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Thread: A New Goal For Summer

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  1. #1

    Smile A New Goal For Summer

    Alright well i start off by saying that im a new member today and i have never really spent time working out for the most part my names John and Im 19 years old 6 foot 157 pounds. I have no idea my body fat or anything else. I used play soccer, crosscountry and track and was very fast i used to run a 5k in like 16:30's but i got to college and started parting hardcore drinking everynight ...fing girls. im in a fraternity like to have lots of fun. but im on summer vacation and wanted to pick up a new hobbie so i wanted to benifit myself so i chose Workingout not really so much cardio but more lifting wieghts cause i wanna get bigger and more muscular. I went to a buddies house the other day to see how much i could bench and right now 185 i dunno if thats good or not but wutever. but i was seeing wut kind of workout and eating schedule i would need to get up to 180 thats my goal for the summer. Im a very dedicated person and i was wondering if anyone could give me some tips i'll put a couple pics up 2 show u what i look like now and hopefully different by the end of the summer. i've never done steriods before but i have plenty of freinds that have i dont look down upon them but right now i dunno, but for now i just want to get on a work out plan. and start busting my ass off.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Ununited States
    I am sure everyone will tell you NO ROIDS right now. And I will say the same thing. Work out for a long time eat a lot of food.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Training my ninja Degu
    You're definately not ready for a steroid cycle.

    Train and eat naturally.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    he never said he was gonna do a cycle, he was asking for advice on a workout routine...i think you should stick to heavy compound movements like deads, squats, bench, and eat a ton of food. at your age you should be able to make great improvements, especially if you're as dedicated as you say you are. make sure you have someone show you proper form before jumping into anything though, you can really do some damage if you dont know what you're doing. hit up the diet forum and good luck reaching your goal. -B-STRONG

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    you definetly have potential bro. u have some good symetry from what i see. As b strong said, stick to compound movemnts or also known as "core building" movements, like deadlifts, benching, squats.

  6. #6
    aight sounds goods i'll check out the diet forum. and i'll defiently do the compound movements

  7. #7
    I would quess about 10-13% body fat, just a quess, anyway thats not important for you , because you are already lean(sometimes thats half the battle), anyway i was built like you years ago, YOU NEED TO eat every two hours, protein/carb/fat, 4000 cals a day should do it--see what works best for you, I loved straight Creatine Mono, and high cals, add some NO2 to help out recovery, and finally cycle your training, take two months from time to time and do heavy compound powerlifting moves and'll grow your at the perfect age---stay away from roids for now--good luck

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Ununited States
    Quote Originally Posted by unfonehittaquitta
    Alright well i start off by saying that im a new member today and i have never really spent time working out for the most part my names John and Im 19 years old 6 foot 157 pounds. I have no idea my body fat or anything else. I used play soccer, crosscountry and track and was very fast i used to run a 5k in like 16:30's but i got to college and started parting hardcore drinking everynight ...fing girls. im in a fraternity like to have lots of fun. but im on summer vacation and wanted to pick up a new hobbie so i wanted to benifit myself so i chose Workingout not really so much cardio but more lifting wieghts cause i wanna get bigger and more muscular. I went to a buddies house the other day to see how much i could bench and right now 185 i dunno if thats good or not but wutever. but i was seeing wut kind of workout and eating schedule i would need to get up to 180 thats my goal for the summer. Im a very dedicated person and i was wondering if anyone could give me some tips i'll put a couple pics up 2 show u what i look like now and hopefully different by the end of the summer. i've never done steriods before but i have plenty of freinds that have i dont look down upon them but right now i dunno, but for now i just want to get on a work out plan. and start busting my ass off.
    He just sounded like he was questioning weather or not to do it so I just tried to take that notion out of his mind.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by GGallin
    He just sounded like he was questioning weather or not to do it so I just tried to take that notion out of his mind.
    i have to agree it seems like he had the idea in his head thats the problem young guys see their friends doing it and jump on board

    mate i would train 3 times per week focus one day on bench one on squat and one on deadlift hit those the hardest dont get caught up with small muscles such as biceps just do one heavy set of bar bell curls and now the biggest secret which i wish i had followed if it wasnt for all the half assed bbs in my gym who kept telling me to diet for shows at your age get a diet plan and stick to it 4000cals per day spread into 6 servings and make that calorie quota each day and i will bet in a year you will be bigger than your friends on gear because its easy to jab your self its not so easy to force the food down every day!

  10. #10
    number twelve's Avatar
    number twelve is offline All Natty...Kinda~Winning Member Transformation Contest!
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    what b strong said...
    what frat are you in?

  11. #11
    hahha alright i'll shove the food down my face. and i wont even think of doing any roids.
    and pi kappa phi is the fraternity

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Ununited States
    I am a Freemason :>

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    south jordan utah
    do a cycle dude. lets guinea pig you.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2007
    workout hard and eat right good luck

  15. #15
    its hard to eat so many egg whites in the morning i was wondering if eating them raw is fine? i mean rocky does it right lol

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by unfonehittaquitta
    its hard to eat so many egg whites in the morning i was wondering if eating them raw is fine? i mean rocky does it right lol
    I buy egg beaters all egg whites which come in little cartons and if you drink a whole 8 oz carton it is the equivalent of 7 egg whites, but it is pasteurized so it is less likely to make you ill. i usually mix in a scoop of choc protein and it is freaking really good

  17. #17
    oh shit thats a good idea actully a****en really good idea is pasteruized bad though

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by unfonehittaquitta
    oh shit thats a good idea actully a****en really good idea is pasteruized bad though
    no, pasteurization doesnt change it's nutritious info much, it just kills bacteria. althought i think it might make more changes than that, becsaue it makes it where you cant make merigue out of the whites.

    They do not taste good alone, kinda salty and like calcium. But with a scoop of choc protein they are DELICIOUS like ice cream

  19. #19
    thats the coolest idea ever man protien and eggs im gonna half to tell my freinds

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