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Thread: fina,winstrol, and dbol cycle?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    fina,winstrol, and dbol cycle?

    i know you're probably thinking why do i have a bulker and cutter in the same cycle well i have like 42 50mg dbol left over from my last cycle which was dbol only... and i was wanting to run
    75mg of fina ed
    50mg of winstrol tabs ed
    50mg of dbol ed for 6 weeks
    what can i excpect?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Toronto, Canada
    no no no and no. Bro you'll have no liver left after a cycle like that. Run the fina and winny. Save the bol for a rainy day.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    i dont believe the liver crap... the cycle i just got off of in may was dbol 50mg a day for 14 weeks. i had tests done and my liver was in tip top shape... i talked to bouncer throughout my whole cycle and he said he once heard of someone running it for 20 weeks without problems.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Toronto, Canada
    bro it depends on the person. But for the average joe, 4 weeks of bol is enough, anything more will do damage. But everyone differs, and u might be able to tolerate more then others. Good for you. I am just telling you that i would not do a cycle of tren/winny/bol. But if you are going to do it anyway you shouldn't have asked

  5. #5
    G-S Guest
    I don't believe the liver crap either. WAY overrated, IMO. Read some's not proven at all.

    How come no TEST in that mix?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    hey didnt meen to sound harsh full intensity... now that ive read my post i see i came off that way... i was just saying that i believe my liver could tolerate it i was just wondering what side my gains would be towards...bulking or cutting...hey gettin stupid i didnt throw test into the mix since im on a budget... i through the dbol since i had some left over and wanted to get rid of them.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Toronto, Canada
    bro my apologies....i am very bitter about the kev thread still and need a beer to relax. My bad....Anyway the fina(tren) and winny will help to add solid quality muscle (hard muscle) Which you should be very happy with (just remember to follow a strict diet) and the bol will give you a bit of a watery look but might also help to lube up the joints cause the winny dries them out. Once the cycle is stopped and clomid is all said and done, most of the gains from the bol will go leaving you with the hard solids gains from the fina winny.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Calgary Canada

    i think the liver toxicity thing is over rated- really you should rely on the advice of bro's who have done the same doses or greater. But i would really treat my organs well on that one- water, ala, milk thistle yadda yadda

    regardless though- for your cycle, I think the winny will be a pretty marginal return on investment. I mean- with 75mg fina and 50mg d-bol, I don't know if you'll even notice the winny is there. And it will probably cost you more than the other 2 combined.

    I'd say just save it for a cutting cycle.

    But just my opinion- I haven't ran those 3 together- so I can't tell you what you'd expect.

    I bet it would be alot of fucking gains though!!!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    full intensity... thats why i got the idea to run it because i hear all these stories about peoples joints aching from the winny...and lush im getting generic winstrol tabs for a decent price, im getting 100 50mg tabs so i should have enough

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Calgary Canada
    aroid- are you running any anti-e's on this?

    And are you looking for any specific goals on this- or are you just wondering what these 3 lovely juices will do for you together?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    im not going to do this cycle till my foot heals... so i dont have any of these yet except the dbol.. i broke my foot a week ago so im out for 12 weeks.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 1999
    up an ass
    Some stuff I found on toxicity of the liver ok its not all from aas studies but u get the idea

    this is written by Bill R

    The other main area of concern with safety of these drugs is hepatotoxicity of oral anabolics. Primobolan oral does not have this problem, but on the other hand, is essentially useless for a male bodybuilder at 5 mg/tab. At least 100 mg/day would be needed even for mild effect, and this simply would be cost prohibitive. Oxandrolone has minimal liver toxicity, but is not known for greatly increasing gains, and is expensive. Stanozolol has some toxicity and is not particularly effective. This leaves methandrostenolone (Dianabol) and oxymetholone (Anadrol.) Dianabol is rather mild in its liver toxicity, at least if it is not used for many weeks consecutively. Anadrol can make some users feel rather ill rather quickly. In my opinion, if Dianabol will do the job, and it will in most cases, it is the better drug of the two. If nothing else, it is simply more pleasant for the user.

    Because oxymetholone is 17-alkylated, it is stressful to the liver. It is better to limit use to no more than 6 weeks or preferably four weeks before taking a break of at least equal length. Many users feel that it is more effectively used in the beginning parts of the cycle, rather than in the last few weeks.

    taken from an aids website

    Every physician knows that the potential danger of any oral anabolic steroid is that its first stop is the liver. "High doses of oral anabolic steroids can result in fatal liver toxicity--people have died from tumors in the liver," explains Dr. Hellerstein. "But from the study we conducted, we have been able to determine that people on 20mg of oxandrolone a day showed no sign of liver-toxicity. As a matter of fact, oxandrolone has been given for years at that dose for alcohol liver diseases. It should be noted, however, that an unpublished study has shown that people on 40mg and 80mg per day did show signs of liver-toxicity."

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