haul ass out to the bed and stick it

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    that happened to me to and believe me it is hard to forget about and that is the problem. I couldn't get it out of my head that i couldn't get it up and for the next 3 months i still couldn't get it up for anyone but myself. It is all in your head and what you got to do is get it out...which is the hard part. This happened before i even started to cycle and then when i was using testosterone it still didn't work for anyone but myself. I did use viagra once one night and i had the best sex i have ever had in my life,it lasted almost 2 hours which got boring after a while and then not to mention 5 minutes later i had sex again. From there on i have been having great sex without viagra. I used it as a confidence booster and believe me it worked great and my dick loves me for it. Good Luck!

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    South Florida
    "my dick loves me for it." LoL...did he actually tell u this...hahaha jk

    But tryin2getbig how old are u?? This bro is only 20. Its all mental at that age if hes having trouble getting it up. And i dont think viagra is a good solution for him. LIke i said bro, just chill out and try not to think about it and u'll be ok..


  19. #19
    tryin2getbig's chapter was the same as mine,
    there r times in which roids will not do any good
    for the particular purposes, that's why he can use
    some viagra till he recovers his natural test levels, althrough he is only 20yrs old makes no
    difference his natural test is already shutdown so in the meantime he has to do something about his sex situation, viagra is not solution to his or anybody's problem but at least helps when you need it, you can get confidence yourself till you get it out of your head, so far nobody has comeout with a different idea so i guess you can at least try it if dont like then see your doc bro..

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    South Florida
    Bros i think ur missing what he saying. He says he has NO trouble getting it up when hes alone. He only has trouble when hes with his girl. To me, that tells me its not the juice keeping him down....But mental. And if u take viagra for it he might get it in his head he needs viagra all the time?? Think positive! Like ur going to tear ur girl up next time... Trust me, its mind over matter...think it, there for i will do it...
    Hope this helps!


  21. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Originally posted by tryin2getbig
    that happened to me to and believe me it is hard to forget about and that is the problem. I couldn't get it out of my head that i couldn't get it up and for the next 3 months i still couldn't get it up for anyone but myself. It is all in your head and what you got to do is get it out...which is the hard part. This happened before i even started to cycle and then when i was using testosterone it still didn't work for anyone but myself. I did use viagra once one night and i had the best sex i have ever had in my life,it lasted almost 2 hours which got boring after a while and then not to mention 5 minutes later i had sex again. From there on i have been having great sex without viagra. I used it as a confidence booster and believe me it worked great and my dick loves me for it. Good Luck!
    Bump... awesome advice.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Were it is always to ****
    Originally posted by Steve
    you could try proviron

    That will do no good at all.

    If it gets hard during masterbation bro then it is not a chemical problem it is in your head.

    Try getting fucking wasted and see if the fucker works !!!

    Or hit some prop that shit makes me want to fuck everything !!

    Well female of course....

    Honestly bro i do not see anything you are taking that should give this probalem....hell to be honest I have never really lost my sex drive on any gear and i have done a good share. But I do always run a good amount of test ???

    Like I said it is in your need to relax a bit..find a girl you are comfortable with OR a girl that you could really give a shit about and just have a fuck fest !!!!!

    Both of those types seem to always work for me ??

    If all fails...get 2 girls and if the fucker doesn't get hard then..well hmmmmm you may have a bit of a problem !!! L.O.L.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    there are too many funny posts here. Next time try EQ bro.

  24. #24
    there's no comment claiming that he has no problem when he's alone where did you get this from man? the dude is saying for the last 2times
    i have tried to have sex i havent been able to get goin, i'm not forcing nobody to do and or take
    anything beyond their control and again nor saying
    the VIAGRA is the ultimate anwser to his prayers,
    but 1 thing for sure it will work, and i'm
    reccommending to use it for life,
    let me ask you OGPAKIN have you experience a dick
    problem bfor?

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    San Juan, Puerto Rico
    I agree with the Viagra promotions here, as well as the mental block concept. Once you have a bad experience where you can't perform, you are more likely to have another, and another, etc.

    Try the Viagra (50mg. should do it) and don't expect miracles either. At the same time, one must also learn to accept the consequences of their actions and personal decisions, as well. If you like the girl you "started seeing" for more than just sex, you may have to be honest with her and "come clean".

    Best of luck.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Were it is always to ****

    Re: WTF!! My dick don't work!!

    [QUOTE]Originally posted by Kingnut

    The part that worries me is that I can whack off all I want, and I do want. But when I'm with a girl I can't do shit! (recently)

    Hmmm I thought this meant that he could get it up when he masterbated ???

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    South Florida
    REM bro u need to read his post a little more carefully.... He says "The part that worries me is that I can whack off all I want, and I do want. But when I'm with a girl I can't do shit! (recently)" Soooo that tells me he's having no trouble alone?!? Right? Again that tells me his problem is ALL mental. Im not saying viagra is bad. What im saying is at his age he doesnt need it. And THANK GOD REM!! NO! I havent and dont plan on it! Annnnd at 20,,,,,like i said before, i was beatin my girlfriend 5 - 6 times a day. And im not exaggerating. Wanna ask her? lol

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    South Florida
    Exactly PURE ADRENALINE! ty

  29. #29
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Were it is always to ****
    Ooooh and I do not agree with the Viagra to be blunt about it. If the guy can get it up alone but not with a girl why would using a pill help.

    Now before you jump on me think about this...he is having a mental block and you are saying to use a pill. Well what happens when he tries with out the pill? He will be back to where he started..

    When you have a mental block using a substance is only a temporary cure..When that substance or crutch is gone then what ??

    None the less good luck bro and try to relax...

  30. #30
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Were it is always to ****
    Originally posted by OGPackin
    Bros i think ur missing what he saying. He says he has NO trouble getting it up when hes alone. He only has trouble when hes with his girl. To me, that tells me its not the juice keeping him down....But mental. And if u take viagra for it he might get it in his head he needs viagra all the time?? Think positive! Like ur going to tear ur girl up next time... Trust me, its mind over matter...think it, there for i will do it...
    Hope this helps!

    100% correct bro..

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    South Florida
    Originally posted by PURE ADRENALINE
    Ooooh and I do not agree with the Viagra to be blunt about it. If the guy can get it up alone but not with a girl why would using a pill help.

    Now before you jump on me think about this...he is having a mental block and you are saying to use a pill. Well what happens when he tries with out the pill? He will be back to where he started..

    When you have a mental block using a substance is only a temporary cure..When that substance or crutch is gone then what ??

    None the less good luck bro and try to relax...
    PA, I totally agree with u...

  32. #32
    allright my bad i think i read it too fast and i
    missed that sesion my apoligy...

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    South Florida
    No worries REM!! We cool...

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    Helpin you help me...

    To clear up a couple of things...
    I am NOT taking deca, I am taking EQ/Test/Var. The only reason I mentioned deca dick is because previously to my knowledge and experience this was the only way to have cock probs from juice.

    I have tried extra oral in both aspects.

    I have added clomid to attempt to bring back natural test levels but no luck.

    And to answer one bros suggestion I have tried getting wasted and goin at it but that made matters worse as I couldn't even be somewhat arroused.

    I appreciate all of your help and I think it is definatly mental aswell- no 20 year old should have this problem. However like some bros mentioned I can't get this shit out of my head!! Once I failed the first time it is like a disease. I'm not even sure if I wanna try to tap it a third time, each time I fail it gets more embarrassing and humiliating. Nut

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    South Florida
    Kingnut bro! I feelya dog! I want to help u out bro. Its totally mental. The more and more u think and worry about it the worse its gonna get. For us guys sex and achieving a hardon and then eventually cuming is more mental then u might realize. And forget trying to explain that to ur chick its a mental thing. They have no clue! If u are worried the chicks gonna make fun of u then shes not worth it? But if u are, then find some chick u dont give a shit about or dont even know. And nail her. I mean really put some effort into getting into her pants. Theres nothing like strange poonanie to get the juices flowing.... Also really important is NOT to jackoff!! That just makes it harder (no pun intended) to get it up when u are with ur chick. OK bro, guess that should be enough advice for one day.. Just chill out and try not to think about it...U'll be fine bro!!


  36. #36
    Join Date
    Jan 2002

    Re: WTF!! My dick don't work!!

    Originally posted by Kingnut
    I have read about "Deca Dick" and shit, but this is out of hand. I have never had any probs with this before but the last 2 times I have tried to have sex I haven't been able to get goin!! This is really pissin me off and it is extremely embarrassing! Especially cause this is a girl I just started seeing.

    The part that worries me is that I can whack off all I want, and I do want. But when I'm with a girl I can't do shit! (recently)
    Also- I am taking
    Test @ 400mg per/week
    EQ @ 400 mg per week
    Oxandrin @ 25 mg per day

    I really don't fucking understand. I am about to breakdown here- I am only fucking 20 and this shit is happening!

    Help me please, I am gonna talk to my doc about it tommorrow. Maybe Viagra is in order. And I think I should change my screen name. Nut
    What week are you in your cycle?

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    i haven't done any roids, but there were some times with my girlfriend where i've felt:
    a) guilty
    b) nervous
    c) too smashed

    solution, have her go down on you for a bit...just tell her you're really nervous cuz she's so hot and she'll go down on you for however long it takes...

    honestly, its a lot easier to jerk it cuz there is zero pressure/nervousness. i agree with what some of the other people have said...its all in your go put it in your other head...=P


  38. #38
    Join Date
    May 2002
    South Jersey
    I agree with clockworks, it is easier and possible for him to get it going solo because there is no pressure, or expectations. However, the first time you couldnt tap that ass, it was probably just a fluke thing. However, like OG and PA said, after that one time, It has become mental for you.

    Now it is merely a mental problem. Now the viagra question is difficult.
    Yes, you could use the little blue pill to get things going and have a great time. However, teh next time you go to poke it without the viagra, you are once again going to have the mental question in your mind. Now you are gonna have to things on you mind. First, can i get it up at all. Second, I am not on viagra, it is not gonna get hard at all.

    I beleive the answer to your problem is just getting comfortabl;e with a girl again. One that isnt gonna give a shit if you cant get it up and is willing to work with you. But then agin, what the hell do I know.

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    What the Doc said/ the girl/ questions answered

    Well I went to the doctor's office today and naturally the subject was quickly changed to why I shouldn't be taking steroids cause the doctor is a eploitive term!!! (to say the fuckin least!)

    AAAHHHHHH I hate this shit. It's bad enough having to deal with my man-hood problem then this idiot whom of which has absolutley NO knowlege of steroids wants to change topics and discuss how steroids will lead to long-term damage and that they are very illegal!?! Give me a break....

    Bottom line- she said no viagra and that I should masturbate all time to gain my confidence back ("5 days straight"). WHAT A FUCKING MORON! Who the fuck gets confidence from beating their dick? I agree with the board members that if we know one thing- it's that it's a mental problem. THE BEST SUGGESTION I HAVE HEARD YET is that I SHOULD NOT masturbate and then my dick will be beggin for tang.

    To answer to some questions-
    I have tried oral and it didn't help at all...
    I am in week 5 of the cycle

    About the girl- people have been talking about finding a girl I don't care about and things like that. Well.... I just started seeing this girl and my first AND second sexuall impressions with her were me not getting hard. (Now you see why this is stuck in my head) She doesn't mean much to me cause we both no that nothing can come of this due to me moving back to AZ in august. As far as her being considerate of this ordeal- she has been wonderful about it. Telling me "It's OK" (even though it isn't!) and things to try to relax me and make me feel better. Basically, I think she's cool but she doesn't mean a whole lot to me.

    Hope that cleared a couple things up. Nut

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    mods- sorry for all the cursing, I am just very frustrated with myself and with what the doctor had to say.

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