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Thread: A ONCE in a lifttime opportunity has came to my shitty town

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    A ONCE in a lifttime opportunity has came to my shitty town

    Hey guys this FRIDAY and SATURDAY the toughman competition will be in my town and anyone 18 or older can compete.

    For those who don't know what it is it's on TV the FX channel it's where just regular people go and box in a competition to see whose the toughest pretty much.

    I've been thinking about entering it, I KNOW it's been 5 months since i've boxed but I WANNA SEE if I stil got it. If I go and I see competition that's not outta my range or any competition at all I get in it. I don't know if this one will be televised but I believe the toughman competition comes on at 9 or 10 on the FX CHANNEL I only know the channel for direct tv and that's 248 sorry about all others with cable I have NO IDEA.

    I know for sure though if I win the match if I do it then i'll qualify and FOR SURE i'll be on TV. NOt sure about friday though.

    Time to hit the weight room.

    If I get on TV i'll give a shotout to all my boyz (and girlz) on the boards . People are probably gonna wonder WHAT THE FUCK is he talkin bout boards. OH WELL....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Do it , it will be fun!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    do it! or else me and jay will beat your ass !

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    do it most definately!!! youll regret it if you dont.

    wish it would come to austin...i havent boxed in years but id enter

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Do it Cubanito, why the hell not? You only live once bro, take the time to do the things you enjoy. Ive been sweating losing strength and shit because Ive been running a lot trying to get into good all around shape because I am trying to get a job as a police officer or corrections officer.
    Then I sat down and thought about and came to this conclusion, this is what I have always wanted to do and its very important to me. Weightlifting and shit will always be there, so what if it sets me back a little, this is my lifestyle you know, Ill always do it no matter what, but you gotta enjoy other aspects of life. JUST FUCKIN' DO IT!!! Go beat some ass and tells about it later. Let me know what you decide to do, oh and by the way how is that 350 coming? Im not very close yet lol.

  6. #6
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    Aug 2002
    AIGH GUYS tha answer is IN i think i'ma do it as of today, now I have to see one thing though when I call them tommorow to see how they go about aranging the fights. SEE not that I'm pussying out or anything but it'll be kinda fucked up if they put me with some 25 year old guy that has 5 years under his belt is 6 5 and weighs 260 then I KNOW by weight and reach i'm DEAD..... If it goes by like somewhat age and weight class THEN I'M IN.

    you can find out if they're coming to ur town by calling 1 800 99 TOUGH

    solidj I did 335 off 3 board that's how it's coming along and I think my speed is improving b/c i'm thinking speed like JAY says so hopefully I'll get that 350 soon although there's a lil problem I don't wanna max out anytime soon since i'm doing a meet in OCT 26 bench only I plan on 375 for that one but that will be hopefully in a single poly..... So I'll let you know I know for sure whatever I can do off a 2 board I can pause. Remember I stil work chest so I can have a high raw max too.

  7. #7
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    Jul 2002
    Yea I am back to raw benching myself, when I was doing Westside a few weeks ago I hit 315 off of a 1board and it was easy as hell but thats when I was doing closegrip full range movements as my ME work and boards as supplement work. I hit a 300 raw closegrip bench and my closegrip bench is usually about 20-35lbs below my regular bench. I am maybe a little stronger than that now so I am be closer than I think, this damn running is starting to kick my ass though, I guess I should up my food intake and see if it evens out. Good luck bro.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    hey way to go man, that close grip bench is awesome how far away from the middle of the bar do you grip it. My best is 280 close grip(5 weeks ago) with 4 inches in b/w my arms from the middle. I don't know the diff from my close grip to regular bench i'm guessin somewhere around 30-40lbs maybe.

    Good luck to you too bro. I'll let you guys know how toughman went.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    my regular bench is 2 inches away from the smooth. That's actually better than when I competed in ST PETE that I was 1 inch away from the smooth. My bench basically uses no lats/back b/c I havn't worked them as hard I plan on having a bench with my ring finger on power rings by the end of this year slowly every month I go a lil wider so I don't see myself LOSING soo much strength.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    thats a good plan, i moved my bench grip out from pinky just inside the power ring, to middle finger on the power rings.... and that was 2 weeks ago, and 1 week i hit 175x4(pr), and this week i hit 195 x 1(ties PR) , so i didnt lose much strength.. and i doubt you will either if you do it gradually.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    thanks man good to know since I was just experimenting I wasn't positive about this that someone else has done it and it worked for them

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    I MUST have the WORST fucking luck EVER.

    Well here's how toughman went tonight, IT DIDN'T. here's why

    I just recently got a new car and I knew that the area toughman was in most likely with the extras i put on my car they probably wouldn't have been there when I came out. So I took my dads truck. I got on I95 with my friends and we were riding up to where the toughman contest was suppose to be. Well I'm riding and going about 80mph when I'm going over a bridge on the way there next to me is this big semi I start hearing this noise and everyone else does too and we thought the truck was a piece of shit well he pulls back tha noise got louder and he starts flashing his lights RIGHT behind me then I feel TURBULENCE in the wheel, GUESS Wat I had a fuckin blow out. The worst part is that NONE of us brought our cell phones I thought I was gonna compete so I didn't bring it for some odd reason, none of my friends did b/c they thought one of us would have one. So two of them stayed in the car while me and my other friend WALKED 1 mile to the nearest exit then another 1.3 miles to the nearest gas station to call for roadside assistance. I just now got home from dropping them off at their houses and WE NEVER MADE it to toughman.

    THAT PISSES ME OFF all b/c I didn't wanna take my car or else I coulda came on here tonight and posted whether I got my ASS beat or I beat some ass.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    that sucks man... i got stranded out in a big ass lake one time and didnt bring a cell phone.. it was kinda fun actually.

    better luck next time man...

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    yea upset where I live i dunno if there'll be a next time. I mean I know the thing is also tomm night, BUT i've had plans wit this new girl(and yes I stil have my g/f) since like 3 weeks ago and I didn't wanna break those plans. SOO...... it's either pussy or fight hmmmmm now i'ma have to think bout that one tomm at work

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    hmm pussy or fight... bring her to the fight, fight some one , kick their ass, the girl will be all impressed, and then you get some pussy as well

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Thanks man WELL the results are in I went with the pussy.

    I really didn't feel like competing in it too much especially not after my ME leg day and my legs hurting so bad and back bruised(battle scar) from positioning the bar different(thanks to GRIMMER).

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