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  1. #1

    oral cycle

    im curious about an oral only cycle if possible ive already got some d bol but looking to take another oral with it as not wanting to do an injectable steroid ...any info would be appreciated.what sorts of oral steroids can u take on its own from what i have read u cant seem to take roids on its own .

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    is there a reason why you dont want to inject? is it fear of the shots?
    nothing worth having in life comes easy. if you do an oral cycle, you will lose most, if not all, when you come off...

  3. #3
    nah fear of customs ...thats no excuse cause anything can be seized.. evil is there any oral u can take on its own thats not dangerous..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Down South
    Quote Originally Posted by evil pepsi
    is there a reason why you dont want to inject? is it fear of the shots?
    nothing worth having in life comes easy. if you do an oral cycle, you will lose most, if not all, when you come off...
    oh really? please back this bullsh*t uP?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by evil pepsi
    is there a reason why you dont want to inject? is it fear of the shots?
    nothing worth having in life comes easy. if you do an oral cycle, you will lose most, if not all, when you come off...
    lets remember the type of advice you give evil, alright?
    no need to get your panties in a bunch....suck it up agree your worng and move on

    follow this link to see why you were wrong evil

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Manpretty
    lets remember the type of advice you give evil, alright?
    no need to get your panties in a bunch....suck it up agree your worng and move on

    follow this link to see why you were wrong evil
    ok sparky, lets clear a few things up.
    first, your style of posting and arguing is very similar to that guy that posts as theaccountant.
    second, you really need to form an opinion of your own before you go swinging from someone elses nutsack.
    third, as respected as nark is, that thread is not scientific proof to support you telling anyone they are right or wrong. its simply him telling you his thoughts on it.
    there is this thing in the scientific community called a scientific principle. before it can become one, it has to be accepted by the entire scientific community as irrefutable. this means that if someone states that gravity will make an object fall to the ground, in order for that to be wrong, someone has to prove that under the same conditions that they can have an object of the same density/mass rise/float etc. this means for this hypothesis to be refuted, you have to be able to reproduce it every time, under the same conditions. no exceptions. i tried to keep this simple for you.
    for the sake of your argument, you have to prove that there has never been, nor will there ever be, a person that loses "most, if not all."
    when this can be proven in the realm of science, then you can say im wrong. too many people have posted their experiences over the years to prove you can never make such a claim.
    so lets simplify it some.
    i say people can lose most, if not all after an oral only cycle. i can make this statement because its happened before.
    as respected as nark is (and this is not a dig on him, as he knows more about gear than i probably ever will. its just me pointing out that you simply used him), his responses to you were based on his own observations, not empirical evidence gathered in a scientific fashion. does this make him wrong? no. does it make him 100% correct? no. you went to a highly-respected member not for support, but because you are too lazy to do the research yourself, and you figured he already did it at some point in the past.
    does it allow you to go off on people and try to bash them? no, ignorance does that.

    this is my last response to you about this, as its pretty clear all you want to do is try to stir people up and then post insults, much like theaccountant...

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by evil pepsi
    ok sparky, lets clear a few things up.
    first, your style of posting and arguing is very similar to that guy that posts as theaccountant.
    second, you really need to form an opinion of your own before you go swinging from someone elses nutsack.
    third, as respected as nark is, that thread is not scientific proof to support you telling anyone they are right or wrong. its simply him telling you his thoughts on it.
    there is this thing in the scientific community called a scientific principle. before it can become one, it has to be accepted by the entire scientific community as irrefutable. this means that if someone states that gravity will make an object fall to the ground, in order for that to be wrong, someone has to prove that under the same conditions that they can have an object of the same density/mass rise/float etc. this means for this hypothesis to be refuted, you have to be able to reproduce it every time, under the same conditions. no exceptions. i tried to keep this simple for you.
    for the sake of your argument, you have to prove that there has never been, nor will there ever be, a person that loses "most, if not all."
    when this can be proven in the realm of science, then you can say im wrong. too many people have posted their experiences over the years to prove you can never make such a claim.
    so lets simplify it some.
    i say people can lose most, if not all after an oral only cycle. i can make this statement because its happened before.
    as respected as nark is (and this is not a dig on him, as he knows more about gear than i probably ever will. its just me pointing out that you simply used him), his responses to you were based on his own observations, not empirical evidence gathered in a scientific fashion. does this make him wrong? no. does it make him 100% correct? no. you went to a highly-respected member not for support, but because you are too lazy to do the research yourself, and you figured he already did it at some point in the past.
    does it allow you to go off on people and try to bash them? no, ignorance does that.

    this is my last response to you about this, as its pretty clear all you want to do is try to stir people up and then post insults, much like theaccountant...
    if there is research on this i dont know where to find it...that is why i asked nark.....and thnak you for the grade 11 physics lesson using your line of thought orals and inject should be considered equal because there are people that have lost ALL their gains from injects too....

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    there is nothing that is 100% safe. set your fears of customs aside and take the shots. you will be glad you did, and your liver will thank you for it...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Customs is no biggie unless youre in Australia... read all the profiles in the steroid profile section and you will see the pros and cons of orals and injectables for yourself.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    If your not ready to shoot your not ready to cycle.

    The only thing i would run with out shooting is var.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Gsxxr
    If your not ready to shoot your not ready to cycle.

    The only thing i would run with out shooting is var.
    yo guys how about this..... stats and goal first then make a decision on whether or not he should go with an orals only.

    this board is amazing for "inject with every cycle"
    someone explain to me scientifically why you shouldnt take an oral only you cant.....or i will find holes in your theory.....
    i want to beable to say to myself "wow you are totally right, never thought of it that way, i have no doubt you are right" after your responce

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Manpretty
    yo guys how about this..... stats and goal first then make a decision on whether or not he should go with an orals only.

    this board is amazing for "inject with every cycle"
    someone explain to me scientifically why you shouldnt take an oral only you cant.....or i will find holes in your theory.....
    i want to beable to say to myself "wow you are totally right, never thought of it that way, i have no doubt you are right" after your responce
    What does stats have to do with shooting?????

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Manpretty
    yo guys how about this..... stats and goal first then make a decision on whether or not he should go with an orals only.

    this board is amazing for "inject with every cycle"
    someone explain to me scientifically why you shouldnt take an oral only you cant.....or i will find holes in your theory.....
    i want to beable to say to myself "wow you are totally right, never thought of it that way, i have no doubt you are right" after your responce
    OK teach me. What is a few good oral only cycle????

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Gsxxr
    OK teach me. What is a few good oral only cycle????

    look man im asking you.....a guy that is a mod and with 10000 post SHOULD be able to back up what he is saying.....i asked you to back up what you said about injecting with evidence.

    why i asked about stats AND goals because i think its pretty clear that injecting does not fit everyones goals.....but instead of having a back and forth convo with you about why injecting is necessary i rather you back up you comments with new(ish) like a couple months to the game....through my research(all be it, not nearly as much as youve done) ive come across alot of people SAYING this is true with little to no evidence......
    ps dont take this as an attack on you just i think your line of reasoning might have gone a stray

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Manpretty
    look man im asking you.....a guy that is a mod and with 10000 post SHOULD be able to back up what he is saying.....i asked you to back up what you said about injecting with evidence.

    why i asked about stats AND goals because i think its pretty clear that injecting does not fit everyones goals.....but instead of having a back and forth convo with you about why injecting is necessary i rather you back up you comments with new(ish) like a couple months to the game....through my research(all be it, not nearly as much as youve done) ive come across alot of people SAYING this is true with little to no evidence......
    ps dont take this as an attack on you just i think your line of reasoning might have gone a stray

    Most orals are hard on the liver. I tend to not like putting strain on the live when i dont have to. Most orals should only be run for 4-6 weeks. You can run test deca eg and others for a longer time frame. With lesser or the same amout of sides.

    Orals work best and a cycle jumpstart or at the end to harden the muscle. They also have a short half life so you can run them right up to pct.

    One of my problems with orals are. That people tend to abuse them as well.

    If some one is looking into a var or t-bol cycle to put on 5 10 pounds it's not worth it. In most cases you can do that with just diet and training.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Golds Gym
    Quote Originally Posted by Manpretty
    look man im asking you.....a guy that is a mod and with 10000 post SHOULD be able to back up what he is saying.....i asked you to back up what you said about injecting with evidence.

    why i asked about stats AND goals because i think its pretty clear that injecting does not fit everyones goals.....but instead of having a back and forth convo with you about why injecting is necessary i rather you back up you comments with new(ish) like a couple months to the game....through my research(all be it, not nearly as much as youve done) ive come across alot of people SAYING this is true with little to no evidence......
    ps dont take this as an attack on you just i think your line of reasoning might have gone a stray
    Hey bro, there are many aspects that one has to look at as to why many bros dont advise the use of an only oral cycle, and they advise incorporating some sort of injectable in the cycle.

    There are a couple aspects that need to be looked at, two of those have been mentioned here and in many other threads. Which are damage to your liver and also you wont keep most or all the gains after completion of an oral only cycle.

    Another aspect(s) that many forget is that you will actually gain more in the same time frame using injectables over orals. When i say gains, im talking about quality muscle, not just weight.

    Another aspect is that with injectables you can administer them for a longer duration, compared to only orals. Oral AAS that are potent mass builders are not meant to be used more than 6 weeks max. While injectables such as Test, Deca, Eq, Primo, can be administered for longer periods of time, with far less sides. For example running Test E for twelve weeks would be fine, but running Dbol or Drol for 12 weeks, well you see where im going.

    Something else to consider is that there are many different types of combos you can use to further stimulate muscles and receptors when using injectables. Combos like Test+Deca, Test+Deca+Eq, Test+Eq, Test+Tren, well the list keeps going and going. Then when you look at orals there isnt that many if at all any kind of combos you can run.

    I fully agree that oral AAS has a part in a cycle, and one should consider incorporating one into a cycle, but solely to kickstart or at the back end of a cycle to harden up.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Down South
    Quote Originally Posted by Manpretty
    yo guys how about this..... stats and goal first then make a decision on whether or not he should go with an orals only.

    this board is amazing for "inject with every cycle"
    someone explain to me scientifically why you shouldnt take an oral only you cant.....or i will find holes in your theory.....
    i want to beable to say to myself "wow you are totally right, never thought of it that way, i have no doubt you are right" after your responce
    bc this board is filled with parrots.. ppl who read something once and then post is on others threads.. I have ran tbol/var, var, oral masteron with great success.. for ppl who say you cant run a good cycle with only orals dont have a clue about what their saying.. it may not be the most "optimal" but it CAN work... I do think that haveing an injectable like test stacked w var would yield more gains, but var by itself CAN worked.. just my opinion

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Liftnainez
    bc this board is filled with parrots.. ppl who read something once and then post is on others threads.. I have ran tbol/var, var, oral masteron with great success.. for ppl who say you cant run a good cycle with only orals dont have a clue about what their saying.. it may not be the most "optimal" but it CAN work... I do think that haveing an injectable like test stacked w var would yield more gains, but var by itself CAN worked.. just my opinion

    i believ you and i agree that you will gain with oral only cycles and keep some of it, my argument is the limp dick factor. hence injectable test in every cycle. that is my main reason

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Down South
    Quote Originally Posted by Mista Massive
    i believ you and i agree that you will gain with oral only cycles and keep some of it, my argument is the limp dick factor. hence injectable test in every cycle. that is my main reason
    actually my dick was upping and fuking ALOT on var and tbol.. so no i still dont see your reason

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Golds Gym
    Quote Originally Posted by Gsxxr
    If your not ready to shoot your not ready to cycle.

    The only thing i would run with out shooting is var.
    Couldnt agree with you more bro

  21. #21
    ps acessorized post your stats and goals

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    take winstrol with your d bols
    1. dbol 20mg, winstrol 25mg ed
    2. dbol 30mg, winstrol 25mg ed
    3. dbol 35mg, winstrol 25mg ed
    4. dbol 30mg, winstrol 40mg ed
    5. dbol 25mg, winstrol 50mg ed
    6. dbol 20mg, winstrol 25mg ed
    but it will be much more effective with test 250-400mg / wk

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by godric
    take winstrol with your d bols
    1. dbol 20mg, winstrol 25mg ed
    2. dbol 30mg, winstrol 25mg ed
    3. dbol 35mg, winstrol 25mg ed
    4. dbol 30mg, winstrol 40mg ed
    5. dbol 25mg, winstrol 50mg ed
    6. dbol 20mg, winstrol 25mg ed
    but it will be much more effective with test 250-400mg / wk
    you would get better gains from 6 weeks of t-bol.

    Or better yet run test prop for the same 6 weeks and get even better gains.

    run test prop with winny and you will yeld even better lean gains.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    One of my problems with orals are. That people tend to abuse them as well.


    I have abuse them. Trust me when you start to stick 4 times a day that shit gets old real quick.

    If some one is looking into a var or t-bol cycle to put on 5 10 pounds it's not worth it. In most cases you can do that with just diet and training.

    I have done oral only cycle. I did d-bol for 6 weeks. I gained 12 pounds with out that great of a diet. When i came off I was left with 3 pounds and liver enzymes throw the roof.

    Winny only cycle i was hard i was strong i looked great. Right up to the point my joints were hurting me. Came off 2 weeks later i was right back were i started. Oh but i had a shoulder cuff problem and my joins hurt for 6 weeks later.

    Var only cycle 10 weeks as a cutter. This was a good cycle. I cut from 12 to 7% bf. I looked great and felt great. When i came off i kept gain for a good 8 10 weeks. If i had added prop i would have gained more and kept more.

    test prop only cycle i put on 13 pounds and kept 8. Had little to no sides other then acne when i came off. This gave me the best pump out of all the cycle listed. i looked great and felt great.

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Gsxxr
    I have done oral only cycle. I did d-bol for 6 weeks. I gained 12 pounds with out that great of a diet. When i came off I was left with 3 pounds and liver enzymes throw the roof.

    Winny only cycle i was hard i was strong i looked great. Right up to the point my joints were hurting me. Came off 2 weeks later i was right back were i started. Oh but i had a shoulder cuff problem and my joins hurt for 6 weeks later.

    Var only cycle 10 weeks as a cutter. This was a good cycle. I cut from 12 to 7% bf. I looked great and felt great. When i came off i kept gain for a good 8 10 weeks. If i had added prop i would have gained more and kept more.

    test prop only cycle i put on 13 pounds and kept 8. Had little to no sides other then acne when i came off. This gave me the best pump out of all the cycle listed. i looked great and felt great.
    was pct in all the failed cycles run properly?
    was diet modified for your high mass?

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Manpretty
    was pct in all the failed cycles run properly?
    was diet modified for your high mass?
    yes and yes.

    but can i say diet was 100% on with each. No

  27. #27
    my problem with advocating injects in every cycle is that you are not taking in to account the persons goal and stats.....there may be a guy that is 30%bf and started working out 3days ago that is willing to inject but that does not mean by any stretch of the imagination he is ready for AAS.....and there might be a guy that is at his genetic potenial and is not willing or ready to inject, does this mean he is not ready to cycle???

    on top of all this why are prohormones accepted better than oral guys see no problem with a cycle of 4ad, but you do with a dbol cycle????? COME ON
    Last edited by Manpretty; 12-30-2006 at 03:34 PM.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Its just a well known and widely accepted fact that injectables are more effective and less harmfull that orals, there have been countless studies and reports kicking around for years its not a new idea... they are just trying to steer the guy in the right direction thats all. Just as its widely accepted the universe is infinite... If someone asked me for directions to the end of the universe Id have to tell them Sorry the universe is infinite and there is no end.

  29. #29
    Hey guys thanks for all the feed 24 been training for two years good diet try to eat a meal of equal protein carbs and vegies..6ft 100kg[220lbs] i not looking for hardening of the muscles and little gain. that training diet and protein supp hasnt given me. Guys are you telling me in 2006/7 theres not one oral steroid u can take on its own..and every time u have anything does it have to be followed by a pct....there must be a oral steroid u can take on its own for little gains .....

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by acessorized
    Hey guys thanks for all the feed 24 been training for two years good diet try to eat a meal of equal protein carbs and vegies..6ft 100kg[220lbs] i not looking for hardening of the muscles and little gain. that training diet and protein supp hasnt given me. Guys are you telling me in 2006/7 theres not one oral steroid u can take on its own..and every time u have anything does it have to be followed by a pct....there must be a oral steroid u can take on its own for little gains .....
    reread the thread.

  31. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by beuleux
    Its just a well known and widely accepted fact that injectables are more effective and less harmfull that orals, there have been countless studies and reports kicking around for years its not a new idea... they are just trying to steer the guy in the right direction thats all. Just as its widely accepted the universe is infinite... If someone asked me for directions to the end of the universe Id have to tell them Sorry the universe is infinite and there is no end.
    where might i find one of these studies so i can read it for myself?

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Manpretty
    where might i find one of these studies so i can read it for myself?
    Would you like me to read it to you too.

  33. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by beuleux
    Would you like me to read it to you too.
    go check the thread titled oral only gains....youll see there that most guys think massive was providing useless you really wanna back him up???

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Well i do look at people’s goals. And if they just started to work out and are at 30%. I would tell them there not ready to cycle.

    I don’t believe in prohormones at all.

    When people are asked for there stats they should provide all the info we need. This is height, weight, age, bf, years of training, diet, and work out regiment along with their goals.

    Keep in mind 50% of people lie to us on this info. They always fluff the truth. That is why I do conservative cycle for other. You will rarely see me advise a cycle I would do to someone.

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    ask yor liver why

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    var can be run by it's self.

  37. #37
    what is it about oral compounds that make gains hard to retain???

    if this is true why do people bother kick starting with orals? following your reasoning the only gains youll see at the end of the cycle will be soley from the injects because you would lose the gains you made from the oral. or does your body say "no these orals gains are ok to keep because he ran injects with them, if he hadent run injects tho these gains would be outta here!!"

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Manpretty
    what is it about oral compounds that make gains hard to retain???

    if this is true why do people bother kick starting with orals? following your reasoning the only gains youll see at the end of the cycle will be soley from the injects because you would lose the gains you made from the oral. or does your body say "no these orals gains are ok to keep because he ran injects with them, if he hadent run injects tho these gains would be outta here!!"

    you obviously don't understand the basics of cycling with anabolic steroids and you have actually embarassed yourself presenting this argument. orals are used to kick start so gains can be seen more quickly when using a long ester such as test E or C. that does not mean that those gains from the orals will be kept, it's just to avoid 4-6 weeks of frustation of waitingf for those particular long esters to build up in the body.

    once again, if you had researched, you would find that many experienced AS users no longer use orals to kick start as an injectable kick starter, such as Test Prop provides better KEEPABLE gains

  39. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by Mista Massive

    once again, if you had researched, you would find that many experienced AS users no longer use orals to kick start as an injectable kick starter, such as Test Prop provides better KEEPABLE gains

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    i just read this thread and can't believe this guy manpretty.

    you are asking for proof? if you had TRUELY researched then i garuntee you would have come across this situation numerous times as it is mentioned on numerous internet sites and databases.

    can we please not forget that 99% of all steroids suppress or even shut down your natural testosterone levels. ORALS INCLUDED. regardless of the damage that orals play on your liver, i personally wouldn't do any cycle without an injectable (one definatley being test) or two. i like keeping my gains. and i don't know about you but i don't want to have libido issues during a cycle.
    Last edited by Mista Massive; 12-30-2006 at 07:34 PM.

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