View Poll Results: Are you honest with your doctor about your steroid use?

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Thread: Are you honest with your doctor?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Venice CA

    Are you honest with your doctor?

    Going to be seeing a new doctor soon. I want to be honest, but I've read that if you tell your doctor about steroid use, your health insurance company will find out and your rates will rise. Don't really know how this works.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Fortunately my doctor was very open about me using steroids which made it easier for me to talk to her about it. she doesn't know all the details, but enough to know I am doing it wisely and not over the top

  3. #3
    No, unless you want it on your medical records which could end up affecting your chances of insurance in the future. Not a good idea IMO.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Den sitta på huk ställ
    Quote Originally Posted by I**mfkr
    No, unless you want it on your medical records which could end up affecting your chances of insurance in the future. Not a good idea IMO.
    Hmm...well if an AAS-related health issue arises in the future, are you going to address your AAS use with your doctor then?

    How are they going to be able to make an educated decision on how to treat your ailment if they are not aware of your AAS use and they can not tune into what exactly is causing the problem at hand?

    Just a lil food for thought.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Totally !!! He is fully aware and even says that he wants to know when I am on cycle so he can monitor me. He has even done some research and given me web pages on the use of HRT.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    The Balkans Somewhere...
    I am also completely honest with my doctor about it. Although he did guarantee that I would lose all my hair within a year...but whatever I wanted to do...that was 3 years ago.

  7. #7
    man i want to talk to my doctor about it but im scared of the same thing as you higher insurance and stuff, so no i dont tell him.. probably a bad idea but i get all my bloodwork done by my friend who is a med-tech so its fine.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by vecchio82
    I am also completely honest with my doctor about it. Although he did guarantee that I would lose all my hair within a year...but whatever I wanted to do...that was 3 years ago.

    How is your hair?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    The Balkans Somewhere...
    Quote Originally Posted by Getbig06
    How is your hair?

    I have a full head of hair.

  10. #10
    Your mistaken if you think your insurance company will not know about. your medical history is between you and your doctor no one else unless you allow it. All a insurance company knows anout you seeing your doctor is what there being billed for nothing else.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by gotjuice28
    Your mistaken if you think your insurance company will not know about. your medical history is between you and your doctor no one else unless you allow it. All a insurance company knows anout you seeing your doctor is what there being billed for nothing else.
    If only it was that easy.

    I could imagine if you had something go wrong while on gear. What are you gonna tell the insurance Co. after that? That's going to be on your record def because you have to reveal that you use Steriods if its that bad... But then again i dont know what injury could really be exactly pin pointed on steriods?


    Heres another question. How do most of you guys get bloodwork done? do you tell your Doc what to look for and have no questions asked?

    Also theres the fact of a confidential patient/doctor agreement...

  12. #12
    [QUOTE=donberry427]If only it was that easy.

    it is that easy your personal information is just that personal information, between you and your doctor.

  13. #13
    I know for a fact that before you get health or life insurance the company will look into your medical records.. my wife couldn't get insured for close to 4years because she admitted to rec drug use to her Gyno close to 5 years ago.. but go ahead if you think it'll help, most doctors don't know jack shit about hormone therapy/anabolics anyhow. Go see a specialist.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    At my age I better be regardless of the insurance company...

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Venice CA
    Quote Originally Posted by I**mfkr
    I know for a fact that before you get health or life insurance the company will look into your medical records..
    I don't understand this whole process. You tell your doctor something - he makes a note of it in his records - then what? If you get a new insurance company do they call your doctor for your medical records or something? How do they find out what your medical history is?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    new york city
    its my health...if the doc dont wanna help me...screw him..ill find one that does. im not gonna play russian rulette with my life bcse of what the doc might think...i could care less what he thinks...hes there to help me.

  17. #17
    Yes, my Doctor knows everything and it has never hurt me in any way, the idea it will damage your rep for insurance is a myth.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    I get the employee discount from my wife. She is doctor and keeps right up on everything I do and even dose some of my injections. The only downside is she says it isnt ethical for me to be doing it.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by IFR
    I get the employee discount from my wife. She is doctor and keeps right up on everything I do and even dose some of my injections. The only downside is she says it isnt ethical for me to be doing it.
    Nice, I wish I had that.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Jason865
    Yes, my Doctor knows everything and it has never hurt me in any way, the idea it will damage your rep for insurance is a myth.
    Not in TX big guy..

    Not sure if it's a state to state thing or what but trust me, insurance and LE can both gain access to your medical records if needed.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    im lucky enough to have a friend thats a doc and she has a depth of knowledge on AAS. tells me everything i neeed to know about every compound and what support supps i should be taking. she also forces me to get blood work which is good so she can monitor everything while im on.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Haro3
    im lucky enough to have a friend thats a doc and she has a depth of knowledge on AAS. tells me everything i neeed to know about every compound and what support supps i should be taking. she also forces me to get blood work which is good so she can monitor everything while im on.
    Its doesnt get any better than that!!!

  23. #23
    Tell you what, keep thinking that but until you experience thousands of dollars worth of hospital bills because your wife couldn't get personal insurance then all you're really doing is speculating what you believe is true.

  24. #24
    I would tell your Doc. I told mine and he actually gave me tips on injecting and some other stuff to make sure Im safe.
    You need to remember also that Doc. and Nurses all have confidentiality rules they have to follow. If they were to "let slip" or tell someone you could sue and they would easily loose there liscence to practice medicine, and for all the schooling they went through and the big bucks they get paid they are not going to screw around with that stuff. Trust me when I say confidentiality is super improtant to Doc. my mother is one and I could tell you all about it.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Den sitta på huk ställ
    Am I honest with my doc?....Absolutely!!!

    In the event that my health may take a shit whether it be AAS related or not, I think it is imperative to be straight and forward with my doc about all aspects of my health so that he/she can address all possibilities that may have led to any potential ailment and so he/she can form an opinion as to what course of action to take to treat such an ailment.

    Nuff said.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Den sitta på huk ställ
    47.06% in this poll have stated they are not honest with their doc so far??

    No wonder we have negative statistics out there.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    usa/east coast
    im afraid my doctor would rat me out so no i dont tell him shit any blood work related to roid use will be done through a confidential source like the 1 on this site im paranoid and i dont want to take chances,unless someone can reccomend a trust worthy doc in R.I. im not taking chances

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