Originally Posted by
evil pepsi
ok sparky, lets clear a few things up.
first, your style of posting and arguing is very similar to that guy that posts as theaccountant.
second, you really need to form an opinion of your own before you go swinging from someone elses nutsack.
third, as respected as nark is, that thread is not scientific proof to support you telling anyone they are right or wrong. its simply him telling you his thoughts on it.
there is this thing in the scientific community called a scientific principle. before it can become one, it has to be accepted by the entire scientific community as irrefutable. this means that if someone states that gravity will make an object fall to the ground, in order for that to be wrong, someone has to prove that under the same conditions that they can have an object of the same density/mass rise/float etc. this means for this hypothesis to be refuted, you have to be able to reproduce it every time, under the same conditions. no exceptions. i tried to keep this simple for you.
for the sake of your argument, you have to prove that there has never been, nor will there ever be, a person that loses "most, if not all."
when this can be proven in the realm of science, then you can say im wrong. too many people have posted their experiences over the years to prove you can never make such a claim.
so lets simplify it some.
i say people can lose most, if not all after an oral only cycle. i can make this statement because its happened before.
as respected as nark is (and this is not a dig on him, as he knows more about gear than i probably ever will. its just me pointing out that you simply used him), his responses to you were based on his own observations, not empirical evidence gathered in a scientific fashion. does this make him wrong? no. does it make him 100% correct? no. you went to a highly-respected member not for support, but because you are too lazy to do the research yourself, and you figured he already did it at some point in the past.
does it allow you to go off on people and try to bash them? no, ignorance does that.
this is my last response to you about this, as its pretty clear all you want to do is try to stir people up and then post insults, much like theaccountant...