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Thread: has anyone heard of

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    has anyone heard of

    isotretinoin i think is how its spelled. Its an oral acne medication. I am planning for my next cycle and i had horrible bacne this cycle from 500test e 480/decca. I used nizoral and acne wash once and 3 times a day. 3 showers a day. I used alcohol swabs five times a day on the trap and upper arms and delts. Still had bacne, although i think the alcohol cleared up my chest and shoulders. I just cant reach almost any of my back, and somekind of stick thing wouldnt be practical. Oh i also used letro to control the estrogen as some of you recomended and it still didnt help much.
    So i was wondering if this stuff is any good, what are the sides and what doseages should be taken.
    Thanks bros

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    my Dr. gave me Doxycycline tablets and it helped some with my acne.. I have bad skin naturally and I also sweat a lot so I usually have some acne/bacne most of the time anyway but when I did my cycle it greatly increased and this stuff helped bring it back to normal for me... I think I'm going to ask for something stronger though next time.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Isotretinoin is also know as Accutane.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by millionairemurph
    isotretinoin i think is how its spelled. Its an oral acne medication. I am planning for my next cycle and i had horrible bacne this cycle from 500test e 480/decca. I used nizoral and acne wash once and 3 times a day. 3 showers a day. I used alcohol swabs five times a day on the trap and upper arms and delts. Still had bacne, although i think the alcohol cleared up my chest and shoulders. I just cant reach almost any of my back, and somekind of stick thing wouldnt be practical. Oh i also used letro to control the estrogen as some of you recomended and it still didnt help much.
    So i was wondering if this stuff is any good, what are the sides and what doseages should be taken.
    Thanks bros
    Yep, that's accutane, and it's serious stuff. Should get rid of whatever you have in a couple months. 80 mg is a common dose, but that is a SHIT LOAD, and will make you lips incredibly chapped and you'll be easily sunburnt. 50 mgs per day is a better dose, or less, b/c there will be less sides. You don't need much to do the trick. I just did a cycle and took only 10 mgs per day and didn't get a single zit. Good luck!

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