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Thread: cutting with cottonseed oil

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Question cutting with cottonseed oil

    anyone ever cut injections with sterile cottonseed oil to lessen the post-shot injection pain? how much ml vs. ml does it take?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    At my computer
    I was wondering also.

  3. #3
    me too! I was thinking about a cycle with some "*******" test E and I've have been reading in another forum it can be very painful and a lot of people "cut" it with sesameseed or sunflower or cottonseed oil? to make it less painful? I was considering it but I don't know how much? also do you need to sterilize it?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by gettinbigger03
    me too! I was thinking about a cycle with some "*******" test E and I've have been reading in another forum it can be very painful and a lot of people "cut" it with sesameseed or sunflower or cottonseed oil? to make it less painful? I was considering it but I don't know how much? also do you need to sterilize it?
    for that brand(5ml satchets?), i had to cut it at a 1:1 ratio with sterile grapeseed oil to make it painless.

  5. #5
    yeah it was 5ml satchels. so that would be one ml test E and one ml grapeseed oil? did you have to sterilize it somehow?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by gettinbigger03
    yeah it was 5ml satchels. so that would be one ml test E and one ml grapeseed oil? did you have to sterilize it somehow?
    yeah, iml of each made it painless. my buddy had like 100ml of sterile grapeseed oil he didn't need that he gave me. if you can't find sterile, filter it through a whatman and add 1% BA.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by gettinbigger03
    yeah it was 5ml satchels. so that would be one ml test E and one ml grapeseed oil? did you have to sterilize it somehow?
    yeah, 1ml of each made it painless. my buddy had like 100ml of sterile grapeseed oil he didn't need that he gave me. if you can't find sterile, filter it through a whatman and add 1% BA.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    BA=benzyl alcohol. 1%=add 1% of the total volume of oil your adding it to and let it sit for a week to kill any bacteria. or you can just filter your oil into a larger vial with the gear since that particular brand has enough BA in it to kill anything! that's what makes it painful. so if you want a 1:1 ratio, just filter an equal amount of oil into a vial as the amount of test, swirl it around and let it sit for a week.

    and for your quad, if it's a virgin muscle, i'd go no more than 2. since your only going to be doing biweekly injections though, i'd go with a glute shot as it's usually the least painful spot and has been said to keep your blood levels more stable with longer estered gear.

  9. #9
    Thanks for all the info! I will be administering the shot myself, I heard that wasn't the easiest with the glutes? I actually found some sterile grapeseed oil online that is filtered. can I keep it and add it when I need it? or do I have to put it all in syringes as soon as I open it?

  10. #10
    another thing is it possible to use 1" pins in the glutes. Ideally I think your suppose to use 1.25-1.50" pins? I already ordered the 1" pins?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    i use 1 and 1/2 in the glutes, but if your body fat % is low, you can get away with a 1". it's pretty easy to get the glutes unless you have massive lats. i usually lay down on my side and swing my outside leg over, makes it a little easier. and you can draw 1cc of your gear and then 1cc of GSO each time you do a shot, i just think it's easier to add what you need and draw your shot from 1 container instead of 2, ya know? you may want to try a few different ratio's in the syringe first to see what works good for you. you may not need a 1:1 to make it painless even though i did.

  12. #12
    thanks for all your help I'll try it!

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