My first cycle will prob be 10-12 weeks: 400 mg test en every week.
This is not a heavy cycle so i dont think the pct should be heavy too(but still i want to keep as much as i can from the cycle coz i dont plan another one soon).
I thought about 2 weeks pct(ill start 2 weeks after the last shot).
First week: 100 mg Clomid +20 mg Nolvadex ed.
Second week: 50 mg Clomid +10 mg Nolvadex ed.
I also might consider 2 shots of hcg(2500 iu each) - one on week 11(or 9) the outher one on week 12(or 10).
What do you think ?
I also consider adding Anastrozole(like l-dex) from week 1 to week 16 about 0.25 mg ed or Proviron(i dont know how much). what do you think about that ?